I would REALLY like GGG to stop lying to its player-base. Oh sorry, I mean "Spin-doctoring"

And so we arrive, with the inevitability of the river meeting the sea, at the point in these threads where someone boldly announces that they do not understand the difference between concurrent players and active players, and cites their own ignorance as evidence that the game is dying.

C'est la vie.

Lmao... Man you are born poet.

And regarding this shipping it is not clear if what they did is buff or nerf or what has actually happened. Yeah, sure you bigger increase in "shipment value" before as 8250 of dust tripled the cargo worth optically if i remember it correctly. And now it is 1:1 up to cargo value and after that dust is doing less and less.

But question is if sending 2 mil shipment now with 200K dust, which shows 2.2 mil value, gives better results than sending 2 mil shipment + 8250 dust before, which showed 6 mil value. Hard to say for sure as you could have probably get crap before same as you do now.

If you send large shipments you should every time get something of real value out of it. And that is not happening. It is whole day farming crops which means getting enough gold to do that. And if you get several chaos and mountain rune out of it then it totally sucks. Not even talking about it can happen several times in a row. There should be some solid minimum what you can get out of it based on shipment value so this mechanic, which I personally find very poor and not belonging to poe at all, is at least rewarding and not just frustrating.
Last edited by BadAssTom on Aug 19, 2024, 11:48:32 AM
And so we arrive, with the inevitability of the river meeting the sea, at the point in these threads where someone boldly announces that they do not understand the difference between concurrent players and active players, and cites their own ignorance as evidence that the game is dying.

C'est la vie.

Every single thread.....totally ignoring that this particular league (not my favorite) has probably the highest retention in PoE history. Highest peak (somewhat irrelevant) and least rolloff after about 1 month = BEST state of the game ever, from a player-number perspective.

Even the concurrent players right now is the highest I have ever seen it at this point in a league. In fact, steam charts (which was the source cited) even shows that the "average players" in the last 30 days is 25-30% higher than it has EVER been.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 19, 2024, 11:48:44 AM
BadAssTom wrote:

If you send large shipments you should every time get something of real value out of it.

Have you played PoE? There is no aspect of the game where this is true. It is rather hypocritical and deluded to assume that THIS mechanic would act (and reward) differently than everything else. And, if anything, one would expect it to reward far LESS than any other mechanic because it is full afk. Anyone can do it, regardless of build or skill. Rewards typically scale with difficulty, and even a multi-million shipment is simply NOT difficult.

Investment does NOT equal guaranteed reward.....it merely increases the chances of higher rewards. Fully juiced, expensive map running at the highest possible level doesn't guarantee rare div cards, or raw divines, or anything like that. But it certainly does make it more likely.

To the OP's points: it was BROKEN before the patch. They don't really need to be any more clear than that. Broken ----> fixed. In every possible scenario, the "fixed" version of dust is better: it is more clear to the player, offers less risk, and has a higher ceiling. It means you need to run disenchanters more than you used to, but that is because it was BROKEN before.

There have been many discussions in the last few leagues about exploiting "bugs" or unintended programming. Dust as a massive multiplier before the patch was a bug and frankly, an exploit. I find it funny that hardly anyone complains about people abusing that and yet they complain about people abusing the div card strategy or other things that are simply GGG poor programming.

Oh wait.....I do know. It's because of rewards. The only thing people care about is the amount of rewards resulting from a bug. Not the exploitation itself, folks just like to complain rather than comprehend. FOMO dictates every post on this forum, rather than true understanding and comparison.

"Ban everyone who abused the div card strategy" vs. "DON'T ban (or complete silence) anyone who abused the dust"......when they are literally the same action: using the game's systems against it. Ridiculous.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 19, 2024, 12:02:35 PM
I mean before the change notable rewards were relatively rare for a league mechanic. Even Metamorph dropped exalts/ divines more regularly than shipping.

I think a lot of people complained because GGG says it was always a buff and people see a lack of rewards. Why bother with it if it is a massive timesink pseudo requiring spending a shipment every 30 minutes for like a 1/20ish chance of a divine. I love myself more than that abusive style if game design.
Last edited by roundishcap on Aug 19, 2024, 12:18:31 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:

There have been many discussions in the last few leagues about exploiting "bugs" or unintended programming. Dust as a massive multiplier before the patch was a bug and frankly, an exploit. I find it funny that hardly anyone complains about people abusing that and yet they complain about people abusing the div card strategy or other things that are simply GGG poor programming.

Oh wait.....I do know. It's because of rewards. The only thing people care about is the amount of rewards resulting from a bug. Not the exploitation itself, folks just like to complain rather than comprehend. FOMO dictates every post on this forum, rather than true understanding and comparison.

"Ban everyone who abused the div card strategy" vs. "DON'T ban (or complete silence) anyone who abused the dust"......when they are literally the same action: using the game's systems against it. Ridiculous.

I have no idea what are you talking about. What do you mean people abusing dust? How those people did it? What exactly did they do to abuse dust?

Do you mean everybody who used dust for shipping? Do you mean therefore everybody who plays poe?
Abused dust what?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
^yes....that is EXACTLY what I mean. Everybody who plays PoE.

Everyone who plays this game seeks one thing: profit. It is the driving force behind every single action and interaction within the game. And if a player finds an overly rewarding mechanic, or even just the best way to maximize reward from something (ie: dust): THEY DO IT. Without question.

The perceived problem and FOMO kicks in when those rewards are too high, such as the abyss spires in 3.23, or the cards in this league, or 3.24 t17s, etc.

These are all the same interaction with the game! Using what the game gives you to maximize profits. BUT people cry foul because the reward scales are different, and totally ignore the ACTION behind it. And yet they call for BANS and punishments, when EVERY PLAYER is guilty of "exploiting" the game. Every single one of us.

Dust was a BROKEN mechanic prior to the patch. GGG even said so. Everyone who utilized dust was at fault for "exploiting" a broken mechanic for rewards. Those rewards were small, but the ACTION was the same. This is the same as Black Morrigan making 6L 1-hand items, or interactions with lantern last league. BROKEN mechanics being used and exploited by players. The only difference is reward. So where people find ZERO fault in players using dust....they find game-breaking fault with others doing the same thing with other mechanics. I have a problem with this double standard.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 19, 2024, 12:49:28 PM
No no no...

No.... what are these comparisons...

Okay really quick the 6l improper items was an exploit. You were cheating if you had/produced these.

The shipping dust mechanic was having too much risk added to it. You were not cheating if you used this.

Please... this isnt hard.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I have to admit that yeah the change to dust feel a bit weird, i use to do little shipments before and get Divine occasionally which was cool but now i have so much less.

For now i just stack afk farm my crop and do a one big shipment when i have a lot of dust.

In the end i come less in Kingsmarch.
jsuslak313 wrote:

Dust was a BROKEN mechanic prior to the patch. GGG even said so. Everyone who utilized dust was at fault for "exploiting" a broken mechanic for rewards.

Dust was broken (not working as intended) and therefore they fixed it. As other people said here it raised risk too much compared to rewards - at least that is what ggg said. There was nothing exploiting in using mechanic though. Everyone used mechanic the way it was meant to be used and nothing has suggested otherwise.

For something to be exploit it needs to be used in unusual way and/or give results which are far from expected and "normal". People do know when they are exploiting something that they are doing something wrong and that something is probably not working as it was intended.

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