[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Saviourself wrote:

You need a rapid movement ability to get clear of that regardless of being blocked in, leap slam or shield charge.

I've also seen some lazy pallies use Whirling Blades for this... but only if they have a sword, claw, dagger.

I personally found leap slam handy against The Reaver in the Ghetto map as well. I was able to solo him without dying as I leapt away when paralyzed.
Hi Sovyn,

I'm still following your guide and i am now level 59, in act 2 in merciless.
I had a hard start in merciless and i had to respec out of passive skill "Blood magic" and get my auras going, with some levelled up mana gems.
Need a neew 1h very bad but i hope i will get some.
But my question is, could you mention what level of gems i should aim for, or more precise let them stay at ?
I get the gems in the CwDT setup, it's more the aura gems.
clogman wrote:
Hi Sovyn,

I'm still following your guide and i am now level 59, in act 2 in merciless.
I had a hard start in merciless and i had to respec out of passive skill "Blood magic" and get my auras going, with some levelled up mana gems.
Need a neew 1h very bad but i hope i will get some.
But my question is, could you mention what level of gems i should aim for, or more precise let them stay at ?
I get the gems in the CwDT setup, it's more the aura gems.

Hi Clogman, the build doesnt recommend or use the blood magic passive, good you speccd out of it. For any specific skills you can always link a BM gem to it (I use BM for the shield slam).

For Auras the higher levelled the better in general - remember to link a reduced mana gem to it when you can too.

Message me ingame/add me to friend list. I dont play much on standard anymore ( I am in Domination now) - and can check stash for good 1h weapon for you :)

IGN: Melee_Gibsonn

P.S: Sovyn's will put a more clear (and correct) response to you of course :D
Last edited by MildlyClever on Dec 2, 2013, 5:08:21 AM
MildlyClever wrote:
clogman wrote:
Hi Sovyn,

I'm still following your guide and i am now level 59, in act 2 in merciless.
I had a hard start in merciless and i had to respec out of passive skill "Blood magic" and get my auras going, with some levelled up mana gems.
Need a neew 1h very bad but i hope i will get some.
But my question is, could you mention what level of gems i should aim for, or more precise let them stay at ?
I get the gems in the CwDT setup, it's more the aura gems.

Hi Clogman, the build doesnt recommend or use the blood magic passive, good you speccd out of it. For any specific skills you can always link a BM gem to it (I use BM for the shield slam).

For Auras the higher levelled the better in general - remember to link a reduced mana gem to it when you can too.

Message me ingame/add me to friend list. I dont play much on standard anymore ( I am in Domination now) - and can check stash for good 1h weapon for you :)

IGN: Melee_Gibsonn

P.S: Sovyn's will put a more clear (and correct) response to you of course :D

Hi Mildy_clever

Yes i know sovyn doesn't recommend Blood magic, it was a crutch that i used for to long :(
It's working for me now that my BM + reduced mana gems are levelled up a bit, but im still struggling to have 2 auras up, but i will get there.
Thanks for your advice and your offer , i will add you to my friendlist and give you a holler :)

EDIT: Do you level curses as high as possible too ?
Last edited by clogman on Dec 2, 2013, 8:43:47 AM
Hello to every lazy Pally out there! I very recently finished the 3 difficulties of the game following this guide almost 100% for my first ever character (at level 67, I am currently level 68). It is a very nice guide and I enjoyed my Pally so far. Throughout the game, I have used ground slam quite extensively, switching to heavy strike only for single targets and now that I have finished the Merciless Library quest and have acquired multistrike, I adjusted (or at least I am still trying) to the multistrike + heavy strike combo, as suggested. I have to admit that I am torn between loving and hating it... Tons of damage on bosses, but it sucks everywhere else (for the moment, I might just need to get more used to it). Huge desync issues, feels very clunky (you actually miss a lot of attacks because of the knock back) and very mediocre clearing speed of the huge packs that I used to clear with ground slam with relative ease, safety and good speed, given the tanky orientation of the build (I loved my ground slam, I had it on blood magic gem for constant spamming). Multistrike + groundslam unfortunately is not sustainable with its huge mana cost (given my lack of 5l for extra bloodmagic gem) and I also wanted to try everything that the guide suggests.

After a small research, it seems that double strike instead of heavy strike relieves by a lot the huge desync problem of multistrike, but the mediocre clearing speed compared to groundslam will probably remain (I have no leveled doublestrike gem to test this yet). I am thinking that getting a new groundslam gem up to level 10 for example, might be a good balance between sustainability and aoe dps of groundslam (really, I loved my groundslam too much, damn!).

All in all, the guide is great, the build is very concrete, the only thing that a new and inexperienced player like me needs to be careful of is the choice of attack skill, multistrike+heavy strike can feel very weird and uncomfortable when clearing packs if you are not used to it, despite its shining on killing bosses (but maybe I get used to it with time, who knows).

To finish this wall of text, the only gear that I haven't crafted myself (either from a straight drop or alching a white) is a 1h mace and a stone of lazwahr amulet that I bought for 1 chaos each and my (really nice) manaleech ring that a 85 level guy gave to me for free after I cursed and raged really hard on the RNG jesus in the global chat, when I couldn't get the mana leech mod on my ring after 120 alteration orbs... I also spent 10 chaos orbs to buy the two CwDT gems. So it is a very poor-friendly build indeed (well, except for the mana leech mod! RNG Jesus plz!!!).

I should mention that I don't have 5l as of yet (how do I link my gear on the forum?), but yesterday I dropped a pair of 30% movement speed boots from Piety (that made me to recraft most of the rest of my gear to achieve capped resistances again) and OMG, movement speed is sick, Wraeclast is so much better now, I was such a noob (I still am, ofc)!


Edit: Thanks for the instructions on how to link my gear!


Last edited by GermanosKaraflas on Dec 2, 2013, 11:02:02 AM

Heavy Strike sometimes does seem to have some desync - but I am used to it now :D

To link items from inventory/stash, have a reply/edit message open, then click on your picture on top. it will open your inventory. There just click on item once you want to link (once each item - inv/stash etc).

That's all there is to linking stuff :D
Really happy with this build so far. Soon merciless though, so I'll update how that goes.. ^^
clogman wrote:

But my question is, could you mention what level of gems i should aim for, or more precise let them stay at ?
I get the gems in the CwDT setup, it's more the aura gems.

Hello clogman. :)

You will need a level 17 reduced mana, preferably higher. The two aura gems will be level 20, ideally, so more is better! Quality is not really helpful on any of these three gems, so it's rather affordable.

On curses, only the one in CwDT is kept low, the one you manually cast can be leveled as high as your stats (intelligence for example) will let you. Just be careful of a 'gotcha' if you level a gem up too high and need to remove a piece of gear that gives you a chunk of that stat. I usually just level the gems until the required stats equal what I'd have without the bonus from gear. I made an exception for Lazhwar as I don't intend on ever removing it.

Quality is a good idea on curse gems, such as Enfeeble (my choice).
any link to a video plz?
SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
Hello to every lazy Pally out there! I very recently finished the 3 difficulties of the game following this guide almost 100% for my first ever character (at level 67, I am currently level 68). It is a very nice guide and I enjoyed my Pally so far.

Hail GermanosKaraflas! Thanks for the detailed feedback and entertaining read there.

Nice chest armour. I do think 30% movement speed boots are almost required. :)

I did notice that your weapon really needs upgrading for end game, it is only 185 DPS. Upgrading that to something end game viable (250+, but more is better) will make a nice difference on your double strike or heavy strike. Quality really helps on these attack skill gems as well.

Remember, if you are willing to depart from ground slam, you are not locked into a mace, so you could look at axes or swords (siege axe or corsair sword are the most common high DPS choices).

I have never experienced objectionable desync with heavy strike but some folks have mentioned it as an issue.

One nice thing about the build is you can use whatever attack skill suits you -- lots of them just won't feel right.

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