When are following issues being fixed? 1 Player HP in Party races and Critrolling

boof wrote:
Fix tagging.

Make tp'ing into a boss fight function as the bandits - you don't get the quest and are ported into some side area away from the fight.

That would suck for solo people that don't leapslam or spectral throw.
Rithz wrote:
boof wrote:
Fix tagging.

Make tp'ing into a boss fight function as the bandits - you don't get the quest and are ported into some side area away from the fight.

That would suck for solo people that don't leapslam or spectral throw.

I don't understand.

He is aiming at flask refilling on Casters.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Didn't read all six pages.

The number of party members should have zero impact on monster life, but instead should effect player damage. 5 players each doing 33% damage to something with 100% life is same as 5 players doing 100% to something with 300%, except the former is much more adaptable to sudden changes in party composition.

That's the thing D2 did. It had a side effect on leeching and CB.

While it wouldn't have got such an effect on racing the effect would be huge during endgame.

5% beating down will be impossible if only the party players present at the instance creation will receive the quest.

Another solution would be instant regeneration similar to Hillock.
The server does a check how many players are in the instance and how much max HP the monster got.

If for example a monster got beaten down to 5% 1 player life and 1 addtional player joins it will regenerate to 55% HP.
A second player would result in 105% HP.

5 Additional Players would result in 255%

Visually enhancing it could be done like in Blade&Sword where monsters having 100% life had a Red life bar.

Monsters having 200% life have a full yellow/orange over a red lifebar.
Monsters having 300% life have a full green over a yellow over a red life bar
Monsters having 400% life had an additional light blue life bar
Monsters having 500% life had an additional dark blue lifebar.






So 5 players joining would instantly result in:


Players leaving the Party+Instance would have got an effect removing life bars again.

The only thing that must have been made sure of is instant regeneration, so the mosnters won't die by an additional hit from 1 player.

boof wrote:
Rithz wrote:
boof wrote:
Fix tagging.

Make tp'ing into a boss fight function as the bandits - you don't get the quest and are ported into some side area away from the fight.

That would suck for solo people that don't leapslam or spectral throw.

I don't understand.


Caster classes along with probably bow classes might need to tp out to refresh their mana pots and stuff. You're basically asking every boss fight to be famine. Even though you are attempting to nerf party play, you are nerfing Solo play a lot more.

Last edited by Rithz on Dec 7, 2013, 10:49:10 PM
I'm not attempting to nerf party play... I'm attempting to fix a broken mechanic, and bring party play to where it should be.

I'm sure something could be thought up for flask refilling.

Maybe like a reverse hp tag. Since everyone needs to be there at the start to get the quest, boss is tagged at whatever amount of party members' hp. You can be allowed to tp out and back in now, and the boss will stay at that hp. That can eliminate the need to prevent people who were not present at the start from tp'ing into some side area, as they just won't get the quest.

This is just one possible solution. The solutions to this problem are conceptually really simple but I don't know how limited GGG are when it comes to programming them in.

I'm kinda really surprised to see so much resistance to fixing this from people that are part of a) the strongest current party in the game and b) from what I've seen, go out of their way to set challenges for themselves to overcome.
Last edited by boof on Dec 8, 2013, 12:27:54 AM
I don't really think this needs to be fixed.
But if it does, I think the solution i proposed before is the easiest:

Everytime a new player joins an instance, add 20% (normal diff) of the boss hp pool to his remaining hp.

Again, the only thing this would accomplish is to make progressing a little less rewarding. Thats about it.

Runners would TP as soon as they arrived at bosses and the whole party would kill the boss.

If your argument for wanting this change is to make soloing more competitive vs parties, this will change nothing.
Had nothing to do with solo vs party.
It's just a matter of fixing the game.

I'd argue it'd be more rewarding from an accomplishment point of view - completely disregarding loot which is also a bonus. Trivializing boss encounters by vaporizing them at 1 player hp with a full party is beyond stupid. This becomes doubly true for races with tough modifiers.
First time I hear about boss tagging (not to mention maphacking/zooming). No wonder some racers can get insanely high level.

Just put everything at 6 player-hp regardless party size in a party race.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Reinhart wrote:
First time I hear about boss tagging (not to mention maphacking/zooming). No wonder some racers can get insanely high level.

Just put everything at 6 player-hp regardless party size in a party race.

Boss tagging really has nothing to do with players getting insanely high level lol. Like cwu explained it's really not a huge deal.

They could "fix" it in whatever way, but it wouldn't have any impact on who does well in party races, because it would affect every party equally.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Reinhart wrote:
Just put everything at 6 player-hp regardless party size in a party race.

I hope you did not mean this lol.

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