Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Thanks for the update Enki. I will play this on SSF. Only concern is that I will not see a Kitava's teaching any time soon (maybe never). How important that jewel is to keep up with mana demand? That 3K mana/sec cost seem a bit scary.
I started trying the updated leveling section already. Just wanted to mention that if you buy Wave of Conviction and Tempest Shield in Forest Encampment at the time it's indicated in the guide, they won't be at lvl 1, so I suppose you should say from Siosa.
I have been studying this in POBuilding and I have to say Enki you really pulled it off unless the mana sustain is difficult. Excellent consistent damage, decent defenses and really cheap. Also, totally doable in full rares which is perfect for this league. Bravo.

One thing I noticed in the Chest Armor section is Loreweave. A 90 str 105 int chest has an average of 76.8 chroms to get to 6 blue. Not too difficult. Likewise Carnal Armor (evasion and ES) and has a 25 mana only takes an average of 48.7. The Dex requirement is 88 which according to your POBuilding you would need 14 dex somewhere on your gear at level 90.

Thus, I would strongly recommend you adjust in your guide away from pure ES since it is useless for us now. Just trying to help and do my part. I would think that the flat 25 mana and 353 free evasion rating (without modifiers) is definitely worth getting.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Jun 18, 2020, 11:12:30 PM
smplx wrote:
Thanks for the update Enki. I will play this on SSF. Only concern is that I will not see a Kitava's teaching any time soon (maybe never). How important that jewel is to keep up with mana demand? That 3K mana/sec cost seem a bit scary.

That shouldn't be needed until you are well into the maps. At that point, you should be able to buy one at a reasonable price.
I saw that one of the cons is lower boss dps than most, exactly how much will this affect a new player like me? I haven't played much and the most I ever got to maps was T4 so I don't even really know what "good" dps looks.
GGG please allow Flicker Strike on Hollow Palm
Erseii wrote:
I saw that one of the cons is lower boss dps than most, exactly how much will this affect a new player like me? I haven't played much and the most I ever got to maps was T4 so I don't even really know what "good" dps looks.


I think I can give you my thoughts since I have been playing since 2013. If you follow this build you will be very happy. Obviously with practice we all become better players so I will just say that with average skill level, follow the build, upgrade when you can you should be able to clear the atlas.

If I can give you some good advice, progress somewhat conservatively and get levels and gear before you try the harder stuff (which is really tier 16 but it might be tier 12-14, it is not tier 4). And take on the hard stuff right after you level up. That way when you die (and you will) you will lose basically no experience because you can't lose a level in this game. This is the single most important lesson I have learned in 7 years. This is how you learn how to play well and not get all pissed off and trust me I have died at 90% of a level way more than I care to admit.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Jun 18, 2020, 11:10:34 PM
Hello Enki,

Firstly thank you for the 3.11 update to your guide! What would you suggest to add Frenzy Charges into the build?
spoonjabba wrote:
Hello Enki,

Firstly thank you for the 3.11 update to your guide! What would you suggest to add Frenzy Charges into the build?

If you really want to have them for some reason, free up some socket space for CWDT Cold Snap.
Damn, this was one of the few nice Elementalist builds...
Is this still possible to play this as Elementalist, or Necro bonuses are too good to ignore?
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
New Harvest crafts for alternate quality bonuses fit very well with both weapons and armor here, as we are not relying on armor's protection anyway.

Also, at first I thought Vaal Arc's lucky damage buff would be a solid DpS increase, but then I realized that most of our damage comes from Archmage/Arcane Cloud, so our damage variance is much smaller than original Arc's.

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