FS: BIS EK gear

Bump heres some BINs for whenever I get back.

Amulet = 20 exalts

Chaos ring = 12 exalts

The other ring = 8 exalts

Belt = 12 exalts

Helm = 4 exalts

Boots = 12 exalts

Staff = 60 exalts

All maps = 90 exalts

I have already got plenty of offer below these prices so please don't bother negotiating.

Vizzini wrote:
Bump heres some BINs for whenever I get back.

Amulet = 20 exalts

Chaos ring = 12 exalts

The other ring = 8 exalts

Belt = 12 exalts

Helm = 4 exalts

Boots = 12 exalts

Staff = 60 exalts

All maps = 90 exalts

I have already got plenty of offer below these prices so please don't bother negotiating.

Just out of curiosity, why 60 exalts for a staff thats mirrored? Did the original staff RIP? Otherwise its a pretty bad deal, when you can just buy a mirror yourself for 30-40 exalts.

Eightkilo wrote:
Vizzini wrote:
Bump heres some BINs for whenever I get back.

Amulet = 20 exalts

Chaos ring = 12 exalts

The other ring = 8 exalts

Belt = 12 exalts

Helm = 4 exalts

Boots = 12 exalts

Staff = 60 exalts

All maps = 90 exalts

I have already got plenty of offer below these prices so please don't bother negotiating.

Just out of curiosity, why 60 exalts for a staff thats mirrored? Did the original staff RIP? Otherwise its a pretty bad deal, when you can just buy a mirror yourself for 30-40 exalts.

The owner of the staff will not Mirror it again. Multiple people have offered him over 40 exalts just for the mirror service and he declined. He said he wants to keep the staff rare.

This is the only opportunity to get the best EK staff in the game.
Vizzini wrote:
Eightkilo wrote:
Vizzini wrote:
Bump heres some BINs for whenever I get back.

Amulet = 20 exalts

Chaos ring = 12 exalts

The other ring = 8 exalts

Belt = 12 exalts

Helm = 4 exalts

Boots = 12 exalts

Staff = 60 exalts

All maps = 90 exalts

I have already got plenty of offer below these prices so please don't bother negotiating.

Just out of curiosity, why 60 exalts for a staff thats mirrored? Did the original staff RIP? Otherwise its a pretty bad deal, when you can just buy a mirror yourself for 30-40 exalts.

The owner of the staff will not Mirror it again. Multiple people have offered him over 40 exalts just for the mirror service and he declined. He said he wants to keep the staff rare.

This is the only opportunity to get the best EK staff in the game.

Fair enough. GL selling

mirror + 10 ex for kaoms
ign: KudukuLovesHillock
PM me ingame

Mirror my staff for 40 exalts #1 ek staff HC.
ign: peptodismal (rip)/ElMundoFrio
assman69 wrote:

Mirror my staff for 40 exalts #1 ek staff HC.

Your staff wasn't even worth 6 linking since there are plenty much better ones out their with +1 to gems, the most important stat.
ign: peptodismal (rip)/ElMundoFrio
so that 19% wich will give you like 1500 dps upgrade less importand than +1 to all gems which give you like 500 upgrade?

or some1 will run avra gems in the stuff
free bumb, for a nice gear setup. I fail to see reason in some ppl on this thread, its sad :-/

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