After skipping 3.24 I now did weeks of T17-s and I must say.. they need to change!

I donno bout you guys but after finally doing a ton of T17-s and trying to "magic" find loot there cause thats what you do in endgame I feel we are now FORCED into T17-s if you want decent return on investment.

The loot is so much better then running T16-s 8 mod corrupted and it takes a while to roll those kind of maps. Rolling T17-s is pretty easy with regex but I hate that I am now FORCED into these 5 layouts.

I feel the easiest thing to do is to give you the option to choose one map you like and it will become like a T17 map with T17 bosses inside the boss rooms or boss area. And once you apply this feature on this map the map will become like a T17 so only modifiable with chaos orbs and vaal chisel.

Right now im pretty burned out on T17 farming, its all this dark corridors, kinda like Sanctum ptsd its not praticulary fun or cool.
Mathils actual cat
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 1:08:28 PM
The content outside T17s is as profitable as ever.
Johny_Snow wrote:
The content outside T17s is as profitable as ever.

It seems to me that your thesis doesn't reflect your characters.
On Probation Any%
This argument comes up a lot and I just want to put this out there.

Argument: All the loot is now in t17s, useless to run anything else

Reality: The loot that existed prior to t17s STILL EXISTS....however; now that there is a new tier of loot anything less than the highest tier feels like nothing.

This reality means that both sides of this argument are right....and wrong.
Those who claim that only t17s drop loot are essentially correct because they drop so much loot as to devalue anything you might find in t16s.
Those who claim loot at t16s is still profitable and unchanged are ALSO correct....but with the caveat that because t17s exist, they will forever be fighting for a smaller slice of the pie now.

A very raw example of this phenomenon: say a t16 dropped 1 divine per map on average profit. Nowadays, that same t16 drops 1 divine per map BUT a t17 on the other hand drops 5-10 divines. THIS is the real loot problem here. More divines and profit are entering the marketplace via t17s, exponentially more than t16s. So while t16s still deliver, they FAIL to deliver what they used to in terms of endgame profit.

If you were dealing in middle- to middle-high tier gearing, you won't feel much. But if you were at the higher end of everything, you DRASTICALLY feel the difference between t16s and t17s.
It's a pseudo-affliction feeling all over again.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 2, 2024, 2:07:18 PM
Dxt44 wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
The content outside T17s is as profitable as ever.

It seems to me that your thesis doesn't reflect your characters.

No, but my wealth does
jsuslak313 wrote:
Argument: All the loot is now in t17s, useless to run anything else

Dude, everyone who say that doesn't mean that. It's obvious that T16 drops stuff. It's just an exaggeration.
On Probation Any%
Last edited by Dxt44 on Sep 2, 2024, 2:14:19 PM
Whenever i played primarily sc trade, it was my experience that almost nothing that drops on the ground is worth anything past day 2-3. I always had to profit craft to get rich. The only way you make money off of ground loot is extreme luck with valdos, farming t17 maps to sell, or invitation rotas. You can also get lucky vaaling highly used uniques and hitting good corruptions. A lot of them still arent worth anything past day 5-6 outside of some niche rt corruptions like replica dreamfeather and eph edge.

This is of course considering items that you can reasonably find.

T17s kind of changed this. Now you can farm t17s for ground loot.

Try farming crafting mats harvest/essence/jun and crafting gear.
Dxt44 wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
Argument: All the loot is now in t17s, useless to run anything else

Dude, everyone who say that doesn't mean that. It's obvious that T16 drops stuff. It's just an exaggeration.

No its not....there are threads of pages and pages and pages of people literally saying there is NOTHING that drops in t16s anymore. It is the most common anti-t17 argument thats made on the forums today. That they "stole" the loot from t16s

I IS an exaggeration in reality, but it is not being presented as an exaggeration in any arguments I've read recently. And that's why I posted what I did.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 2, 2024, 2:25:38 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
No its not....there are threads of pages and pages and pages of people literally saying there is NOTHING that drops in t16s anymore.

And you believe them?
On Probation Any%
Ground loot being worthless is BS. Plenty of ground loot is in fact finite in nature - you use it once and you need to buy/farm it again. Sacarbs, chisels, maps, invitations, certain orbs - they all retain their value because they are a finite resource.

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