14th templar ranked 203 balance?

think title says it all

I made it 14th templar in a race and i was ranked 203 total balance maybe?
Maybe each class should start with ST...
The templar sucks because he got no access to Attackspeed.

If Berserking would be located between Templar and Mara it would be a far better for both classes.

The only classes profiting from Berserking are Duelis who already is really strong and the scion.

The Mara gets this node quiet late.

The Templar must stick with damage.

Maybe each class should start with ST...

I wished the NP MP race would be solo or at last there would be more NP races.

ST unfriendly racemodes clearly show how many players use ST.
Hilbert wrote:
The templar sucks because he got no access to Attackspeed.

If Berserking would be located between Templar and Mara it would be a far better for both classes.

The only classes profiting from Berserking are Duelis who already is really strong and the scion.

The Mara gets this node quiet late.

The Templar must stick with damage.

Maybe each class should start with ST...

I wished the NP MP race would be solo or at last there would be more NP races.

ST unfriendly racemodes clearly show how many players use ST.

Gotta have a fallback and be able to adapt depending on the race. :D I got my backup build but do other ST users?
Hilbert wrote:
The only classes profiting from Berserking are Duelis who already is really strong and the scion.

Correction: Only classes are scion and marauder.

Attack speed is aligned with dexterity. The templar is not really the swift type of old man. I guess that is just the way it is although it is a bit weird that there is absolutely no attack speed around. Perhaps a 4% node would look good in the templar area. I mean, most types of nodes are found in the entire tree with significantly more in the part of the tree it is aligned with.
Last edited by Hassefar60 on Feb 5, 2014, 6:17:42 PM
What? Duelists get beserking later than marauders. Half the duelists don't even get beserking cause they go swords.

It's in the perfect spot for marauders/scions. I feel like you just make shit up sometimes/Troll
Last edited by Rithz on Feb 5, 2014, 7:29:14 PM

That's a build in longer races and then he goes up to the scion life nodes....

You need only 5 points to get sword nodes but those sword nodes there are pretty bad.
The southern axenodes are also pretty weak.

Compared to the mara there is only a small difference.

The difference are 4 skillpoints and if you add 16% life on the mara it's only 1.

And you know that the Mara needs HP far more than the duelist because the duelist got a far superior attackspeed.
The Duelist got 67 ED and 23 AS.
The Mara got 65 ED and 4 AS.

The risk that you get stunlocked as mara is far bigger going glass cannon.

Guess why the Mara is so unpopular?

Because most players start the mara like that:

There are only 2 competive marapaths:



What? Duelists get beserking later than marauders.

Not later but quiet late.

The duelist already got an awesome attackspeed and Berserking makes him clear sarn/docks even faster.
Hilbert wrote:
There are only 2 competive marapaths:



Vote Hilbert most educational and knowledgeable Marauder racer US/EU/Mars.
No one gets those life nodes until docks. Even then you would only get the first node after level 27.

There is a reason you're usually very far behind on Marauder Hilbert.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Last edited by Morsexier on Feb 6, 2014, 12:08:47 AM
Hilbert wrote:

That's a build in longer races and then he goes up to the scion life nodes....

You need only 5 points to get sword nodes but those sword nodes there are pretty bad.
The southern axenodes are also pretty weak.

Compared to the mara there is only a small difference.

The difference are 4 skillpoints and if you add 16% life on the mara it's only 1.

And you know that the Mara needs HP far more than the duelist because the duelist got a far superior attackspeed.
The Duelist got 67 ED and 23 AS.
The Mara got 65 ED and 4 AS.

The risk that you get stunlocked as mara is far bigger going glass cannon.

Guess why the Mara is so unpopular?

Because most players start the mara like that:

There are only 2 competive marapaths:



What? Duelists get beserking later than marauders.

Not later but quiet late.

The duelist already got an awesome attackspeed and Berserking makes him clear sarn/docks even faster.

Youg forgot http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAC2EhAiFVKvYx-zIJOQ5sRnJseA15aHuMqW7BBNw9

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