I would REALLY like GGG to stop lying to its player-base. Oh sorry, I mean "Spin-doctoring"

Dust is not the problem, it's working as intended I'm pretty sure, meaning if you send for example 500k in crops+dust you'll get the same rewards as if you sent 500k in crops only.
However, currency rewards got absolutely nuked with the same patch that changed dust and currently just simply isn't worth it.

I suggest removing most of the farmers and shippers and simply sending small shipments for the chance of triggering the boss fight and instead using the gold for more worthwhile things like mapping, the exchange and recombinating.
Here I come to save the day, with feely craft for all hooray!

So far as I can tell, old dust increased the chance to get something rare, and new dust increases the bulk of stuff you get full stop.

Sending out shipments of 300 of everything and 27,000 dust currently I see divines almost as regularly as when I used to send out shipments of 4000 of everything with 8104 old dust; however, when I send off a shipment of as much as a boat can pack (usually around a million worth of food with a million dust to soft cap), I regularly pull stacks of 4-5 divines. I never saw more than a single divine with the old dust.

Cost is higher yes, but ceiling production is also higher, and tbf I really like that the dust bin is promoting wild amounts of trade for random league capstone mechanic uniques that would have sat in a bin forgotten or left on the floor ignored previously.
If you pulled 4 divs from a 2 mio shipment with 50% dust that was probably a critical roll on the loot^^

I tried it quite a few times already. This does not come in regularly. Tell what you want. You got lucky.
1 div every 6th shipment, but 4 divs? even if you send 10 mio that's lucky
Bigwilleh wrote:
when I send off a shipment of as much as a boat can pack (usually around a million worth of food with a million dust to soft cap), I regularly pull stacks of 4-5 divines. I never saw more than a single divine with the old dust.

Sounds like a coolstory.
Im did like 15x-20x shipments like that after patch, even with higher shipments values up to 3.500.000 - 4.000.000 - no get a single Divine from them.

And here you are saying that u getting 4-5Div stacks regulary from 1.5-2kk ships - sounds cringe.

Or you just insanely super lucky - which usual thing in this game for some small amounts of players, who's doing absolutely same stuff as others in 10x less amount, but always getting rewarded as 10x times.
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Aug 19, 2024, 1:59:41 PM
It's a real shame that this forum is so full of people so short-sighted and have a complete lack of critical thought....

Exploiting, or cheating as it is typically conflated, has no grades. It either "is" or it "isn't" exploitation or cheating. Using a broken mechanic like dust, which for all of our knowledge multiplied the value of our shipments (and therefore rewards) is NO DIFFERENT than using another broken mechanic to produce monstrous results. You cannot say that using one broken thing is different than using another broken thing simply because the results are different. The only time where THAT matters is on a grand scale: the health of the league for everybody.

This discussion always ends the same way and I'm tired of it: all people care about or see are personal "rewards". If the rewards aren't there, then it is a non-issue and totally irrelevant. When in fact it IS THE SAME THING as what gets everyone's knickers in a twist every league. Exploiting is something we ALL do. It is what we are trained to do from day 1. If something ends up dumping currency on us or "seemingly" over-effective, you can bet your bottom that 99% of us are going to pounce on it.

The only thing we knew pre-patch was that dust was multiplying our shipments in obscene ways with very little investment. WE DID NOT KNOW how this effected our rewards, only that we ASSUMED more shipping power = more rewards. Thus, dust was used to abuse its multiplier. This multiplicative relationship is exactly as broken as meatsack farming, card farming, abyss spire farming, you name it. It's all the SAME underlying problem: using an unintended multiplier for your benefit.

The ACTUAL benefits of the abuse is completely irrelevant to the action behind it.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 19, 2024, 2:06:31 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
It's a real shame that this forum is so full of people so short-sighted and have a complete lack of critical thought....

Sure is especially when they attempt to make comparisons with a blatant cheat to something that is not.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
It's a real shame that this forum is so full of people so short-sighted and have a complete lack of critical thought....

Sure is especially when they attempt to make comparisons with a blatant cheat to something that is not.

This guy gets it
Last edited by Bigwilleh on Aug 19, 2024, 2:25:00 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
It's a real shame that this forum is so full of people so short-sighted and have a complete lack of critical thought....

Exploiting, or cheating as it is typically conflated, has no grades. It either "is" or it "isn't" exploitation or cheating. Using a broken mechanic like dust, which for all of our knowledge multiplied the value of our shipments (and therefore rewards) is NO DIFFERENT than using another broken mechanic to produce monstrous results. You cannot say that using one broken thing is different than using another broken thing simply because the results are different. The only time where THAT matters is on a grand scale: the health of the league for everybody.

No idea how old or new dust works, but that is exactly why I can comment on this one:

Socket rules is the first thing one learns in poe. Even the most lazy player knows you cannot get 6L on 1h items, hence seeing this 6L means 100% sure it was unintended.

Reward pool generation and limits were never explained, be it ritual, tujen rerolls, or these new shipments. Cheating is intentionally playing outside the rules, here, no one knows the rules and blindly tries to maximize result, how can you compare those things?:)
jsuslak313 wrote:
The ACTUAL benefits of the abuse is completely irrelevant to the action behind it.

And this is also just as silly to say, and blatantly false.

There were two exploits that were patched this league. One saw a change at the balance level, with sap of the seasons. And noone was banned.


The other was an exploit to item generation, by manipulation of scrying and scarabs generating brothers gifts covering the screen. These players were all banned

So the actual benefits are 10000% completely relevant.

We as the players dont get to decide what an exploit is or isnt. That's the developers decision, and nothing in their post about dust even remotely said anything about it being an exploit.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
jsuslak313 wrote:
It's a real shame that this forum is so full of people so short-sighted and have a complete lack of critical thought....

Exploiting, or cheating as it is typically conflated, has no grades. It either "is" or it "isn't" exploitation or cheating. Using a broken mechanic like dust, which for all of our knowledge multiplied the value of our shipments (and therefore rewards) is NO DIFFERENT than using another broken mechanic to produce monstrous results. You cannot say that using one broken thing is different than using another broken thing simply because the results are different. The only time where THAT matters is on a grand scale: the health of the league for everybody.

This discussion always ends the same way and I'm tired of it: all people care about or see are personal "rewards". If the rewards aren't there, then it is a non-issue and totally irrelevant. When in fact it IS THE SAME THING as what gets everyone's knickers in a twist every league. Exploiting is something we ALL do. It is what we are trained to do from day 1. If something ends up dumping currency on us or "seemingly" over-effective, you can bet your bottom that 99% of us are going to pounce on it.

The only thing we knew pre-patch was that dust was multiplying our shipments in obscene ways with very little investment. WE DID NOT KNOW how this effected our rewards, only that we ASSUMED more shipping power = more rewards. Thus, dust was used to abuse its multiplier. This multiplicative relationship is exactly as broken as meatsack farming, card farming, abyss spire farming, you name it. It's all the SAME underlying problem: using an unintended multiplier for your benefit.

The ACTUAL benefits of the abuse is completely irrelevant to the action behind it.

[Removed by Support]

1. Exploit = using a straightforward mechanic exactly as it was intended
2. Dust was "broken", we all got showered in mirrors when using it
3. People like loot in an ARPG, how DARE they f-ing hypocrites!
4. If you maximize your farming you're a cheater and it doesn't matter if the rewards were non-existent or economy breaking, you're a cheater and deserve to burn in hell

You seem lost and confused, so I'll try to explain it to you in very simple words - an exploit is when you are using a mechanic or series of mechanics in unintended ways and abuse it for out-of-norm results or advantages.

"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers." - actual definition if you google it

GGG designed the dust to act as a multiplier. People used it as a multiplier.


GGG created a way to transfer div cards from one map to another so you won't have to farm defiled cathedral for the millionth time (said so themselves) and someone discovered you can use this mechanic for an entirely different purpose, to farm div cards by abusing level restrictions.

How do you legit fail to understand something so SO simple?

While I won't deny I actually admire people who find this kind of stuff (I for one never would've thought of it), when you heavily abuse it to break the economy so everyone has a bad time, yeah it really sucks. And yes the scale of "exploiting" DOES matter. No impact to other people vs big impact to other people => very relevant. It just astounds me that something this obvious isn't...well, obvious.

The reason GGG made this change is cause the old disenchanting mech was somewhat useless - you'd farm enough dust in a day to send a week's worth of shipments. If a mechanic isn't used or is very sparsely used it needs to be changed. But again, the way it used to be is exactly the way they designed it. They literally entered the little percentage numbers in the code. No hidden bug, glitch or unintended mechanic there.

The real shame here is that people post about very basic things they somehow understand nothing about. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by CoryA_GGG on Aug 19, 2024, 3:12:46 PM

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