[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" ah but i think thats insanely long to only kill piety xD what about map boss dont they regen life faster then you do dmg?.... and doing dominus would take age... im am not that poor... i actually have 2-3 exalted of funding and i can kill dominus with my Blender (selfound)(die 5-6 times) and come culling strike with my mf firestorm witch(60IIQ/230IIR) so i can farm a bit and make money, but my blender is still dying pretty fast... so i was hoping for a really good build that can solo endgame content with minimal death (im not hardcore) i was maybe thinking a build with aegis aurora : [1.0.0] 1H shield infernal blow marauder/duelist with video by boxsalesman ( immortal build ) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/557381 or with max block/spell: IN-DEPTH: TIURAKH'S HACK-&-SLASH MELEE RANGER (EVASION/MAX BLOCK + SPELL BLOCK. 18K+ AOE DPS) [1.0] http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/503727 im not good in comparing build so i dont know wich one i should go im currently hesitating between those 3, i dont really want to go range since i dont think they can solo bosses at all (but im still lvling my ranger from time to time when im bored) if you have any opinion on what build i should get lmk, i have 3 exaleted and can probably afford a build with 1 costly item like aegis aurora or bringer or rain, but only 1 item like that not 2, so if u wanna help me find it or have any sugestion feel free to help me ;p or pm me ;p! my goal is minimum 12k dps/ highest survivability possible with 3 exalted of gear and 1 godly item that cost 8-9 exalted |
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At level 61, this is my gear on domination - have tried to max out IIR without sacrificing much. With resists aura up lightning resist is in the 50s, fire and cold maxxed (chaos -60 argh). Am waiting to get a ring upgraded with resists on it. My IIR now is 210+ :) Having fun as usual with this build - I have to literally go out of my way and try to get killed ;-) |
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" Plenty of users of this build have Aegis Aurora's benefits and do 12K+ DPS. As I keep saying, it's all in the gear with any build. Other builds, the guy posting the guide is way richer than you or I. So naturally, their DPS numbers look good. The damage nodes on the passive skill tree don't actually do that much, so not taking them is no big deal. Berserking is probably the best 'damage' node. With any melee build, your problem will be getting a weapon that is good enough for the damage you want. Plenty of people are lucky and already have an end game weapon like 990%+ facebreaker, legacy soul taker, or a 'rare' 350+ DPS 1-hander. That's what you are looking for. The base build gets the survival down, which is the important thing. I kill map bosses just fine, and I'm always solo, no help required. Not trying to sell you on this build, I've had 100 success stories in this thread already, don't need your affirmation of what I already know. Just trying to help. |
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" Good progress my friend. :) Just remember to max lighting resist before facing Piety in the Crematorium! |
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Hi MildlyClever,
Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for the 2 nice 1 handers. You sir are a true gentleman, thanks a bunch :) |
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" Thanks for the reply, i do want to give this build a try, its just that i want the most cost effective one and between the 3 i posted i dont know wish one it is so uf you do know those build and can maje a comparison for me ill appreciate SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
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Hey Sovyn,
first of all thanks for this guide. I would be interested in your Stats atm and your Gear if you Post on Page 1 is not up to date. Second you inspired me to adapt your Build to my Kind of Playstyle and with your Permission i would post my Tree here so can tell me your thoughts about it and help me improve it. Regards Mith |
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" Edit: Warning: Wall of text incoming, but there is a TL;DR I uploaded my tree and gear so far on poebuilder.com and the new DPS with each triplet of nodes chosen is actually the same (literally, 3374 DPS for the Berserker triplet and 3369 DPS for the Aspect of the Panther triplet, both up from the 2995 DPS without any of the two triplets of nodes). But when I logged back into the game, the tooltip of heavystrike was showing 3770 DPS, which is way of from the 2995 DPS that the site showed and also the life and some other values were a bit off too, so I decided not to trust the site and do the calculations myself. So, we want to see if 21% increased attack speed (Berserking triplet) gives more DPS that 14% increased attack speed + 16% increased 1h phys. dmg. The DPS formula is a straight multiple of several factors, two of which are: additive_DMG= 1 + (sum of all increased/decreased phys dmg mods)) additive_AtSpd= 1 + (sum of all increased/decrease phys att. speed mods) In fact, these are the only two factors of the DPS formula that are affected by the two triplets of nodes to be examined. Let init_additive_DMG and init_additive_AtSpd be the respective factors without any triplet of nodes yet. By additivity, the new factors once we include a particular triplet will be: Bers_additive_DMG = init_additive_DMG Bers_additive_AtSpd = init_additive_AtSpd + 0,21 AotP_additive_DMG = init_additive_DMG + 0,16 AotP_additive_AtSpd = init_additive_AtSpd + 0,14 Now, the DPS increase for each case will be: Bers_DPS_increase = (Bers_additive_DMG x Bers_additive_AtSpd)/(init_additive_DMG x init_additive_AtSpd) = (init_additive_AtSpd + 0,21)/ init_additive_AtSpd AotP_DPS_increase = (AotP_additive_DMG x AotP_additive_AtSpd)/(init_additive_DMG x init_additive_AtSpd) = (init_additive_DMG + 0,16) x (init_additive_AtSpd + 0,14)/(init_additive_DMG x init_additive_AtSpd) So, in the end, everyone will have to do some calculations based on their current additive_DMG and additive_AtSpd values. Mine at the moment are: init_additive_DMG= 1 + 2,4 = 3,4 init_additive_AtSpd= 1 + 0,62 = 1,62 So, Bers_DPS_increase = (1,62 + 0,21)/1,62 = 1,129 AotP_DPS_increase = (3,4 + 0.16) x (1,62 + 0,14)/(3,4 x 1,62) = 1,137 So the math says that for my numbers, Aspect of the Panther is the way to go, because it does give more DPS, even negligibly. The new values of DPS for each case would be 3770 x 1,137 = 4286 for Aspect of the Panther and 3770 x 1,129 = 4256 for Berserking, so the two values are within 30 DPS, which is absolutely inessential (but only in my case!). To sum up, if my math is correct, in my case there is no reason not to go Aspect of the Panther over Berserking, given the extra life and movement speed. But, just to make sure, I am gonna wait until I have 3 skill points, put them all at once in the Berserking triplet, check the DPS tooltip, refund, put the 3 refunded point in the AotP triplet, check tooltip and compare. TL;DR Given our lazy pally low dmg in general, the DPS difference between the two options should be negligible, so Aspect of the Panther might be the better option because of the extra non-damage stats. But in the end you have to do the math! General rule that always holds: If you have to decide between + x% Phys dmg and +x% Att. Speed (for example which node on the tree to choose), always choose to increase the lower value (notice that we are talking about the same increase, +x% for both options)! The more equal the two values become, the more relative increase in your DPS you will see at each step. Cheers to all lazy Pallys. Last edited by GermanosKaraflas#2732 on Dec 5, 2013, 11:32:38 AM
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Once upon a time last weekend at level 73, I was soloing Piety runs, roughly 14 min each from start to start.
As is typical, I received a whisper from another player. Believing it to be a buyer for the gear I have listed in the forums, I pulled over, read it and to my surprise it was an invite to do a map run from a prior customer. I accepted the group invite (4 total), we headed out from the lab to run this lvl 69 map, one map led to another until we had almost cleared the third map when in party chat I received the following: "Hey Old, what's with your life bar? It never moves...." (My char name: Old_Core) Being something of a clown I responded -- "yea, I know! I broke the darn thing during my last Dominus run, but GGG is working on a fix, they said not to worry, just hold off on doing Dominus runs for a few days until they can implement it." This was met with SILENCE total and complete for a good 20 seconds, finally one in the group chimed in: No Way! I have been watching your bar too, we all have I saw your bar dip a bit in the first map and then just a few minutes ago I think it moved again. Well, this was becoming interesting because all three were bombarding me with questions and comments. So me being me, I just continued with the charade; --> Nope, listen guys GGG told me they would pm me prior to the fix and I have yet to hear back from them, and do you really think I could go through three maps with you jokers wearing this gear and survive. let alone not have my health bar move "at all": Please Note: During this little chat, we are still in the middle of a map. The silence was deafening until ..... one in the group said --> "Damn he did break his health bar!" No offense Old, but that gear is crap for this level. I was laughing so hard I almost wet myself. At this point I knew I could be creating a monster so I started thinking of a way to play this through, I needed to come up with a new tactic while we finished up the map. Low and behold I had an idea -- Act 2 Ok ok guys, my health bar is not broken, sorry but with the way you were going on and on, I just couldn't let it go :) -- Alright, It's called --> "The Sovyn" What? What's a sovyn? No! It's --> "The Sovyn"!! You remember those red wall thingies you left click on and you get a story normally? Well one of them is not text but gives an award instead called: "The Sovyn" .... its like a drop but in this case it's a build! Well that's not totally correct. It's --> "The Build" I just happened to click on it while playing my level 63 Scion and when I did it started with: "Congratulations" in you stash you now have "The Sovyn Build" Again the silence - then ---> Really? No Way! Is it just a Templar Build? Yea no joke - I set my Scion aside and this "Don't need no Damn Health Bar Templar" is the result.. Damn near broke my Tuna rod during this one.. Ishkabibble For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969 Last edited by Ishkabibble#7519 on Dec 5, 2013, 12:57:25 PM
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Following: Level 78 -- 3 bubbles to 79
Actually - most of my prior post is true! The health bar not moving = true. The broken health bar, the Dominus and GGG part = lie. The gear evaluation comments = true. The no way you can do what we see you do with that gear comments & questions regarding the build = true. The gear shown them = true. This is my current minor upgraded gear over the last two days: New helm - boots - chest and some ring adjustments for MF now at 53% when not wearing Laz amy. The players who invited me are in KOS guild, "TheBakers" a fun player who I think is one of the guild officers was there during the questions and answers regarding The Lazy Pally build. I passed on this build to all who would listen and there have been many. The story itself, well that's more me than anything else. My guy now does: * 8.5k heavy strike - multistrike - fst atk - melee phys - add fire dmg * 1900 cyclone - fst atk - added cold dmg - mana leach * 1350 leap slam - fst atk - add fire dmg - chance to flee (used to escape mainly) * 6,400 evasion * 2.20 atk speed I can say this without reservation, if you will follow this build as it is presented, forget what you think you know, you will end up with probably the best, most fun character you have had to date. And as stated by the people in the group, you did that with crap gear, no way! "YES WAY" - The Sovyn way Ishkabibble For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969 Last edited by Ishkabibble#7519 on Dec 5, 2013, 3:04:32 PM
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