Eternal Orbs

never find any eternal orb - never use any eternal orb... so i dont care :)
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

They should let everyone that has eternals keep just 1 (guess how many i have)
Well just lake so many others i must also say that the mirrors are the biggest problem and having eternal orbs makes that problem 10 times worse. Removing the mirrors while keeping the eternal orbs would've made more sense for sure, but this here is a step in the right direction and i'm happy to see that.
I see the mirror/eternal situation like this:

Eternal orbs on their own - good idea.
Mirrors on their own - not such a good idea.
Mirrors and eternals at the same time - what where you thinking ?!

Now that eternal orbs wouldn't drop anymore ... i'm not a big fan of keeping the already existing eternals, as someone mentioned ... just make them sell to the vendor for 5-6 whatever exalts and make them unusable.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG on Jul 6, 2015, 11:44:11 AM
Good and probably intresting change from temp leagues point of view.
Intresting from std(disadvantage is that its another change that small group of elitist peoples who are richest on std become richer).
Very very bad from regular HC point of view(rip all long terms projects).

Problem isnt in eternals, mirrors ect. Problem lay in insane amount of bots in std.
yep agree with that: making eternals not working, rewrite their description "can be vendored for 4 exalted orbs", end of story !
I dont care about eternals, the only problem for me is the feeling of being stupid when I use my orbs instead of just buy the item i want. The "barter" economy is just not working at all, orbs are the good old gold in D2 for many players included me.
marco150 wrote:
I dont care about eternals, the only problem for me is the feeling of being stupid when I use my orbs instead of just buy the item i want. The "barter" economy is just not working at all, orbs are the good old gold in D2 for many players included me.

I do agree that the "barter" economy and crafting doesn't work well at the moment. The orbs are viewed more like a currency and not as a something that you actually use for crafting.

I don't agree though that it's the D2 gold ... gold in D2 has absolutely no value and was and it still is useless.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Legacy items killed this game so far... now Legacy Orbs?... What happened to these guys... seriously... you guys are reason why there are tons of RMT sites in Google... now they will sell Eternals for $... don't ask me why... i quit... GJ chris
don't make items and orbs legacy... just remove them from game it's easy... devs think they are improving this game... actually they killing this game day by day... just one word... REMOVE OP ITEMS instead of making them LEGACY...
Nechlotack wrote:
Legacy items killed this game so far... now Legacy Orbs?... What happened to these guys... seriously... you guys are reason why there are tons of RMT sites in Google... now they will sell Eternals for $... don't ask me why... i quit... GJ chris

So you quit because RMT sites will sell eternal orbs for lots of cash? Are you shopping Eternals at those sites frequently or why are you bothering?

Either way - you will start playing awakening on fr like everybody else. Period.

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