Power Rune should be more common

or take it out of the challenges. currently you need this 5 divine rune for 2 challenges. you need one to fully upgrade your town and another to craft on weapons. i dont think its right to gate 2 challenges behind a 5 div rune that never drops for people who dont play all day long. are we supposed to spend 10 divs to do these 2 challenges?
Last bumped on Sep 7, 2024, 3:13:39 PM
oh and the 5:1 recipe doesnt work. not sure if thats a bug. it works for the other runes.
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.

It is short term seasonal content. If you're playing in ssf or small private league and it takes 3 months to acquire the enchant, what good is it.

Its not something that we know will always exist, it is borrowed power. Except its not because you cannot obtain it during the league.

Stop being such an elitist about it, not every one can play all day every day.

The op isnt begging for a mb from the ship for crying out loud, he wants to enjoy the borrowed power that the league has to offer. What if during crucible league it took you 900 maps to fully upgrade your crucible weapon that you farmed 3 weeks to get the right mods on it and craft it.

It didn't happen that way though, we were allowed to enjoy that borrowed power. People that want to enjoy the game in ssf, but don't get power runes are not allowed to enjoy it.
i dont even care about the enchant. i just want the challenges. this should be taken out of the challenge then people who want the enchant can grind for it. i aint paying 10 divs for this. if i have to pay for challenges then there are much cheaper ones to choose from
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i dont even care about the enchant. i just want the challenges. this should be taken out of the challenge then people who want the enchant can grind for it. i aint paying 10 divs for this. if i have to pay for challenges then there are much cheaper ones to choose from

If you only need one then it will happen if you send ships/mappers out. 3 mappers and 3 ships and you will eventually pull one from the boss.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i dont even care about the enchant. i just want the challenges. this should be taken out of the challenge then people who want the enchant can grind for it. i aint paying 10 divs for this. if i have to pay for challenges then there are much cheaper ones to choose from

If you only need one then it will happen if you send ships/mappers out. 3 mappers and 3 ships and you will eventually pull one from the boss.

you need 2. you cant even fully upgrade one of the benches unless you have one
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.

It is short term seasonal content. If you're playing in ssf or small private league and it takes 3 months to acquire the enchant, what good is it.

Its not something that we know will always exist, it is borrowed power. Except its not because you cannot obtain it during the league.

Stop being such an elitist about it, not every one can play all day every day.

The op isnt begging for a mb from the ship for crying out loud, he wants to enjoy the borrowed power that the league has to offer. What if during crucible league it took you 900 maps to fully upgrade your crucible weapon that you farmed 3 weeks to get the right mods on it and craft it.

It didn't happen that way though, we were allowed to enjoy that borrowed power. People that want to enjoy the game in ssf, but don't get power runes are not allowed to enjoy it.

Eh... SSF is ridden with "issues" like this.

Thats just SSF. Prolly should leave SSF out of supporting anything drop wise in this game.

I dont really see the issue here, its an item that is rare not really anything alien about that.

Every single league, Doryani's is $$$ af and required for atlas points. Completely more necessary to interact with any league added items, is atlas points.

The power rune just gives you a challenge(also doryanis) and a bit of power if your build actually uses it. Its not necessary to have to interact with the league by any stretch.

And I killed that blind idiot in delve like 6+ times and the map never dropped lol.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 16, 2024, 3:45:15 PM
Either there should be a 'cheap' craft that only needs one power rune, the drop rate should be improved or this stupid expensive rune should be removed from the challenge.
One cannot help but wonder how such a lust for loot can affect a persons mind. Although these exiles appear to be our salvation, it would not take much for them to turn on us as easily as they fight gods and demons.
Mashgesture wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No it shouldn't.

Trade for it.
Grind for it.


Makes OP enchants for a REASON.

It is short term seasonal content. If you're playing in ssf or small private league and it takes 3 months to acquire the enchant, what good is it.

Its not something that we know will always exist, it is borrowed power. Except its not because you cannot obtain it during the league.

Stop being such an elitist about it, not every one can play all day every day.

The op isnt begging for a mb from the ship for crying out loud, he wants to enjoy the borrowed power that the league has to offer. What if during crucible league it took you 900 maps to fully upgrade your crucible weapon that you farmed 3 weeks to get the right mods on it and craft it.

It didn't happen that way though, we were allowed to enjoy that borrowed power. People that want to enjoy the game in ssf, but don't get power runes are not allowed to enjoy it.

Eh... SSF is ridden with "issues" like this.

Thats just SSF. Prolly should leave SSF out of supporting anything drop wise in this game.

I dont really see the issue here, its an item that is rare not really anything alien about that.

Every single league, Doryani's is $$$ af and required for atlas points. Completely more necessary to interact with any league added items, is atlas points.

The power rune just gives you a challenge(also doryanis) and a bit of power if your build actually uses it. Its not necessary to have to interact with the league by any stretch.

And I killed that blind idiot in delve like 6+ times and the map never dropped lol.

You can very easily farm comprehensive scouting reports and get that map. This is not an item that is with the game every league. This is temporary league borrowed power.

Whenever they gave us vengeant cascade as an anoint, how would everyone feel if you had to vendor 60 tainted oils to get a special oil to anoint it.

I see what you mean now op, you need 1 for bench, and 1 for craft. im finding around 1.5/wk on average. you will get it if you run your guys. it just sucks.

Its not like in crucible where you had to find bases and every single map you had a chance to get your item, for ships you have to wait around 30 minutes a ship, and mappers are 10-15 minutes a map. So that means every 30 minutes you get 3 chances (6 if you can actually pull one from the shipment and ive never seen one there) and once every 10-15 minutes. There is no amount of just taking vacation and grinding 20 hours a day and beating your head into it.

That's the annoying part, you aren't earning anything. Its just something that may very well take all league. You will sooner most likely just quit trying than you will spend 3 months to enjoy the leagues borrowed power. Or just not at all.

Outside of endless small currency, the enchants are what the league has to offer.

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