[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Phloozy wrote:
I have been doing this build in the tempest league. I am having trouble sustaining mana at level 36 with a 4l. I went blood magic for now, what is the best way to fix mana issues at low levels?

Not sure... I'm having mana issues at L75 with Ice Crash too, and that too is with a 4L... Guess I should dig out that 5L Belly of the Beast from wherever it is hiding in my stash/characters, try to make up the resists elsewhere, and do a 5L Static Strike as Sovyn suggested.
Kamina100 wrote:
The thing is, I happen to already have blue/blue/red on Doryani's, which works for the Curse on Hit setup (although I would need to switch to a different piece to add a 4th gem), and I have Red/Red/Green/Blue on the Rainbows already which works for the recommended Cast When Damage Taken Setup. A socket issue I have right now is that my gloves are Energy Shield/Evasion, which makes it hard to to get the colors I would want on that, but if I get Armor gloves I think it would be okay to roll what I want for that 4-link? Or I am I confusing something?

It seems as if there's a flex socket or two, depending on whether you're using 2 or 3 auras, and whether you're 4-linking the Reckoning/Curse on Hit/Enfeeble. I confess I don't quite understand the Herald of Thunder mechanic on that Reckoning linkage. It's an aura, right? Does it do something when Reckoning hits? Sorry, just confused on how that works.

Sounds fine on your sockets if you get the right gloves.

Herald of Thunder is an option only with the crit build at level 90ish and only if the blood magic gem is used on the attack skill. Basically you just activate it like any other aura but since it's also in the curse on hit link it will fire that curse off on everything in the area when you kill a shocked monster. Tested it with static strike and it was just silly. Doesn't do a thing on solo bosses but those would be few and far between. The reason it's not a strong recommendation (I think I use the word optional) is because you lose dps to go with herald of thunder. So just the counter-attack only curse on hit is the default setup.
Kamina100 wrote:
It seems as if Static Strike is way ahead here. Does the Ice Crash tooltip count all 3 Ice Crash waves? It hits 3 times, right?

No, ice crash hits only once unfortunately. The stages have to do with how much damage is done depending on the distance from the center of the ice crash AOE. The farther they are from the middle the less it hits for as I understand it.
Lyesainer wrote:
Hello again,

I started my tempalr last night, and i've been poking around the wiki for a while now, trying to pick my skills. Here's what i came up with (as you see, it's quite "themed", but that's the goal:P)

6 link - Ice Crash, Fortify, Melee Physical Damage, Hypothermia, Faster Attacks, Weapon Elemental Damage
4 link - Glacial Hammer, Hypothermia, Multistrike, Melee Physical Damage/Stun
4 link - Vengeance, Reckoning/Riposte(If DEX allows it), Stun, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
4 link - Rallying Cry/Abyssal Cry(Depending on difficulty), Elemental Weakness/Enfeeble, Increased Area of Effect, Increased Duration
3 link - Reduced Mana Cost, Summon Ice Golem, Herald of Ice (Hopefuly RMC still works with Herald?)
3 link - Hatred, Movement skill, ???

Obviously the 6 link with Ice Crash will be my main trash-clearing skill, glacial Hammer will be used for single target. The rest is utility etc.
The idea is to stick with cold damage as much as possible, for maximum CC. For that i will not be picking up Resolute Technique, since i need to crit in order to freeze. That's why i hope i can use the Ice Golem over the Fire one, since it gives more crit AND hit chance, and i'll need both.

Not exactly sure about the passive tree, but i'll probably try to pick some cold damage, chill/freeze schance and AoE nodes when possible.

Do you guys think this is viable for normal mode map running/end game? Not trying to be OPTIMAL, just viable and fun and not dyeing every 15 seconds.

Also, once again, keep in mind that i only play this in a party with a summoner.

[EDIT] Here's a possible passive tree i've adapted a bit:

Hi :) I guess you decided to go with a shield after all.

You might have better luck sustaining your mana with added fire damage vs. faster attacks, the tooltip DPS may be a little more too.

I'm not sure you would need glacial hammer 4-link if you have a 6-link ice crash. Try it and see.

No, reduced mana no longer works with any aura or buff. Only active skills. There is enlighten if you want a very hard road.

I'm leveling an ice golem to test with my build too (for the endgame crit version of course). I'll be comparing fire and ice for total DPS.

On the tree, don't skip 'Discipline and Training' for a life boost. Maybe get that instead of Righteous Decree. Precision is also worth quite a bit for a crit build. Also note that these attack skills scale best on physical not elemental damage nodes. Try it and find out. IMO this is too low level to try going crit there are not enough points to go around. That said it *might* work, just not optimal IMO.
Hapseleg wrote:
Hi there
Loving the build, been using it for quite a long while.
So my question is, what is your reasoning behind removing Resolute Technique? Won't we lose a lot of dps from this?


Hi Hapse :)

At very high levels you can remove RT and gain a bunch of damage (and cool elemental status effects) from a few crit nodes and Romira's. Below at least level 90 it might be a damage loss to remove RT but I leave it to those stuck in their mid-80s to test it, fortunately it's not expensive to use 1 regret orb.
Kamina100 wrote:
This true? https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3cwdj1/2_block_on_jewels_does_not_exist/

No 2% block jewels?

I haven't had any jewels drop at all though. I thought the white ones would drop like flasks, but I guess they're kinda rare.

Well, bummer. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Ninja nerf. I'll think of something.
Cyzax wrote:
I'm a bit more concerned that I think Malachai it too tough.
The main problem is that I think he is so tough that new players may not be able to progress to Cruel at all... and may say 'eff it!'... That would not be good...

That was pretty much the same thing with cruel Dominus a while back. He was almost impossible to solo for most people. It'll probably work out fine.
Hey Sovyn, thanks for the input!
So you are saying i should pick more phys damage over elemental? Does that apply to Cold damage too, or only with "elemental" in general? In that manner, is the inc physical support gem better than inc weapon elemental dmg one?

I picked the 'Discipline and Training' node for better mana, but there's plenty of points left, i stopped the build at 89/123 so that's about 40 levels left...

I picked Glacial Hammer, because i really dislike all those "1 skill, 150 auras/passive stuff" builds, where people would only look Cyclone or some such. The game gets too boring, even worse than D3, and that's sad since PoE has the potential to be more complex than that. It's probably a waste, i suppose, even tho i don't see what i'd use instead...
Kamina100 wrote:
I have a 10% Anvil, but yeah I feel as if giving up the Lahzwar spell block might be worse. What jewels would you run if you were using The Anvil?

Thwarting prefix gives 1% additional Chance to Block Spells with Shields but 4% total is hardly compensation for losing 38% spell block. I'll probably re-route the tree again. Sorry, but I can't anticipate last-second ninja nerfs like that. :D
zenixmoo wrote:
I am struggling to get the Chaos resistance needed for my build I was using a Alpha's Howl but am wondering is using a Geofri's Crest would work to get me to 0% while i farm for better main gear as I just got started with this build @ 72

Also what would you drop with a 5 link chest for Fortify was thinking added fire damage?

Sure Geofri's is fine. Obviously something with life too is better. Depending on your league you can usually buy something with armor - life - chaos res if you are patient.

Ice Crash - Melee Physical - Weapon Elemental - Added Fire Damage - Fortify

Or if you have Multi....

Static Strike - Melee Physical - Multistrike - Weapon Elemental - Fortify

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