Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Benderx wrote:
Can't wait to start! Getting a error on PoB import.

Try with this POB version "Community"

murilomuka wrote:
Played this build in Metamorph. It was really smooth until red maps and really fun to play, but boss damage was lackluster. We didn't have archmage back then, though. So the bossing damage with archmage is better now or it still struggles against bosses?

The damage may look low in PoB, but the fact that we can facetank most of the time and damage output is much more consistent than the previous crit setups means we end up killing bosses faster.

Looking at the PoB, why exactly do you use almost full ES gear with Agnostic? Just for increased spell damage and easy socket colors?

Exactly that, coloring would otherwise take too much investment and since we don't scale either armour or evasion, we'd also barely gain anything out of it.
Would the enemies explode crusader mod + T1 offerings effect from hunter make sense? For a double influenced chest, I should add
Last edited by stEasy clap on Jun 18, 2020, 2:46:25 PM
I played this build on Delirium and loved It. It's really a good starter build.
stEasy clap wrote:
Would the enemies explode crusader mod + T1 offerings effect from hunter make sense? For a double influenced chest, I should add

I previously tried and found no meaningful clearspeed increase, in fact it just hurt sustain by exploding enemies not leaving corpses.

Finished the 3.11 update! It's an entirely new Necromancer setup, which was needed to fix the biggest issues this build had for a while now and move the build forward. The new setup can get incredibly tanky with enough damage for all endgame bossfights, while atleast in theory being budget friendly.
Last edited by Enki91 on Jun 18, 2020, 4:21:00 PM
Hey I was looking through your Build and decided to make it my league starter since I wanted to make a Arc Witch and your Build and Guide looks pretty cool :).

One Question: I quiet like the unleash support gem and was wondering how big the difference between unleash and spell echo support is and if it would hurt the build if I happened to use unleash instead of spell echo.
(Maybe with the addition of Thunderous Salvos at LVL 95)

Anyways have a nice day and a good league start :)
Last edited by Langschläfer123 on Jun 18, 2020, 4:45:46 PM
Hi Enki !

So I did an arc inquisitor and someone on reddit told me I could show it to you to see what you though of it. So here it is. It's a league starter and I'm not a master crafter but I think it should work well. I'm not sure about the survivability of the build, but I mostly play in SC and I'm not too bad at dodging stuff so it should work.

https://pastebin.com/LftSmbTy (made it on the community fork)

Oh yeah btw I did inquisitor because I recently made a league starter for each characters with skills/items that I enjoy playing and I have a necro witch already and I couldn't think of anything I liked to play more than arc with a templar so that's why.

Anyway, thanks for your work on your arc witch, I used that build when I got back into PoE a year ago and it was a really cool build !
Last edited by Raytag on Jun 18, 2020, 4:49:04 PM
Is the entire guide updated for 3.11 like all the leveling passives etc??
Last edited by Yoursoezpk on Jun 18, 2020, 5:35:33 PM
Awesome job Enki. People talk about your guide everywhere. You're awesome for this community. Great job!
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Yoursoezpk wrote:
Is the entire guide updated for 3.11 like all the leveling passives etc??

Everything appears to be up to date, except for the few things that PoB doesn't have yet such as Arcanist Brand (and it is clearly indicated that it's missing for now)

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