How PVP based Tournaments should look like not to be an entire failure.

And again you turn it into an OT war:

And it seems you don't read any books if 5 lines of text are already are a "Wall of text"

Stfu. Also, wtf do you mean they lost half their player base twice?
There's been more people playing the last week, during weekdays, than their records set in OB. The player base has grown greatly and many people have returned from quitting in OB.

Why was Anarachy and Onslaught introduced? Why did Descent got promoted on websites.
Because the main leagues barely had any players left.

Currently it's just a release hype once it died it's the same game as ever because major issues haven't been fixed and other issues were introduced.

Should we really expect people to play non-stop forever or the game isn't successful? When the trend in games now is put out a major title every year, get big sales right away and let it just fade away when the next installment comes out.

We aren't talking about CoD here, where the Campaign mode is a lazy ass 1 month mod of a previous game, support will be dropped at some point and servers shut down.
If a game receives longer support it must be treated differently.
Why do you think players still play Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV or Oblivion because of Mods aka content. The devs know that modders are essential in the life time of a game.
Why do you think players still play SC+BW? Blizzard created a pretty balanced game.

Sure if there would be a big publisher behind PoE it would receive treatment like TL and 2 years later there is PoE 2.

If there's participation points giving to the PVP season like races then people will play. It's not like someone who isn't good at PVP will suddenly be top of the ladder even with the step you want to include to make it even.

Again do you really believe Skill matters here? You cannot evade certain attacks by clicking.
You saw what happened to CT, when 4+ higher levels butchered slow players. The participation dropped to a minimum. The same thing will happen to PVP.

Unless they are giving me my full 60 pages worth of currency I promise I'm only getting 1-2 good pieces out of it. Someone who hits a 6l in 1 jeweler and 1 fuse, or the guy who got the godly weapon with a single alch will be at a huge advantage. It's no different than merc pvp now except I can use my time to equalize my disadvantage against people's luck.

And again. Did you forgot that I wrote linking goes from 4-6 links?
There is a huge difference between getting lucky on 1 item or have a balaced itemset.

In a game that's centered around build diversity this would remove it completely from PVP. "Be as diverse as you'd like, only in PVE though, all competitions are very rigid to make things fair." Booo

You like to use arguments to your advantage don't you?
In other threads you are saying:"There is no build diversity" and due to the structure of the skill tree every character looks the same, because it's just highway traveling taking certain nodes or clusters.
The clusters aren't connected so there is no build diversity.
Oh there are 2 options on certain builds such as go crit caster or go base damage caster but then again crit is far more effective....

Just say you'll never play end game again. I highly doubt they'll fix it so you're happy.

If the devs confirm there will be private leagues with extended modification rights I will undo them and play endgame agian.
If the devs say private leagues are only their gamesetting with some buttons I am not going to play endgame again.

For 3 weeks when testing out LLD ideas I was able to get 10-20 matches in daily on EU, my morning time. I don't expect many people in US up for PVP at 7-10am on a weekday so I'd go to EU. Right now, at 11:00pm at night there's someone on my friend's list (firebrand to be exact) putting together 3v3 matches.

Yeah putting together is the keyword. There is no natural 3 vs 3. You have to find players!

There's way more interest in this than you are giving credit for. But it doesn't really surprise me because you don't have much community interaction so you are just making assumptions based on how you feel.

Initial interest doesn't fix existing issues and I have got enough interaction. I just don't interact much with full time players. Especially not those who are getting headache from a some lines of text, would even sign a ToU with "You are my bitch now" because it's "TL;DR".

Sure the first events will be full but they will be pretty empty over time.
Last edited by Hilbert on Nov 6, 2013, 6:23:21 AM
Hello Hilbert,

I am going to quote myself (I know, bad style) from another topic where a similar idea was brought up.

While I do not agree with your ideas and think they would make the tourney very boring, because the top 50 would be made up of more or less the exact same build, I think you have a strong point. You lay your finger at exactly what is wrong with 28 pvp in this game:

Azdrubel wrote:
if I could wager my money on the outcome of such a hypothetical race/tournament, I would place it on the 2handed mace flicker-glacialhammer-tempchains Marauder/Templar with Resolute Technique...

Look, I will take the time to give my opinion on your idea. It sounds fair and competitive on first glance, but once you really think about it you should see the flaws.

First of all, I think your idea is bad - because there would be no real thought-process involved in creating those chars. Simply use some bullshit-mechanics and you win: Stun, Freeze, RT and Temp-Chains.

You basically need Chayula (or Unwavering Stance, but that is just viable for the Duelist who has other problems [was a statement regarding old skilltree - with the new one US wastes too many points]) to counter the stun-mechanic, there is no way around it. As long as this item is not guaranteed in your race there is no point in going for any char but the ones with access to the numerically most and most effective life-nodes. That is Templar and Marauder. Because otherwise you will get permastunned and you will loose. Guaranteed.

You also need either Dream Fragments or Wanderlust, because otherwise you will get permafrozen by Coldcrit- or Glacial Hammer chars. As Cold-crit does not really work well with some random dropped gear, you are left with Glacial Hammer users, the most effective ones being Templar and Marauder (see point 1, because of [Strength,] Lifenodes and Catalyse).

Due to the existence of Resolute Technique there is no real point in using any build revolving around Evasion, because your defence would be completely countered by an RT char. On the other side, IF you are going for RT, you can count any match against an Evasion-based char an automatic win, so no real point in NOT taking RT.

For the lack of Accuracy on some randomly dropped gear, there is also no real point in going for crit, because you would simply miss too often. RT solves this problem too.

Curses are another story. They can only be countered by curse-removal-flasks, and if such are not guaranteed you would have matches where everyone is permanently running around being cursed... And as Tempchains is one of the best, if not THE best curse (plus it synergises very well with the chill-effect from Glacial Hammer [see point 1 and 2 for further reference]) basically everyone would move and fight like a snail.

I won´t mention uniques and how they could completely break this idea of a "balanced" arena. Imagine someone getting a Geofri´s or Wakes...

My point is that your idea would force players to go for the least gear-dependant builds that can stand a chance against other chars. Everyone would make the same char. It would have nothing to do with skill, knowledge or anything. The credo would be: stack as much bullshit on your char as possible. In the end it would not be more balanced - it would be the same shit, but with even more shit and much less fun.

I am also going to quote the rest of said post, because - while it does adress an issue you did not bring up (no sympathy with overgeared chars that stomp noobs) - I tried to point out the two sides of the super-steep gear curve:

Azdrubel wrote:
That leads me to another point - your statement of having no sympathy with players who stomp undergeared players in the arena. Well, you cannot imagine how infinitesimally small my sympathy is for people who come to the lvl 28 arena with like lvl 17 or 18 and their random gear they found on the way, to get their faces wrecked (seriously, who could have expected that?!) only to then whine and complain about how unbalanced shit is. I mean, imagine in real life some overweight couch-potatoe suddenly decides to join an MMA tournament, gets his ass handed to him and then complains (assuming he is still alive and capable of speaking) how unfair it is that those guys trained for like their whole life?! That is basically the same.
Still, I get your point, and you are right. The gear curve (especially in lvl 28 PvP) IS way too steep for beginners to compete against fully geared pvp-chars. But at the same time this gear curve enables a lot of builds which, without access to very rare and specific gear, would otherwise be impossible (summoners, wanders, low-life-EE-casters... just to name a few).
At the moment there is no real way around this pretty unfair situation. [or at least I can think of no implementable way - the perfect solution would be a tournament where everyone has access to EVERY unique and can create an item by simply typing in the required stats and then the gameengine creates said item, but where would be the fun in that?!]

Anyways, by having players build their chars around some randomly dropped gear you would not have a variety of builds but you would pigeonhole them into going for the most simple and uncounterable way. And that is neither creative nor would it be fun.

best regards
Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!

IGN: Trapsdrubel
Last edited by Azdrubel on Nov 6, 2013, 5:35:55 PM
Your ideas are seriously great. I think adding a few more modifiers would make them even more successful. Exp boost and harder npcs, rarity and IIQ buff, your link idea is great, and maybe something like the descent awards. If it was a race style I think these modifiers would have to exist and would also make it actually really damn fun. Its like a less troll version of cutthroat. I like cutthroat alot but this would be organized and cool too.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Nov 6, 2013, 7:53:39 AM
Hilbert, everyone single one of your arguments is based on assumptions.

There's only 2-3 builds - the ones you've mentioned were popular back in CB/beginning of OB. They aren't as dominant and there's a bunch of powerful builds out there.

Won't be enough players - What says your system will be any better? Seems like both are toss ups and could both fail or both be good.

There's no interest in PVP atm - the fact that someone can get 6 people together, different ones because he puts in his status looking for X more every few minutes at 11pm on a Tuesday night means there's some interest. Are the off season races as popular as the ones during the season? Also PVP isn't like races, if you break out a OP build people will attempt to copy it. Why show your hand before the ladder starts if you don't have to?

Would you grow up already. You take jabs into this world war stage. You had 5 lines as a reply yet it took up 2 pages of screen. I didn't say I'm annoyed I had to read all your ranting, I'm just amazed that regardless of how long your reply is it will require scrolling.

I don't get you. You literally can't have a constructive debate. You just bash people and try to act like you are smarter. I don't see how this is a magical cure for PVP. Sounds like a nice addition, like I've said a bunch of times, but for people like myself who don't enjoy racing, but do enjoy grinding, it sounds like a flop.

You're fighting for a ladder that works towards your strengths and I'm hoping for one that works towards mine. I don't get how you are too thick to realize I don't want to just throw away 1-2 months of grinding because Hilbert is protesting the current end game.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -
Spoilered for readablity so some MMORPG players don't get headache;)

Moosifer Part:
I use quotes so persons will find the context of the posting. Especially on a really insulting community sometimes following happens:
User A: Text
User B: Text
User C: Text +"You idiot"(aiming at User A without context)
User B: "Fuck you"

Where do I describe builds? I give examples!
The only difference between CB and now is EC,Trap and Flicker Spamming not being possible anymore and less auras being active at the same time(well most PVPers only cast 2 auras anyway because casting more would mean instant dead on small arenas) that's it.

Players not wanting to grind their brains out and being interested in PVP will favor my PVP addition. You are might be right that it might fail because the game got too much focus on PVM for almost 1 year. Remember when the devs said Voidhome should be a good PVP item?It's still all the way on the bottom.

And this is how PVP looked in CB after it was new:
"#3 vs 3 PVP check public parties"
20 Sec later you were already in matchups on HC!
Act3 got a colloseum why doesn't it get some use if NPC queues are the reason?

And yet again you think my major point is racing+PVP.
Void league PVP is intended to players not wanting to grind their brains out a thing you actually have to do here!
It's intended to players wanting more skillbased than grindresult based matches.
This is just copy pasting the same mistake of oll the MMORPGs out there.
The original D2 had a huge PVP community and Lod, 1.10+ PVP migrated to PvPGn servers, which was known as BnetD earlier. Why do you think did it got named PVP Gaming Network?
Because grinding was onpopular!
They modified the droptables so only perfect PVP items were dropping. The PVP community mainly played on emulated PVP servers instead of
It's hard to understand as somebody who didn't experience how proper PVP on ARPGs looked like.
But PVPers don't want to invest 1000+ hours on 1 character. They don't want to see an itemasation where 90% of the dropping items are shit for one build.
PVPers want to have many matches. They don't want to grind to be able to have matches against other grinders.
Why do you think shooters, RTS and MOBA are popular for PVPers?

I want an addition which offers fast balanced PVP matches. If you want to compare "botted/botlike acquired EQ PVP" fine.
I am only explaning why pure gearbased PVPevents will fail.


First of all, I think your idea is bad - because there would be no real thought-process involved in creating those chars. Simply use some bullshit-mechanics and you win: Stun, Freeze, RT and Temp-Chains.

Temp Chains is ok but I don't think it should work with "Curses don't expire" they always should be timed on players

Freeze is a massive problem it only can be countered by flasks and 2 unique items and only 2 items offer certain freeze protection.
I think the only skills that should be allowed to freeze should be unspammable ones such as Cold Snap and freeze should be reduced to max 2 seconds(increasable) or 3 seconds(limit impossible to be frozen longer than 3 seconds)

RT should be disabled for PVP.

Stun would be ok if the Stunduration would be capped or else it will turn out like 1.09 smite duels(first hit won because the second player never got out of the stun knockback lock)

Your idea giving players perfect EQ and all uniques pretty much goes toward the execution of the PVP GN Servers on D2, which were popular because modding allowed to fix huge balance issues.
For example a perfect hammerdin in modded PVPGN 1.10f would do only 50% of the damage it does in 1.10+ on damage instead of 18.400)
They also worked because certain items didn't exist such as imported/legacy/ith items or Runewords triviliazing the game such as Enigma got removed(or teleport got removed)
If you wanted to use teleport as a non sorc class you had to use charged items which could could be easily acquired.

Hilbert wrote:

First of all, I think your idea is bad - because there would be no real thought-process involved in creating those chars. Simply use some bullshit-mechanics and you win: Stun, Freeze, RT and Temp-Chains.

Temp Chains is ok but I don't think it should work with "Curses don't expire" they always should be timed on players

Freeze is a massive problem it only can be countered by flasks and 2 unique items and only 2 items offer certain freeze protection.
I think the only skills that should be allowed to freeze should be unspammable ones such as Cold Snap and freeze should be reduced to max 2 seconds(increasable) or 3 seconds(limit impossible to be frozen longer than 3 seconds)

RT should be disabled for PVP.

Stun would be ok if the Stunduration would be capped or else it will turn out like 1.09 smite duels(first hit won because the second player never got out of the stun knockback lock)

Your idea giving players perfect EQ and all uniques pretty much goes toward the execution of the PVP GN Servers on D2, which were popular because modding allowed to fix huge balance issues.
For example a perfect hammerdin in modded PVPGN 1.10f would do only 50% of the damage it does in 1.10+ on damage instead of 18.400)
They also worked because certain items didn't exist such as imported/legacy/ith items or Runewords triviliazing the game such as Enigma got removed(or teleport got removed)
If you wanted to use teleport as a non sorc class you had to use charged items which could could be easily acquired.

Yeah, you see? That is exactly my point. You would have to change EVERYTHING regarding the actual mechanics of the game we are playing! If you change that much you could as well play a different game (Note: This is not the "go play a different game"-excuse, that would be a lame argument) because if you change/disable some fundamental things like "freeze on crit with colddmg" you make it a different game. But to have your idea work out you would need to do exactly that. See, and this makes your argument I quoted invalid, because you try to counter my concerns by assuming the foundations of my concerns were different/nonexistent within your league. I do not expect that, and neither should you.

I am pretty PRETTY sure that GGG would allow a pvp-custom-league with such fundamental changes and only perfect PvP gear dropping. But I HIGHLY doubt it would be their approach of official PvP-tournaments, not in this universe or any other.

Now, please be so kind and answer my concerns (and not their foundations) about how your idea of a Void-league with "fair" selfcrafted pvp-gear and builds should work WITHIN THE GAME AND IT´S MECHANICS. Otherwise you cannot expect to be taken serious. Imagining a different game is no answer but a diversionary maneuver...

best regards
Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!

IGN: Trapsdrubel
Last edited by Azdrubel on Nov 6, 2013, 5:31:04 PM
Hilbert wrote:

I like the idea of people grinding for stuff and crafting a build carefully to do well in PVP.

Really? How many Grind PVPers are there?
It's pure Itembased PVP not skill based.
A crit cold caster will always defeat a player not having Dream Fragments or Wanderlust because of Permafreeze.
So you consider yourself a good PVPer if you beat up some players without certain EQ?
You will certainly have fun fighting the same players over and over again because other players got sick of getting one shot by equipped players.

that is the point of arpg pvp, it is not meant to be 100% skill based. you have the wrong mentallity.

there are much better games out there if you want a balanced pvp environment.

not to mention 6v6 and even 3v3 pvp will be more complicated, as support characters and stuff will come into play.
ign = ultrahiangle
Last edited by ultrahiangle on Nov 6, 2013, 6:17:21 PM
ultrahiangle wrote:
Hilbert wrote:

I like the idea of people grinding for stuff and crafting a build carefully to do well in PVP.

Really? How many Grind PVPers are there?
It's pure Itembased PVP not skill based.
A crit cold caster will always defeat a player not having Dream Fragments or Wanderlust because of Permafreeze.
So you consider yourself a good PVPer if you beat up some players without certain EQ?
You will certainly have fun fighting the same players over and over again because other players got sick of getting one shot by equipped players.

that is the point of arpg pvp, it is not meant to be 100% skill based. you have the wrong mentallity.

there are much better games out there if you want a balanced pvp environment.

not to mention 6v6 and even 3v3 pvp will be more complicated, as support characters and stuff will come into play.

It shouldn't be 100% gear based either. Skill should play some part or there will be no long term interest.
Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP?
Open Letter to Qarl on Crafting Value
Biggest Problem with Mapping: Inconsistent Risk to Reward
Veta321 wrote:
It shouldn't be 100% gear based either. Skill should play some part or there will be no long term interest.

Pretty sure Aux beating Baker proves there is skill. Aux talks openly about how he doesn't have crazy expensive gear while Baker is using a 6l shav and I assume a ton of other expensive things.

I tried to find the video but couldn't. Maybe it's on bakers twitch.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -
The video is not up afaik, but if you want some drama

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