Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Tyicius wrote:
Thank you for making this guide. It's been an extremely long time (over 5 years) since I've played so this build guide is great to refamiliarize myself.
However, the passive tree goal links and the pastebin version do not match up (they are significantly different). Which one is correct? I may be interpreting this incorrectly, so any help you can provide would be helpful.

Pastebin link: pastebin.com/wG8xhDMn

The 3.11 passive tree isn't on this website yet, so it won't show properly until patch is live.
Will there be any more changes to the PoB by tonight or is everything good to go? Sorry im pretty new and just wanna make sure im not gonna mess my character up haha
Yoursoezpk wrote:
Will there be any more changes to the PoB by tonight or is everything good to go? Sorry im pretty new and just wanna make sure im not gonna mess my character up haha

Shouldn't need to change anything. The progression has been tested a couple times by me and players from my discord so it should be safe. Only thing i'll eventually do is add Arcanist Brand, once POB is updated with it.
Last edited by TheOne320 on Jun 19, 2020, 2:18:36 PM
Yeah, I decided to start with Arc after I saw it in the trailer.
PoB isnt working?
Use PoB community Edition from Enki's post
TheOne320 wrote:

Holy Shit!
Some other questions
Why not use [both are directly connected to the tree]
Holy Dominion, Adds some damage and makes resist cap much easier
Lord of the dead, also adds damage
Why not use Commander of darkness, instead of Corpse Pact?
Seems much more consistent
"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
Last edited by Nishrek on Jun 19, 2020, 2:55:27 PM
WitaKappa wrote:
PoB isnt working?

Are you using the community fork like the guide tells you?
MrWonderful99 wrote:
Erseii wrote:
I saw that one of the cons is lower boss dps than most, exactly how much will this affect a new player like me? I haven't played much and the most I ever got to maps was T4 so I don't even really know what "good" dps looks.


I think I can give you my thoughts since I have been playing since 2013. If you follow this build you will be very happy. Obviously with practice we all become better players so I will just say that with average skill level, follow the build, upgrade when you can you should be able to clear the atlas.

If I can give you some good advice, progress somewhat conservatively and get levels and gear before you try the harder stuff (which is really tier 16 but it might be tier 12-14, it is not tier 4). And take on the hard stuff right after you level up. That way when you die (and you will) you will lose basically no experience because you can't lose a level in this game. This is the single most important lesson I have learned in 7 years. This is how you learn how to play well and not get all pissed off and trust me I have died at 90% of a level way more than I care to admit.

Alright thanks for the help, I'll be league starting with this just because I need my hand held for now lol.
GGG please allow Flicker Strike on Hollow Palm
The new Arc Skill looks epic.

That looks really nice. Like a proper lightning.

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