[3.1] JUGGERNAUT/BERSERKER 1H+Shield Max Block&Spell Block Tank, Atziri Killer+a BoR version

raptorsm wrote:
I have 75+ res.

I thinking of changing the gloves for:

this build cannot be stunned so one of this gloves with max roll on atk speed and armor would be great,
maybe corrupted with +1 to socketed gems.

Any constructive idea is appreciated.
Thx in advance :D,
Have a great day

Veruso's are nice.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
Sorry about PM - forget about first line at thread start:
"Please, if you have any questions, DO NOT SEND ME PRIVATE MESSAGES, but post your question here in the thread!"

Anyway i will post my question in here aswell :)

1. You posted another tree then You got in your passive tree. Which one u suggest to current game version?

2. Could u look at mine passive tree and EQ? character Mikasos
I switched now to berserker, but there is a full reset options, maybe i could make some changes. So far i got a feeling that leech recovery is not as fast as its needed? How bout taking nodes at south about leech rate etc? Atm im still using Warlord's Mark to burst my leech

3. Could u give me some suggestion to make this build a bit better? DPS are anought for me with concentraded effect/increased area at 6link.

4. Im using Fortify by Shield Charge movement - it has already been answered that it works well

Last edited by mikpez on Dec 15, 2016, 12:47:45 PM
@Mikpez :
  • Which tree are you refering as different from the one in the guide (which seems fine to me except i'd love to get more life but you need this AoE, damages and block nodes) ?
  • Leech is very special in PoE (well it is in every game almost). You've 2 restrictions : 2% max damages leeched / target / second, and a global one of 20% of your maximum health can be leeched by second. Meaning on a boss with 5k hp you can only leech 1k / second at max, and if you leech that, it means you actually have the 2% leech and your damages equal 50k dps minimum. Note this is only with standard leech. Instant leech is (to me) broken and don't care about these restrictions. That's why Vaal Pact with the Berseker is quite op for instance (100% leech on a save hit taken), but you sacrifice a huge part of your tree on the way.
  • I think there's everything in the guide honestly. Get a better weapon is an obvious one, get some flat physical damages on your stuff, elemental damages with weapons (mainly if you go with a skill having a 50% conversion at least), etc.
  • I saw Shield Charge has been added in the guide instead of leap slam too. I'm using it linked to fortify and faster attacks instead of blood magic, it's my main movement skill and way to move.

I'm 78 on my reroll following this guide btw (HaresTulk). I had all the uniques in my stash already (Stone of Lazhwar, Rainbowstride mainly, and Veruso's Battering Rams) except Aegis Aurora i'll have to buy. I'm still waiting a little. But i've currently very low hp (just a little above 4k :/), i'm thinking to buy a Belly of the Beast but that'll obviously be quite expensive. And it'll be harder with it to get all the resistances. It's also quite difficult to get enough intelligence to level up the chaos golem, you need 81 intel in addition to the 74 you get from the tree + base. The amulet gives us some but you'll still need intel on 2 items or maybe one with a little luck or jewel(s). Quite problematic for just a damn golem :p.
Otherwise, block is quite amazing, really enjoying the build so far (being able to afk in front of a boss, that's funny). I'll see how the damages are in higher tiers maps once i'll be 85+, as well as survivability (with hopefully 5k+ hp).

Additionnally, as the title of the thread contains "max block", you may want to add the Rumi's Concoction in the guide since to have max block it's mandatory.
Last edited by Harest on Dec 18, 2016, 10:53:39 AM
mikpez wrote:
Sorry about PM - forget about first line at thread start:
"Please, if you have any questions, DO NOT SEND ME PRIVATE MESSAGES, but post your question here in the thread!"

Anyway i will post my question in here aswell :)

1. You posted another tree then You got in your passive tree. Which one u suggest to current game version?

2. Could u look at mine passive tree and EQ? character Mikasos
I switched now to berserker, but there is a full reset options, maybe i could make some changes. So far i got a feeling that leech recovery is not as fast as its needed? How bout taking nodes at south about leech rate etc? Atm im still using Warlord's Mark to burst my leech

3. Could u give me some suggestion to make this build a bit better? DPS are anought for me with concentraded effect/increased area at 6link.

4. Im using Fortify by Shield Charge movement - it has already been answered that it works well

Not sure what "other" tree you're referring to. The one you should use is available in the guide.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
Harest wrote:
Additionnally, as the title of the thread contains "max block", you may want to add the Rumi's Concoction in the guide since to have max block it's mandatory.

It already is in the guide. Check the items listed.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
I meant the gear section not "my gear" section. Since your guide is quite complete, it feels strange this flask isn't in the gear section, that's all ;).
Using a variant of this build with facebreakers (975%) and ice crash to great effect. Currently lvl 70 and melting face through all content.
I was reffering to tree of you character SergeRemake but i will follow one in the guide.

Which tree are you refering as different from the one in the guide (which seems fine to me except i'd love to get more life but you need this AoE, damages and block nodes) ?

Are you reffering to ex. Catalyse, Elementalist?

You've 2 restrictions : 2% max damages leeched / target / second, and a global one of 20% of your maximum health can be leeched by second. Meaning on a boss with 5k hp you can only leech 1k / second at max, and if you leech that, it means you actually have the 2% leech and your damages equal 50k dps minimum. Note this is only with standard leech.

I will refer to this soon, right after i get my POE install finished after reinstalling OS.
Will upload character stats then we will talk more about leech i hope ;p
I will refer to this nodes soon:

Will those nodes burst leech or it will meet restroctions mentioned by You?
Sorry but im missunderstanding that mechanism yet...
Are these nodes worth to take?

Get a better weapon is an obvious one, get some flat physical damages on your stuff, elemental damages with weapons (mainly if you don't go with a skill with a 50% conversion at least), etc.

So more flat damage for me should burst what? just DPS or leech to (how about restrictions again?)

My new question:
How baout going for chaos res and some life nodes, this way i boosted some intelligence too.

Maybe its better to loose that way and head to life nodes?

How about loosing that ones and going for life nodes from previous screen?

My qeustions are flying around balance between Life regen/life nodes/life leech and im lost in it al all hehe

Im able to head 100 lvl to get more points, but question is which way my tree should go on

my stats

Of course add minus 60 from resistances

Last edited by mikpez on Dec 18, 2016, 6:19:20 AM
I'll try to clarify a bit more about leech, despite i thought my pevious message was clear enough ^^.
Main concepts :
  • Base leech cap is 2% of your damages / target / second. On a boss, you'll never get more than 2% of your damages leeched as a base. This leech rate can be increased with the stat "+X% increased life leeched per second". This way, if you've a leech rate above 2%, it'll work if you have enough of this stat. For instance with +50% life leeched per second you can leech up to 3% / target / second.
  • Base maximum life leeched per second is 20% of your maximum HP. It can also be increased, here with the stat "+X% of maximum Life per second to maximum Life Leech rate". I don't think i need to explain more this one since it's quite easy to understand.

You were asking if nodes were worth to take, i guess it depends on you. Taking Hematophagy (3 points) may be interesting that way you'll have your leech even on hexproof mobs (if you were running with Warlord's Mark, i'm with Hatred + Herald of Ash atm). In the current tree, we already have some leech with Bloody Bludgeon (0.4%). While it's not that much, depending on your damages it may be enough. Atm i still have the trashy Wurm's Molt giving me 0.4% life / mana leech.

About the life nodes, indeed the life in the scion part are better but i see in your stats you're missing 2 endurance charges which are quite important. There isn't much room to modify the tree in the guide imo. I took the additional 5% AoE radius, maybe the 4% life + armour can be nice too.

About the flat physical damages, it boosts quite a bit your damages. That's (mainly? nerfed in 2.0 unfortunately) why the Meginord's Birdle belt is recommended. About elemental damages w/ weapons i did a typo, obviously it was "mainly if you go", not "don't go". I had Earthquake in mind for instead where you don't really want to go with elemental damages since it doesn't convert at least 50% of your physical damages to another element. You sure have added fire, hatred and herald of ash eventually. But not sure it'd be worth in that case.
Last edited by Harest on Dec 18, 2016, 11:28:51 AM
Hi ComradeSerge!

Great build. I am level 70 using Earthquake. I went Unflinching --> Unrelenting, and then in merci lab I took Unyielding for the Fortify. So now I am running the Fortify gem as part of the gem setup. And I took the 4 Fortify passives down near the bottom of the tree by Duelist.

Right now I am running a Tabula Rosa (yes, I know, I need armor!) So I was going to buy a 5-link armor.

So questions:
1. What gems should I run?
a. Should I use conc-effect + incr-area?
b. If so, do I still run Fortify given the Ascendancy route I took and the 4 Fortify passives?
c. Should I keep the added-fire and weapon-elem and not worry about conc-eff + incr-area?

Current Gear:

UPDATE: I do know that I could remove the Fortify gem out of the Earthquake linkage, and put it on the Leap Slam, but as it is I have to remember to cast the Enduring Cry, and Leap Slam is pretty slow for me. So I guess I don't like that mechanic. I seem to only use Leap Slam when I am in the Lab.

Thanks in advance!
ign: Edwurd_of_Steel
Last edited by GamingDaemon on Dec 18, 2016, 7:25:48 PM

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