nerf aegis aurora

Nerf to cast on damage taken will be a passive nerf to most tank builds. Though it doesn't change the fact Aegis is still a bit too good in pvp. Casters have it pretty rough in pvp aswell. Ek oddly shines way above any other caster skill and it shouldn't be that way. Also cant wait for this patch, was sick of people heavily relying on you're going to die.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Nov 12, 2013, 6:48:44 AM
Block is very good but Aegis is over the top, and if you don't know me yes I have an aegis build. Don't really use it anymore, I find it to be pretty boring nowadays.

GGG really needs to make sure there aren't a bunch of pvp matches that end in a stalemate. Those are so dumb.
Standard Forever
1The point is that the block shouldn't absorb 100% dmg. Every shield should have block chance in % and an amount or % of dmg absorbed. It's easy. 100% dmg reduction on block has ended in D2.
Later all the hack and slash games started to use partial dmg reduction conception: Titan Quaest, D3, Grim Dawn. Not sure about Sacred though. And it's the right way to move, cause block is OP.
Last edited by _TaZaR_ on Nov 14, 2013, 8:45:14 AM
Aegis Aurora:
75% block 100% dmg
Gain ES when block
Deal dmg when block
Immortal vs 99% (number I pulled from my ass) of all melee

I see more and more building for shield in PvP cause it's so good.

Should be max 75% dmg reduction with help of passive.
Or at least not more then max 50% chance to block.
Pvp is all block and casters (ek). People tend to flock to the easiest exploitable method. While that is it, its the lowest risk vs reward you can get in pvp. Add critical chance and all the damage you were meant to not have by going 1 handed for a more defensive trade off is null. Add spells that are doing unavoidable (under may circumstances, about equal to how low risk and reward using a shield is) damage+criticals and you have the recipe for the perfect pvp character in POE currently. Oh but wait..what if someone penetrates your block and invests all their time/currency/build into beating just 1 element of the game i.e block? Well who cares, you got trigger gems,temporal chains,chill,molten shells...Its just the state of the game. Gotta work with what you have. Its an uphill battle until pvp gets looked at and its why people are generally just block/casters or block/melee to begin with because its what you do to have the least downsides or no downsides per match up.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
its quite interesting i come to this thread and see comments from lordofgenocide and dominus about block being broken.. both of the guys mentioned are solid 2h sword users. i will give my share on this topic.

i went into arena once and see a 67 level guy.another of the 99% people who join a what is supposed to be an offensive arena was using a i attack and to my surprise it took 6-7 heavy strikes to get through his block. im not sure how much block is possible to get at that level even with the best block gear

im a lvl 94, 2h axe Marauder with approximately 900 pvp fights through my only 2-3 months of pvping in standard league.I have over 55k Heavy Strike i think this is enough to 1shot a lvl 67 player even when he is blocking.

then come other combinations with block which in my opinion take 0 skill to pull out as mentioned in previous comments and other threads (only takes a few threads back to notice which skills they are as they have been mentioned numerous times) .i think all pvpers have agreed many times with this point.

give me some block penetration on my axe nodes and ill make this exploiters of the current pvp situation rethink their specs in seconds. maybe ragequit again cz u cant see ur broken tactics being beaten?

and YOU 'thefallen' #1 punk in the arena, Id pay a lot to have the video of our very first fight. back when EA exploit wasnt fixed and u were still sitting even more afk on ur righteous fire. when i came back and kill u couple rounds and suddenly u pull out a quil rain with the legendary 3 gems to win the fight, then cried non stop for weeks in every single 3v3 when u were against others EA exploit.

i never spoke about any1s built ..but ur big mouth backfired

no hard feelings, slam

100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
Last edited by Banditje on Nov 21, 2013, 11:48:11 AM
a lvl 94 beats a lvl 67 and you think that proves something?
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
a lvl 94 beats a lvl 67 and you think that proves something?

u should read carefully before u speak. i said it doesnt make sense a lvl 67 being able to block 55k heavystrikes with no penalty because of block.i havent spoken about any achievments here. im giving an example of the level difference where the person could still manage to block some shots
100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
I read pretty carefully but was not sure what you were getting at. Everyone knows block negates all damage so your scenario is not at all surprising. I'm positive GGG will make changes to block in the future. PVP needs a ton of work right now.
Standard Forever
Don't even see how you got that he was gloating about a kill on a 67 from what he wrote. You'd have to be blind in 1 eye half blind in the other. Hes arguing that block is bull shit at this current stage in the game. Hes arguing the same thing anyone with a clue has been arguing. That the trade off youre supposed to take for going block chance is not there. Practically the bottom line is this game is balanced around pvm and not pvp. Which leaves to question why the hell we have -block sword nodes when they make no sense in pvm. But really the addition of cast on damage taken added more defense to already defensive builds that have 100% investment in doing nothing but standing there. Kills are had by the other player killing themselves on a. block chance reflect variations b. molten shell criticals c. boredom. Thats the bottom line and a fact that shouldn't be delusionally overlooked. Block negating 100% of the damage taken is the norm in my opinion some will argue it should be a percentage like newer games but negating all of the damage is ok. There should be more ways around it though and block shouldnt heal you,reflect damage for you at the rate it does now. Im all for counter builds so on and so forth thats pvp. The hp vs es debate is now mute but we're left with afk style defense builds that get a woody from standing there thinking their the champions of the arena for doing nothing but...standing there.

Pvp in this game is as follows in this colorful example I'll create for you.

Imagine for a second a guy picks a fight with you. You go "ok", lets do it. He proceeds to run away behind a barb wired electric fence and talks shit while he throws patheticly weak rocks at you. Pestering you into climbing the fence so you can get near him. He can't do any damage to you, you can only hurt yourself by wasting your time entertaining the fact he even started this in the first place. Thats pvp in this game at the "high" (loosely used) level, its all there is to it. Bear traps shouldn't of been nerfed because its your ONLY attack you have against this type of player as a melee character. If you waste your time going in you'll just kill yourself to abnoxious levels of reflect and shock or get 1hit by Molten shells on critical. I obviously don't have it as bad as someone not using a sword but its still stupidity at its finest. Penetration gems shouldn't work the way they do in pvp, Bear traps shouldn't of been nerfed, Molten shell does far too much damage when incorporating criticals and multipliers. Cast on damage taken combinations amplified an already existing problem and to be honest ive just come to terms with it all and will continue to do my thing. But I can understand the frustration players have against this kind of 0 talent shit on a daily basis. This game is still the greatest successor to Diablo2 and its perfect in every single way except this area. I don't understand how you can create such a brilliant currency system, amazing passive tree and great pvm mechanics yet have a pvp that fumbles in so many ways.
GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul on Nov 21, 2013, 5:43:56 PM

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