I would REALLY like GGG to stop lying to its player-base. Oh sorry, I mean "Spin-doctoring"

Look- I understand that managing perceptions and hype are part of the business. I 100% get that. You want to put your best foot forward, present things in the best light you can. I'm fine with that.

Maybe the dust adjustments increase the returns as you say they do. I did some anecdotal testing, and at least at lower value levels, it did seem to make a difference - but, that is anecdotal, and hardly comprehensive.

BUT - it now costs hundreds and even thousands of times as much dust to get the same effect. Something that wasn't even MENTIONED. The semantics lawyers can argue that NOT mentioning something isn't lying - but it IS still deception. You intentionally created the impression that all of the dust changes were positive and to the benefit of the players, and that is patently untrue. It now costs 500,000 dust to double the value of the shipment with a base value of 500,000. Where it cost what, 550 before? That is an increase in dust costs of almost 1000x in some cases. Even at the lower end, it costs 10-12x times as much dust as it used to, to double the value of a shipment. Why omit this information entirely? That is misleading, and frankly it is disrespectful.

It is also FAR from the first time. GGG has a long history of giving misleading information, spinning facts in a VERY disingenuous way, and in general - being dishonest with their players.

We are (mostly) adults here. We can take a little bad news. Be honest with us, and perhaps more importantly - don't double down on your mistakes, be willing to have a dialogue with the players. Instead of misleading everyone with the dust changes why not tell the truth?

If this had been the announcement:

"Dust wasn't working correctly, it increased risk, but not value. We've changed it to increase value properly, but as part of the rebalance we are increasing dust COSTS as well. The change in cost may seem dramatic, but we'd like you all to try it before you judge, and give us feedback. We'll revisit it in the coming days and weeks, and are open to adjusting it if it seems necessary."

Would you get some reactionaries going nuts immediately? Sure - but that is likely unavoidable. Would most of the players be mature enough to give you the benefit of the doubt and at least try it, ESPECIALLY if they knew you were open to making adjustments if the majority of players were unhappy? I believe so.

Please show me, and the rest of your player base, the courtesy and respect of NOT trying to openly deceive us. I honestly like GGG - and that is something I say about VERY few game companies these days, please don't encourage me to change my mind.

Thank you,
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 3:06:11 PM
it's probably been too rewarding and got nerfed. in old times ggg were pretty open about that but they got burned pretty hard with that attitude, especially with some very influential psychos on reddit which were able to pitchfork them cause of their openness.

now it's corporate speech, there is no other way than the way adverts work i guess.

evaluate, draw your conclusions, (tony soprano voice:) pickup the pieces and start from there...
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on Aug 15, 2024, 2:07:40 PM
OP you pretty much represent why they don't bother going into details - you want a full explanation of how the sausage is made but your fixation on specific values precludes you understanding it.

You've gone on this huge tangent without simply accepting that the mathematical value for shipments presented to players was bogus already, do you really think you got 20x rewards for putting the dust in from breaking 1 item?

It was a bogus scaler and they reworked it so that the numbers stack up in a more linear fashion because players were being mislead by the original version. Now what values are required to get the same reward? We don't know, because they changed input and output you'd have to do systematic testing until you found the baseline again.

They said its slightly more rewarding overall, that won't be a fictitious PR statement its likely the exact summary from the developer responsible for tweaking the numbers to normalise their values.
it's definitely much less rewarding where 1k of each crop (currency) and 8k div gave a div every few shipments (only 2 ships used) it now gives 0, explain to me where that is an improvement?

Even when sending bigger shipments completing orders rewards = 0. like 500k value with 500k dust = 0 reward.

This dust change was definitely a huge nerf.
Smudgius wrote:
Look- I understand that managing perceptions and hype are part of the business. I 100% get that. You want to put your best foot forward, present things in the best light you can. I'm fine with that.

Maybe the dust adjustments increase the returns as you say they do. I did some anecdotal testing, and at least at lower value levels, it did seem to make a difference - but, that is anecdotal, and hardly comprehensive.

BUT - it now costs hundreds and even thousands of times as much dust to get the same effect. Something that wasn't even MENTIONED. The semantics lawyers can argue that NOT mentioning something isn't lying - but it IS still deception. You intentionally created the impression that all of the dust changes were positive and to the benefit of the players, and that is patently untrue. It now costs 500,000 dust to double the value of the shipment with a base value of 500,000. Where it cost what, 550 before? That is an increase in dust costs of almost 1000x in some cases. Even at the lower end, it costs 10-12x times as much dust as it used to, to double the value of a shipment. Why omit this information entirely? That is misleading, and frankly it is disrespectful.

It is also FAR from the first time. GGG has a long history of giving misleading information, spinning facts in a VERY disingenuous way, and in general - being dishonest with their players.

We are (mostly) adults here. We can take a little bad news. Be honest with us, and perhaps more importantly - don't double down on your mistakes, be willing to have a dialogue with the players. Instead of misleading everyone with the dust changes why not tell the truth?

If this had been the announcement:

"Dust wasn't working correctly, it increased risk, but not value. We've changed it to increase value properly, but as part of the rebalance we are increasing dust COSTS as well. The change in cost may seem dramatic, but we'd like you all to try it before you judge, and give us feedback. We'll revisit it in the coming days and weeks, and are open to adjusting it if it seems necessary."

Would you get some reactionaries going nuts immediately? Sure - but that is likely unavoidable. Would most of the players be mature enough to give you the benefit of the doubt and at least try it, ESPECIALLY if they knew you were open to making adjustments if the majority of players were unhappy? I believe so.

Please show me, and the rest of your player base, the courtesy and respect of NOT trying to openly deceive us. I honestly like GGG - and that is something I say about VERY few game companies these days, please don't encourage me to change my mind.

Thank you,

They won't lol

"This is a buff" - No, it's not. Not in any way for anyone. In what twisted world is needing to send 500,000 dust compared to 10,000 a buff?

Completely absurd. Ruined the game.
~ Seph
vio wrote:
it's probably been too rewarding and got nerfed. in old times ggg were pretty open about that but they got burned pretty hard with that attitude, especially with some very influential psychos on reddit which were able to pitchfork them cause of their openness.

Perhaps they should have learned and stopped messing with game mechanics? Most of us are pretty sick of the direction the game is headed. Most of us are not having as much fun as we used to.

My friends list happens to be old school players, i'm talking dock farming days years before I started, beta supporters... They all quit, around 3.15 the game became far too much for them. Too much grind, too much work, too much effort, too much time.

There is a changing of who the game is for, even the content creators are actually saying "POE 2 is for a different kind of player" I.E. Not me, not the people I associate with.

Every single league POE is less and less for me. Every league it's drawn out spin, ever since we learned "rebalancing" = destruction, GGG is not to be believed.

They haven't even made a manifesto in years, we don't even know what they are doing or why they are doing it, or what their goals are anymore. I was on board with ALL of that.

And lets be real, this game is one of the largest gaming timesinks in the entire world.

I know their name is GRINDING gear games.... but they're really getting far out of line -- I'm still advocating for leagues to launch in standard so I don't have to grind, just enjoy/play.
Considering how many times ggg has now straight up lied about "buffing" things only to nerf them into the ground, I don't trust anything they label as an improvement until I or other players have tried and tested it.

But I think overall the game has been improving, and the really stupid changes usually get reverted a few leagues later.

At this point, whenever something gets changed, avoid it like the plague to avoid disappointment. Luckily the game still has enough variety that you can usually do so.

R.I.P. shipping, you were the only thing in kingsmarch worth doing for me and will be missed. At least I no longer need to bother feeding kingmarch gold.
Rakie1337 wrote:
vio wrote:
it's probably been too rewarding and got nerfed. in old times ggg were pretty open about that but they got burned pretty hard with that attitude, especially with some very influential psychos on reddit which were able to pitchfork them cause of their openness.

Perhaps they should have learned and stopped messing with game mechanics? Most of us are pretty sick of the direction the game is headed. Most of us are not having as much fun as we used to.

My friends list happens to be old school players, i'm talking dock farming days years before I started, beta supporters... They all quit, around 3.15 the game became far too much for them. Too much grind, too much work, too much effort, too much time.

There is a changing of who the game is for, even the content creators are actually saying "POE 2 is for a different kind of player" I.E. Not me, not the people I associate with.

Every single league POE is less and less for me. Every league it's drawn out spin, ever since we learned "rebalancing" = destruction, GGG is not to be believed.

They haven't even made a manifesto in years, we don't even know what they are doing or why they are doing it, or what their goals are anymore. I was on board with ALL of that.

And lets be real, this game is one of the largest gaming timesinks in the entire world.

I know their name is GRINDING gear games.... but they're really getting far out of line -- I'm still advocating for leagues to launch in standard so I don't have to grind, just enjoy/play.

Sorry to tell you this, and yeah it sucks being a minority, but most players are actually really happy with the state of the game. I for one feel that this league is peak POE, haven't had this much fun since 3.15.

There was a really rough patch after 3.15 with huge nerfs to player power, but that power was brought back x10 since then.

If you feel you don't like the game anymore that's fine, I'm sure lots of people feel this way. But the overwhelming majority actually like the path the game is on and most of them love this league. Numbers don't lie, player retention is at its peak, so is raw player number, and there was tons of positive feedback both here and on reddit. So there really is no need for a manifesto - those are for when shit hits the fan. We're in the opposite direction.
Last edited by Felix44 on Aug 18, 2024, 8:03:50 PM
Shadeless01 wrote:
it's definitely much less rewarding where 1k of each crop (currency) and 8k div gave a div every few shipments (only 2 ships used) it now gives 0, explain to me where that is an improvement?

Even when sending bigger shipments completing orders rewards = 0. like 500k value with 500k dust = 0 reward.

This dust change was definitely a huge nerf.
I still do that and still get divs, rng is rng.
Last edited by plaguefear on Aug 19, 2024, 12:39:37 AM

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