After skipping 3.24 I now did weeks of T17-s and I must say.. they need to change!

Dxt44 wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
No its not....there are threads of pages and pages and pages of people literally saying there is NOTHING that drops in t16s anymore.

And you believe them?

Lol read my first post bro. Yes....I believe that THEY believe what they say to be true. I am saying it is NOT true.

You are giving the average PoE complainer far too much credit by assuming they are exaggerating on purpose.

It is the same basic argument of people who claim that certain skills or builds are "totally inviable" because they don't perform at the same level as lightning arrow. This forum is FULL of them, and they are most certainly not self-recognized exaggerations lol. If they were, arguments would stop in 4 posts.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 2, 2024, 2:43:24 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
You are giving the average PoE complainer far too much credit by assuming they are exaggerating on purpose.

That's weird thesis. If someone who get shit loot is going on forum I assume he is pissed off and will exaggerate things.

exaggerating on purpose

That's really weird.
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44 on Sep 2, 2024, 2:45:17 PM
^When multiple people spend PAGES saying that there is "no loot" in t16s....they are NOT exaggerating. They legitimately believe there is no loot in t16s, because of t17s.

I find it weird you are trying to put words into other people's mouths, when those other people are being pretty darn clear in what they are saying.

There are two common arguments with t17s: they are too hard, or that they are too rewarding compared to t16s. When arguing the second point, it ALWAYS starts and continues from people who claim there is "no loot" in t16s. This is NOT an exaggeration in their eyes, it is the literal truth as they believe it to be.

You seem to be trying to defend them by saying they are only "exaggerating" and don't actually feel the way...they spend pages and pages of forum posts telling everyone how they feel.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 2, 2024, 3:08:54 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
^When multiple people spend PAGES saying that there is "no loot" in t16s....they are NOT exaggerating.

Yes they are.

The amount of people using hyperbole or just straight lying about the subject is 10/10 times.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
jsuslak313 wrote:
^When multiple people spend PAGES saying that there is "no loot" in t16s....they are NOT exaggerating. They legitimately believe there is no loot in t16s, because of t17s.

I find it weird you are trying to put words into other people's mouths, when those other people are being pretty darn clear in what they are saying.

There are two common arguments with t17s: they are too hard, or that they are too rewarding compared to t16s. When arguing the second point, it ALWAYS starts and continues from people who claim there is "no loot" in t16s. This is NOT an exaggeration in their eyes, it is the literal truth as they believe it to be.

You seem to be trying to defend them by saying they are only "exaggerating" and don't actually feel the way...they spend pages and pages of forum posts telling everyone how they feel.

I am not even know what are you talking about. It's basic psychology.
On Probation Any%
It's the internet. Everybody (except for me) lies
Most of my "loot and currency" was obtained outside of T17.
Feel free to review my RF char and judge if you feel T16s are not profitable (the LS slayer was made on PL and hasn't been changed).

If you follow a youtuber/streamer's guide to currency, it's likely to be tougher to make money as the "investment" is priced around the potential outcome.

Find something you like that isn't the go-to meta. I ran ambush without Containment and Discernment, which reduced the cost per map to a point where even Exarch altar currency would outwieght the investment.

You may not make money as quick as the top x%, but you'll make good money.
Don't let FOMO get to you, and enjoy the process.
Last edited by FalkenRaiding on Sep 2, 2024, 4:15:33 PM
Just wanted to add that I did like 200+ T16 Strongbox/Abyss farm before and while yes I got lucky and dropped multiple Nimis div cards with each being an average of 30DIV each.. but they ALL dropped in one map and never after.
With T17-s, each.. almost 90% of the time I get ATLEAST 1DIV raw, eighter div cards or the fragments from bosses which sell for 1div on average or valdos which drop pretty often and are 1div each (opened 50+ this league and maybe a few were 2-3div worth so note to myself, never ever open any of these things next league) and then there is the insane amount of gold you can get doing just one T17 map.
The amount of ground loot is insane vs T16, specially if you roll your map to have more currency, scarabs etc.

T17-s just feel forced endgame maps now when before we had the ENTIRE FRIGGEN ATLAS.. which for most was 1 map but 1 map THEY chose from the ENTIRE atlas map pool.

Sorry for a bit of a rant but there is tweaking to be done still to get it into a good spot.

Basicly as I said, you should be able to make a map on your atlas a T17 with maybe this even modifying the size of your map to be consistent of the T17-s. Im sure the team will figure it out for next league or league after cause I think most are now working to getting POE II early access launched.
Mathils actual cat
Last edited by HDTanel on Sep 2, 2024, 9:22:21 PM
If you get "no loot" in t16s then you have a loot filter that hides everything except divines and mirrors...
Just played casually for about 12 minutes and pulled out 4 divs worth of loot from tier 16 maps that are not even influenced or have scarabs. This is about average I'd say, I am not even pushing my character or try to play 100% efficiently. Others can probably pull out more than 12 divs per hour.

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