Brace Yourselves: Imbalance May Be Coming

You can spend your EXs exalting your end game gear for mods. Not everyone can afford to ex end game gear and LLD gear all willy-nilly. You can still craft perfect mirror worth items and play PVE or HLD if that does become a thing. Who would even use an item with crafted 40 life you could buy a better item on xyz for 1 chaos...
GreenDude wrote:
You seem convinced that I hate the idea of crafting benches.

I never said it shouldn't be easy to acquire great LLD gear. In fact, with benches it WILL be. I just think the values (brackets) are way too high.

Adding mods like cast speed on gloves, getting 40 life on boots with tri res and ms, all that stuff makes it easier and its great! Absolutely great. My only concern is the values are too high. period. That is my ONLY point.

Great gear as I've been talking about it means perfect items; items with all top brackets of the mods you need. Any less is unacceptable to use on a character, because it means gimping yourself when you could have stronger gear. Having that kind of gear is a huge insurmountable difference compared to something like "2/3 perfect" gear, or even something closer.

I am saying that for pvp to be actually competitive, that kind of perfect gear needs to be available to people who want to start playing pvp without locking them out of competing for months while they grind for it. You're saying letting people get this perfect gear easily would be bad, but why? "Looking forward to getting an item slightly better"? How is that at all interesting or worth compromising the accessibility of pvp for?
Last edited by MrEnzyme on Aug 4, 2014, 9:03:12 PM
@MrEnzyme: Well i guess our opinion diverges there. I do pvp secondary to pve. I like week races, new league starts. Then my currency in the perma leagues go to pvp. Sometimes I far those perma leagues when nothing else is enjoyable at the moment. It's fun to hunt for a perfect item. This is a game by Grinding Gear Games if you believe its wrong to work for top tier gear and I believe it's normal, then we simply dont argee. Atleast we are clear on our positions now.

Again I still think that he gear being accessible is a GOOD thing.

My stance is simply that giving tier 1 mods is cutting the fun of finding items (which is essentially what an rpg like this is about). If you want a moba like experience where everyone is on the same playing field, maybe an rpg like poe isnt the place. Anyway I think we all voiced our opinion and made it clear now. We'll see what GGG thinks on their end.
IGN: @GreenDude
GreenDude wrote:
My stance is simply that giving tier 1 mods is cutting the fun of finding items (which is essentially what an rpg like this is about)

Maybe for the pve grind, but not for pvp. If pvp isn't about fair games then it has no appeal or long-term potential at all. We saw this first-hand with the tournament you yourself ran. Nearly all the matches I and others I talked to played were completely one-sided stomps, almost entirely due to gear quality differences. By the end a lot of people had dropped out because of what a waste of time that was. If you, as the person who started the tournament in the first place, are saying "yeah the pvp is about is mindlessly grinding for items" and not about actually playing pvp then there really is nothing else to say.
MrEnzyme wrote:
GreenDude wrote:
My stance is simply that giving tier 1 mods is cutting the fun of finding items (which is essentially what an rpg like this is about)

Maybe for the pve grind, but not for pvp. If pvp isn't about fair games then it has no appeal or long-term potential at all. We saw this first-hand with the tournament you yourself ran. Nearly all the matches I and others I talked to played were completely one-sided stomps, almost entirely due to gear quality differences. By the end a lot of people had dropped out because of what a waste of time that was. If you, as the person who started the tournament in the first place, are saying "yeah the pvp is about is mindlessly grinding for items" and not about actually playing pvp then there really is nothing else to say.

It's frustrating having a debate with you when you put words in my mouth. You say things that I didn't say or make meanings out of thing I say that I do not intend:

yeah the pvp is about is mindlessly grinding for items

If thats what you think Im saying in that paragraph, then you do not understand what I am saying. I never said this. You even put it in quotations, how ridiculous..

And again your not reading what im saying. the discussion is over. We both spoke our mind, said our thoughts and we are in disagreement. I think the vendor should not do tier 1 but rather tier 2 and 3 and you think he should do tier 1. End of dicussion. This is in GGG's hands now. Others are more than welcome to post here too giving their opinion. But I think ours has been made clear. And rest assured I know when to walk away from a debate without salty feelings towards someone. My opinion of any1 who disagrees with my thoughts on crafting tables giving tier 1, does not make me think less of them or hate them or anything. :P
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude on Aug 5, 2014, 12:43:38 AM
imo ppl shouldnt be able to craft tier1 nor tier 1.5 items and just be able to jump into LLD with BIS gear. thats kind of ridiculous. everyone will be the same. wheres the fun in farming for LLD gear then? this is an RPG game, you put your time into farming/crafting your gear, not just putting it onto the crafting bench and instantly get a tier1/1.5 item. now crafting tier 2 is fine i guess, it will give new comers a foot inside the LLD scene. whoever puts more effort and time should ALWAYS or most of the time have the better gear. you want equal chance or gear against those who have the best? then RPG isnt for you. you should be playing fighting games or moba where everyone is equal
john_nova wrote:
thats kind of ridiculous. everyone will be the same. wheres the fun in farming for LLD gear then?

i give up
MrEnzyme wrote:
john_nova wrote:
thats kind of ridiculous. everyone will be the same. wheres the fun in farming for LLD gear then?

i give up

if the crafting benches craft tier 1, I would help it couldnt be divined and would also be the lowest roll possible within the bracket. Otherwise currency will be greatly affected. There needs to be a difference between crafting benches and crafting items with currency and farming still being valuable. I would like it to be easier for others to join LLD. If the crafters could add top tier lowest base it would be INSANE but still give incentive to get perfect top tiers through farming or crafting or choosing which properties matter the most while farming and crafting with currency and possibly roll the last one on the bench. I am excited to see what GGG has in store.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
I do not understand how adding a single tier 1 mod to an item will create an endless stream of perfect T1 items in LLD. It's not like everyone is running around with 5 T1 rolls on their equips. Only the ones who are really dedicated (e.g. the current LLD gear farmers and rollers) will likely have perfect gear.

Besides, I thought much of the point to LLD was to have accessible play styles, meaning easy to level characters, much easier gear to obtain. Making gear available for people to PvP will promote more focus on competition, rather than farming. I think separation of PvP and PvE is a good thing. Forcing an integration with each other would just seem bad for the community of whichever is reliant on the other.

Think how angry people would be if you were FORCED to PvP every time you wanted to do bandit quests, and had to win a certain number of times to get your rewards.

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