Eternal Orbs

never had an eternal in 6months of gameplay, good riddens eternals i actually love that move from GGG.

As stated before yea, better focus on the temp leagues that most of playerbase is, than std the minority, lets face it std is boring as fck
Last edited by terpa23 on Jul 6, 2015, 10:17:21 AM
Eternal orbs MUST BE DELETED (converted).

As everyone says, all rich will make new tier 1 in an instance. And this change doesn't work to them.

Better convert them, 1 eternal to 3 ex.

Andrius319 wrote:
Eternal orbs MUST BE DELETED (converted).

As everyone says, all rich will make new tier 1 in an instance. And this change doesn't work to them.

Better convert them, 1 eternal to 3 ex.

yeah 1 eternal to 3 ex, when ppl bought them before for 6ex each.....rly bad suggestion....
Mirror Service for No.1 Harbinger Bow, Leg Multi Quiver, Zodiac Leather, Exquisite Blade and more:

Items Im looking for:

ign: Skalpo
To everyone that is bitching that "the rich get richer" you need to get your heads out of your ass. GGG doesn't balance around permaleagues, they balance around challenge leagues because that's the majority of the playerbase. Most of the community will have a fresh start with the awakening release, except for the hoarders sitting in standard with their legacy bullshit crying for validation, so does it REALLY matter if the rich get richer in standard? Not that there's anything wrong with standard players, just the ones that feel the need to spam their legacy shit in chat and show off their huge e-peen.
You do realize stopping the drop rate entirely of Eternal Orbs doesn't balance around challenge leagues right? They can easily alter drop rates IN challenge leagues and not in the perma leagues. That would solve this problem entirely that people are having with this change. No Eternals or Mirrors in new leagues from 2.0 on.
pNR wrote:
Andrius319 wrote:
Eternal orbs MUST BE DELETED (converted).

As everyone says, all rich will make new tier 1 in an instance. And this change doesn't work to them.

Better convert them, 1 eternal to 3 ex.

yeah 1 eternal to 3 ex, when ppl bought them before for 6ex each.....rly bad suggestion....

damn it. just because ratio is wrong to u, it doesn't mean the WHOLE idea is wrong.
whatever the fair ratio is, it should be changed.
Andrius319 wrote:
pNR wrote:
Andrius319 wrote:
Eternal orbs MUST BE DELETED (converted).

As everyone says, all rich will make new tier 1 in an instance. And this change doesn't work to them.

Better convert them, 1 eternal to 3 ex.

yeah 1 eternal to 3 ex, when ppl bought them before for 6ex each.....rly bad suggestion....

damn it. just because ratio is wrong to u, it doesn't mean the WHOLE idea is wrong.
whatever the fair ratio is, it should be changed.

and how do u find the fair ratio? Besides that u cant just take someones items and delete them...alot of ppl would dislike that!
Mirror Service for No.1 Harbinger Bow, Leg Multi Quiver, Zodiac Leather, Exquisite Blade and more:

Items Im looking for:

ign: Skalpo
Last edited by pNR on Jul 6, 2015, 10:34:24 AM
I like this change overall, but I havw to say removing mirror and buffing eternals would have been a better way to go IMO on further consideration. That would leave crafting as an expensive/viable option, rather than completely off the table, and it would remove the massive monopoly so many people are butthurt about.
IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
Mhh. well, i guess, there is the only way to make it fair, from everyone's perspective.
After using eternal orb, item cannot have more T1 mods than before eternal orb was used.
I have 4k hours in this game (some idle for sure) and have never had even 1 Eternal Orb drop... so, w/e.

edit: with the introduction of higher tier affixes, this is a very clever way of maintaining the value of current mirrored gear- +1 to GGG in that regard!
Last edited by awave on Jul 6, 2015, 10:49:21 AM
Toshis8 wrote:
Kinne wrote:
Great display of balls! GG GGG!
Ofc softcore will be move fucked up than ever but really I don't understand why anyone would ever want to play non-league anyways.

I remember someone at GGG saying long time ago that standard game for them is the most important and primary. Other, temporary leagues, are experimental, where they try out new stuff.

Qarl said that
Qarl wrote:
Challenge leagues (like Torment/Bloodlines) are a great place to test out new game mechanics while receiving plenty of feedback and data about how players interact with them. When challenge leagues end, we have to choose what parts of these new features to roll into the core game. Some systems like Rogue Exiles (Anarchy) and Shrines (Domination) came from challenge leagues in this way.

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