Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Thanks for the update! Now I'm torn between Caustic Arrow Raider and your Arc Witch for a league starter :)

Question: What do you guys think about leveling the first 12 levels with Frostbomb and Stormblast Mines & Orb of Storms for single target? How do Spark and Arc hold up against Brutus and Merveil?
I went through the harvest crafting option list and holy sh*t some of those are really nuts. Looks super good for SSF. Guaranteed 6 link on craft, turning augments into regals, 10 chaos to an exalt, insane metacrafting options like reroll all prefix / reroll all suffix, add influence, trading up oils, divination card gambles, changing armour/weapon into jewelry with similar mods, etc...

Good luck figuring out how to set up a lootfilter now. :-D
Nishrek wrote:
Damn, this was one of the few nice Elementalist builds...
Is this still possible to play this as Elementalist, or Necro bonuses are too good to ignore?

It is really sad, but Elementalist ascendancies just in a really bad state now.

Best part of her ascendancy - Golems branch. But you can't keep golems from dying without making full scale investment in it (primordial gems and 10+ skill points). There are just too many sources of phys and chaos damage in the late game content.

Heralds branch is kinda nice but nothing special.

Beacon of Ruin by itself is good. But still not quite worth its 4 points cost.

Ele reflect imunnity is decent, but taking it makes your 3rd ascendancy almost useless. Because both Shaper of Desolation and Pendulum of Destruction are trash.
Last edited by HennekY on Jun 19, 2020, 9:30:47 AM
Is the pastebin for this build broken? I am using Path of Building v1.4.169 (most recent) and I am getting an error on import of https://pastebin.com/wG8xhDMn
That new version looks pretty sweet. I might actually league start with this.

Any opinions on Glancing Blows? We can reach it with 4 points. In exchange we can take the right side of the Arcane Guarding wheel instead of the left and save 1 point. We can also drop Tempest Shield (and slot in a Conductivity?) and still reach max block on attacks and spells. The big question is whether the sustain is good enough to deal well with the guaranteed hits from Glancing Blows..
I know from watching his twitch streams he was planning to go with Glancing Blows but for some reason he changed his mind. I think it was slightly further away than he originally thought.
If i remember correctly he managed to get enough block (for reasonably cheap) to to make Glancing blows not worth it.
Last edited by HennekY on Jun 19, 2020, 10:25:57 AM
Emrikol001 wrote:
Is the pastebin for this build broken? I am using Path of Building v1.4.169 (most recent) and I am getting an error on import of https://pastebin.com/wG8xhDMn

I got exactly the same problem my friend

http://pastebin.com/wG8xhDMn doesnt work anymore

Last edited by Bhangman on Jun 19, 2020, 10:33:48 AM
Download Path of Building Community. Then you can view it.

Thank you for making this guide. It's been an extremely long time (over 5 years) since I've played so this build guide is great to refamiliarize myself.
However, the passive tree goal links and the pastebin version do not match up (they are significantly different). Which one is correct? I may be interpreting this incorrectly, so any help you can provide would be helpful.

Pastebin link: pastebin.com/wG8xhDMn

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