The settlement system should go core relatively unchanged

gabpla111 wrote:

Faustus will stay for sure, but I really hope they dump everything else.

May I ask why? If you don't like the league mechanic (like myself) why not simply ignore it? Why ruin the fun for the people that like doing it?
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
666lol666 wrote:
gabpla111 wrote:

Faustus will stay for sure, but I really hope they dump everything else.

May I ask why? If you don't like the league mechanic (like myself) why not simply ignore it? Why ruin the fun for the people that like doing it?

I don't want to ruin anyone's fun.

That's just my personal opinion If it stays, then it stays. I personally hope it won't. Simple as that.
gabpla111 wrote:
666lol666 wrote:
gabpla111 wrote:

Faustus will stay for sure, but I really hope they dump everything else.

May I ask why? If you don't like the league mechanic (like myself) why not simply ignore it? Why ruin the fun for the people that like doing it?

I don't want to ruin anyone's fun.

That's just my personal opinion If it stays, then it stays. I personally hope it won't. Simple as that.

I too hope that it wont stay for one single reason that people dismiss: FOMO.

I love the mechanic, and it has been the most fun league I've played but the town adds too much FOMO in the league to go core because of the constant pressure to have enough gold in storage to keep it running.

Makes you play more than you usually would just to get more gold to keep town running (costs gets pretty high end game), and you end up burning out much quicker from the league. Just my opinion tho.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
Remember back then when we met Zana inside a map and could take a Zana quest from there? We could meet our map runners in there and have them run a map for us. Rewards will be shipped to Faustus some time later.

Not sure if I would enjoy micromanaging Map Runners and Ships for the rest of the games life span.
Nah, it's not that bad. Juiced t16 give 20-40k. T17, not even that juiced, give 60-90k. If you don't run mappers, thats grain for a week after 20 maps or so and you can fire a big 50 mio shipment after a while without much effort playing 2 hours in the evening after you goblin caved the league satrt. I mean you play maps anyway what else you gonna do, this is poe^^. It's just when people think they have to run all 3 map devices at any time and run the disenchanter at any time when things get out of hand^^...Shipments can easily stay in the game, imo.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 26, 2024, 3:26:03 PM
Currency exchange?
- Most definitely core

Black market?
- Most definitely core

Farming, mining, dusting and shipping?
- Very unlikely core

- Probably core

- Probably not core, although they are a nice map sink so I hope they will ^^
Strickl3r wrote:
Nah, it's not that bad. Juiced t16 give 20-40k. T17, not even that juiced, give 60-90k. If you don't run mappers, thats grain for a week after 20 maps or so and you can fire a big 50 mio shipment after a while without much effort playing 2 hours in the evening after you goblin caved the league satrt. I mean you play maps anyway what else you gonna do, this is poe^^. It's just when people think they have to run all 3 map devices at any time and run the disenchanter at any time when things get out of hand^^...Shipments can easily stay in the game, imo.

As a dad gamer my bottleneck are the ores. Gold is a non issue as I only run one set of mappers and not all the time.
I think the whole thing should go core (plus minus balances).

Kingsmarch is a lot like heist and delve. You don't have to do it, but if you do it adds content and makes a change up.

To people say it "wastes time ", that's the idea, it's a game, needs a change of pace, doesn't have to be the same thing 24/7/365.

For a game essentially about loot economics, kingsmarch is right on the nose, giving players more ways to leverage their loot and currency.
Stop saying you don't fricking have to do it. I don't want tornadoes and meteors in my maps, period
Pass ore without activating.

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