I would REALLY like GGG to stop lying to its player-base. Oh sorry, I mean "Spin-doctoring"

plaguefear wrote:
Shadeless01 wrote:
it's definitely much less rewarding where 1k of each crop (currency) and 8k div gave a div every few shipments (only 2 ships used) it now gives 0, explain to me where that is an improvement?

Even when sending bigger shipments completing orders rewards = 0. like 500k value with 500k dust = 0 reward.

This dust change was definitely a huge nerf.
I still do that and still get divs, rng is rng.

it seems very unfair but it is the way it is. Complete quota from a town fullfilled -> here take this sacred orb and this worthless unique

Oh, a little bit of everything, but not to much, nice a divine orb for you, here you go bud ;P

System is wonky bs, cannot be taking seriously. Just send 500 each or do the 2 bars of verisium for 3 scarabs thingy and don't worry about dust... Don't expect much from your big shipments, maybe you get surprised every once in a while...and don't add to much dust. It feels almost like the harbours are offended if you send to much. 10%-20% of the cargo max has given me better results than doubling it up.
It is probably completely viable not to send any dust at all...

The more ships run, the better. Pirat is worth several maps and takes away some of the gold pressure...
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 19, 2024, 2:44:11 AM
Strickl3r wrote:
plaguefear wrote:
Shadeless01 wrote:
it's definitely much less rewarding where 1k of each crop (currency) and 8k div gave a div every few shipments (only 2 ships used) it now gives 0, explain to me where that is an improvement?

Even when sending bigger shipments completing orders rewards = 0. like 500k value with 500k dust = 0 reward.

This dust change was definitely a huge nerf.
I still do that and still get divs, rng is rng.

it seems very unfair but it is the way it is. Complete quota from a town fullfilled -> here take this sacred orb and this worthless unique

Oh, a little bit of everything, but not to much, nice a divine orb for you, here you go bud ;P

System is wonky bs, cannot be taking seriously. Just send 500 each or do the 2 bars of verisium for 3 scarabs thingy and don't worry about dust... Don't expect much from your big shipments, maybe you get surprised every once in a while...and don't add to much dust. It feels almost like the harbours are offended if you send to much. 10%-20% of the cargo max has given me better results than doubling it up.
It is probably completely viable not to send any dust at all...

The more ships run, the better. Pirat is worth several maps and takes away some of the gold pressure...
I only send what they are asking for and about 10k dust.
Felix44 wrote:

Sorry to tell you this, and yeah it sucks being a minority, but most players are actually really happy with the state of the game. I for one feel that this league is peak POE, haven't had this much fun since 3.15.

Don’t be deluded. The numbers speak for themselves. I can only refer to the stats in the steam charts but the game already lost half their playerbase. It still has a lot of players, true, but ot started with over one third more players than ever did. The thing is, from what I see in the global chat, there’s a lot of new players always asking about trivial things that they don’t know, as expected.

My friends quit, all of them. One even uninstalled the game. The game is not in a good place and the funny thing is, dispite being absolutely exagerated in terms of loot, people enjoyed the affliction league. Why? Because they could have fun looting and playing the game. That was the best league in terms of retention. Maybe it gets too expensive for GGG because they need more servers up to the end and the revenue was not much better but that’s a clear indication of what people like.

But hey, the whales pay for their supporter packs no matter what so why have more people playing, right?
TIGRElaranja wrote:

Don’t be deluded. The numbers speak for themselves. I can only refer to the stats in the steam charts but the game already lost half their playerbase.

Every 3-4 months the same twisted argument, while GGG opens another bottle of champaign over in NZ ;P
And so we arrive, with the inevitability of the river meeting the sea, at the point in these threads where someone boldly announces that they do not understand the difference between concurrent players and active players, and cites their own ignorance as evidence that the game is dying.

C'est la vie.
I wont lie, even if it was a buff.

It simply does not feel good now. Sure you used to not really need to farm for dust because a little went a long way and maybe that needed a tweak

but now I take an entire weekend of melting uniques down for one comparable shipment

I have to fill a mega tab daily with popcorn uniques and then remember to transfer from that tab into the disenchanter every few hours

Or I wont have the dust to keep up with farming.

Its frustrating, Its tedious, It clearly was not designed for this otherwise that enchanter would have 10 tabs for us to throw shit in.

I hate it, I honestly hate the town more than I like it now because of it.

So much needless friction.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Aug 19, 2024, 5:57:42 AM
TIGRElaranja wrote:
Felix44 wrote:

Sorry to tell you this, and yeah it sucks being a minority, but most players are actually really happy with the state of the game. I for one feel that this league is peak POE, haven't had this much fun since 3.15.

Don’t be deluded. The numbers speak for themselves. I can only refer to the stats in the steam charts but the game already lost half their playerbase. It still has a lot of players, true, but ot started with over one third more players than ever did. The thing is, from what I see in the global chat, there’s a lot of new players always asking about trivial things that they don’t know, as expected.

My friends quit, all of them. One even uninstalled the game. The game is not in a good place and the funny thing is, dispite being absolutely exagerated in terms of loot, people enjoyed the affliction league. Why? Because they could have fun looting and playing the game. That was the best league in terms of retention. Maybe it gets too expensive for GGG because they need more servers up to the end and the revenue was not much better but that’s a clear indication of what people like.

But hey, the whales pay for their supporter packs no matter what so why have more people playing, right?

The numbers do speak for themselves, yeah, but apparently you have no idea how to read them. Bigger number = growth. This league has more players in day 22 (today that is) than any league has ever had. Retention is one of the best for D22 (which most people consider to be quite late, myself included)

The game didn't "lose half its playerbase" - no idea where you're getting that from. Every league, a large number of players quit after 2-3 weeks. This is perfectly normal. We've been playing this game for 11 years. You basically log in at league start and "finish" in 2-3 weeks if you're an average player (by "finish" I mean you meet all your league goals - whether that's a mageblood, 40/40 or whatever else). And in order for leagues to stay fresh, there really is no point in playing for more than a month - if you're an average player who plays a couple hrs after work it's more than enough to explore all the new content and then some. I myself will probably be playing for another week max. Not because I don't like the league but because new league content can only stay fresh for so long in a game you've been playing for 10 years.

How do you not understand this as an older player? Do you honestly believe the game "loses half its playerbase" every league? Lmao. It's the same players every league quitting at the end of W1, W2 and W3 respectively. Average league time for an experienced player is 10 days. For an average player it's around 20-30. It's been like this every league since 3.0.

Learn to read and actually understand the numbers before you quote the numbers.
Last edited by Felix44 on Aug 19, 2024, 6:09:49 AM
Yeah nah after sending a shipment with 30k of each crop and 8k dust after the patch went live and getting 14 chaos I just quit. Nobody wants to farm 240k crimson iron for a port quota, and nobody wants to disenchant all day just to get 50 mil dust so they can maybe possibly get a div or 2. No point in playing this league anymore, mechanic is too unrewarding and way too much effort for trash rewards. The "this should be a buff in most cases" in those patch notes is a total lie, the way I did shipments has been completely nerfed and all the fun was sucked out of the league mechanic.

If you think I'm farming millions of gold so my farmers that cost a ludicrous amount of gold per hour can keep working, think again loooool se ya next league maybe it's gonna actually be fun and rewarding and GGG can refrain from using the nerf hammer the next time around. Every time the league is either too unrewarding on launch and they have to tune it to be playable or they nerf all the fun out of it like they did here.
I wont lie, even if it was a buff.

It simply does not feel good now. Sure you used to not really need to farm for dust because a little went a long way and maybe that needed a tweak

but now I take an entire weekend of melting uniques down for one comparable shipment

I have to fill a mega tab daily with popcorn uniques and then remember to transfer from that tab into the disenchanter every few hours

Or I wont have the dust to keep up with farming.

Its frustrating, Its tedious, It clearly was not designed for this otherwise that enchanter would have 10 tabs for us to throw shit in.

I hate it, I honestly hate the town more than I like it now because of it.

So much needless friction.

Same. Literally just sending out mappers and ignoring shipments. Just total trash now even if it gives div or two from time to time. Not worth the effort.
Toforto wrote:
Yeah nah after sending a shipment with 30k of each crop and 8k dust after the patch went live and getting 14 chaos I just quit. Nobody wants to farm 240k crimson iron for a port quota, and nobody wants to disenchant all day just to get 50 mil dust so they can maybe possibly get a div or 2. No point in playing this league anymore, mechanic is too unrewarding and way too much effort for trash rewards. The "this should be a buff in most cases" in those patch notes is a total lie, the way I did shipments has been completely nerfed and all the fun was sucked out of the league mechanic.

If you think I'm farming millions of gold so my farmers that cost a ludicrous amount of gold per hour can keep working, think again loooool se ya next league maybe it's gonna actually be fun and rewarding and GGG can refrain from using the nerf hammer the next time around. Every time the league is either too unrewarding on launch and they have to tune it to be playable or they nerf all the fun out of it like they did here.

Yep - that's their's logic.
The fun of shipments is gone completely.
Now its jsut a stupid/boring farm simulator with trash rewards.

Im did a several shipments with 20-30k of each crops + 500.000/1.000.000 dust in each ship and just got slapped in the face by rewards im get from those.

This is really just a spit in the face for main playerbase from GGG.

"This dust change will be considered is a "Buff" im most cases" - such a lie without any cover....
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Aug 19, 2024, 11:31:23 AM

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