Static Strike

Really like where this skill is at now with the recent AoE changes. Loving it. :) My character Vegalyp clears Uber lab like a breeze and Static Strike is just such a good, well-designed skill.
Although static strike is in a good spot and a very enjoyable skill, I have a suggestion to make it more "static-y". The AOE static explosion that triggers off of successful attacks feels great but you are always craving for more. What if, instead of one explosion, multiple explosions triggered off of one attack. I'm not suggesting a massive damage boost or changing the skill gem itself, I just want more explosions. It could be a helm enchant or unique threshold jewel. I think this would make a great addition to cast on crit, and have interesting interactions with movement skills such as flicker and cyclone where you are damaging and moving at the same time.
I only played this skill up until Dominus. It's possibly the wors-t feeling skill I've ever leveled with. Name lock melee skills without +20 melee range feel horrible. The massive time delay on the AOE explosion feels horrible. The tiny AOE feels horrible. Everything about the skill just sucks while leveling.

I took a hundred times more damage than I would using any ranged skill, ranged spell, or melee skill that doesn't require name locking an enemy half a centimeter away. The payoff? Having worse damage and worse AOE clear. Losing survivability in exchange for bad damage and poor clear speed seems like a piss poor tradeoff to me.

I'll hit an enemy and know the AOE will pop eventually. If I think the AOE will kill them, I still can't start running away. Then the tiny AOE misses everyone. This means I have to stand in the middle of packs way longer than I otherwise would, using the terrible namelock mechanics to try to switch between targeting whichever enemy has the most life. If the AOE pops and and only almost kills everything, I'm again stuck there for another second getting my nuts smashed in by a dozen enemies while I wait for the next AOE burst.

As a leveling skill, this completely sucks ass. I'm sure it's fine once you have infinite damage and a massively boosted AOE in the ultra-late game, but the majority of this skill's playtime for most players will not be in the ultra-late game. To make it less garbage while leveling, you need to get rid of the awful delay on the AOE explosion at the very least.

I like the idea of this skill. It just needs some serious work to live up to its potential.
Rework suggestion:

Every time you hit something you gain 1 stack, up to 100.
Each stack modifies the discharge blast to +1% increased or more dmg, whatever is more balanced.

You can add multiple trigger mechanics for the charges;
Either have it be "realistic", so it discharges when you move close enough to a target,
that's when you create a static connection and the blast goes off.

Or, all the stacks blast off when you take a hit, which is strong vs melee but bad against ranged hits.
Maybe you could add that only melee/close range attacks can trigger it.

Would be interesting to have eva/acro builds that charge it up big, and do massive dmg,
or armor/iron reflex builds that stack and discharge it with lower dmg but at a higher frequency.
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Jennik wrote:
I only played this skill up until Dominus. It's possibly the wors-t feeling skill I've ever leveled with. Name lock melee skills without +20 melee range feel horrible. The massive time delay on the AOE explosion feels horrible. The tiny AOE feels horrible. Everything about the skill just sucks while leveling.

I took a hundred times more damage than I would using any ranged skill, ranged spell, or melee skill that doesn't require name locking an enemy half a centimeter away. The payoff? Having worse damage and worse AOE clear. Losing survivability in exchange for bad damage and poor clear speed seems like a piss poor tradeoff to me.

I'll hit an enemy and know the AOE will pop eventually. If I think the AOE will kill them, I still can't start running away. Then the tiny AOE misses everyone. This means I have to stand in the middle of packs way longer than I otherwise would, using the terrible namelock mechanics to try to switch between targeting whichever enemy has the most life. If the AOE pops and and only almost kills everything, I'm again stuck there for another second getting my nuts smashed in by a dozen enemies while I wait for the next AOE burst.

As a leveling skill, this completely sucks ass. I'm sure it's fine once you have infinite damage and a massively boosted AOE in the ultra-late game, but the majority of this skill's playtime for most players will not be in the ultra-late game. To make it less garbage while leveling, you need to get rid of the awful delay on the AOE explosion at the very least.

I like the idea of this skill. It just needs some serious work to live up to its potential.

Heh, Static Strike feels great when you get the "mandatory" reduced duration helmet enchant and focus on fast hitting. It works like a charm when you "go ham" and use it on a 6L as a difficult foe killer, and you have to rely on another skill, like say Lightning Strike for "garbage" clearing, if you want to keep things "thematic"...

As all namelocking skills, it needs to have a "small" further increase to base damage, as those skills should start at around the 300% increased damage mark to be reliable versus current boss HP pools and/or get another incoming damage reduction...

A threshold jewel that would double the static discharge damage would be tematic and in line with the other "doubling" jewels that encourage Heavy/Dual Strike usage - which are great, albeit mandatory too...

Oh, and this comes from your friendly "casual n00b hoarder" that went out of his way to do the things wrong via overwhelming damage, instead of relying more heavily on penetration...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Can someone confirm whether or not static strike works with ancestral call?
I tried it and even though every ancestral spirit hit gets added to the static strike explosion counter, the charges go away without the extra explosions actually proccing.
Skill update idea:

Didnt make any real changes to numbers due to not being a dev to test such things.

The idea is to turn it into a slow moving channel attack, with a similar look to General Grevious' attack in this video: starting at 0:27 going to 0:48.
Except with a visual similar to Whiplash in this video:

Attack, AoE, Channeling, Melee, Lightning, Movement
Radius: ??
Level: 1–20
Cast Time: 1 Second
Effectiveness of Added Damage: ???%
Requires Level ??
While moving slowly forward, continuously flail wildly at enemies in an area based on which hand your weapon is in (strikes both areas if dual wielding) and building up static energy for every 1 second this skill is active.((Enemies in the middle of the flails can be hit by both.)) Upon reaching ten stacks of static energy, you lose them all and gain Lightningrod Effect (30% more shock effectiveness, 50% more chance to shock, and take 30% less lightning damage for 5 seconds.)
Per 1% Quality:
Deals (??? to ???)% of Base Attack Damage
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Base duration is 1.5 seconds
+(0–4) to radius
50% less Movement Speed
10% chance to Shock
(0–19)% increased Effect of Shock

Last edited by Hypertasty on Apr 9, 2018, 7:35:13 PM
Hypertasty wrote:
Skill update idea:

Didnt make any real changes to numbers due to not being a dev to test such things.

The idea is to turn it into a slow moving channel attack, with a similar look to General Grevious' attack in this video: starting at 0:27 going to 0:48.
Except with a visual similar to Whiplash in this video:

Attack, AoE, Channeling, Melee, Lightning, Movement
Radius: ??
Level: 1–20
Cast Time: 1 Second
Effectiveness of Added Damage: ???%
Requires Level ??
While moving slowly forward, continuously flail wildly at enemies in an area based on which hand your weapon is in (strikes both areas if dual wielding) and building up static energy for every 1 second this skill is active.((Enemies in the middle of the flails can be hit by both.)) Upon reaching ten stacks of static energy, you lose them all and gain Lightningrod Effect (30% more shock effectiveness, 50% more chance to shock, and take 30% less lightning damage for 5 seconds.)
Per 1% Quality:
Deals (??? to ???)% of Base Attack Damage
60% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Base duration is 1.5 seconds
+(0–4) to radius
50% less Movement Speed
10% chance to Shock
(0–19)% increased Effect of Shock

If they were to do something with SS I hope they dont change its current functionality/mechanics.
I can understand why you want to be able to use the skill and keep moving, but your suggestion basically sound like you want them to make another Charged Dash, we dont need a "plain copy" of another skill. And if my memory serves me right they have said they were going to do changes to Charged Dash to make it more competitive.

The one thing I find having "borked" several skills with AoE tagg (like SS, vortex, caustic arrow) is the latest changes to AoE, making the AoE investements seem rather lackluster, and difficult to scale to a point where it truly is worth it. I am not saying they should revert the AoE changes, but GGG, if you could give AoE skills a basic increase, it might work more in a middleground between the old scaling, and the current one, which a lot of skills need.
Mechanically, Static strike doesn't really need a rework at all; and as pointed out, a lot of the suggested "changes" simply make it a lightning-damage palette-swap of existing attacks. E.g, we already have Molten Strike, Earthquake, and Charged Dash, so it can't be too similar to any of them.

Against individual targets, SS does kinda shine with the best that a namelocking skill can offer: ability to focus on a boss and pour on an obscene total DPS rate, dealing 234.56% of your base damage per swing.

Granted, it is often outclassed by Molten Strike, but it outperforms it at pack clear, though... Being a namelocking attack, it of course still falls behind stuff you can just hurl a wave of. (e.g, Lightning Strike) Mechanically, it has potential, though: even with the full delay, it's quite possible, with good movement, to clear out a pack, and use the last couple procs to take out another pack; if you got off some hits there, then that has you charged for the next pack, etc. It's tricky and the opposite of the meta's preference for braindead "just click randomly to clear the next five screens" abilities, but can still get speedy clears.

Main shortcoming, though, is that its AoE radius can leave a bit to be desired. Again, since it's a namelocking melee skill, it should probably have some more to make up for it.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
improvements ggg should make, to bring static strike in line with meta is:

1. static explosions with ancestral call should detonate around the clone and not around the char. why it works with molten strike and not with SS? thats THE difference between MS and SS why MS is better/usable.

ggg, pls update SS so we can play with the skill <3

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