3.24.2 Hotfix 6

thanks for deleting my item. much appreciated.
WilliamGoosen wrote:

Funny how "lack of testing" is always brought up when some obscure fringe bug gets discovered by the 10s of thousands of players. Finding EVERY single bug using a group of testers is impossible.

I'm not talking about finding all the bugs. They put divine drops on map device while simple test would show that players can just spam open maps and get 70 div from one map. I bet they only tested it on "average player" case opening 10 maps per hour max. Next they do "unique monsters drop unique item" scarab while adding rogue exile allflame, and "10 beyond portal on unique slain" scarab. Of course it was not that obvious prior to abuse, but are devs so lost in their game full of loot multipliers that they cannot use a little more advanced testing system?
theres more
Wrong thread
Last edited by mmmyummymmm on May 8, 2024, 5:40:46 AM
Hapseleg wrote:
theres more

No those are dead; The very moment they change zones / log out or log back in the sockets disappear.

You can't hide in it anywhere cause it's a database capture.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on May 8, 2024, 6:08:20 AM
Kieren_GGG wrote:
Fixed items that had an invalid number of sockets

This is a joke, right? As of this writing, there are hundreds if not thousands of such (verified) items listed on the official trade platform.
Last edited by tomay on May 8, 2024, 6:24:01 AM
tomay wrote:
Kieren_GGG wrote:
Fixed items that had an invalid number of sockets

This is a joke, right? As of this writing, there are hundreds if not thousands of such (verified) items listed on the official trade platform.

Those are gone by default the moment they move or log out / log in or even touch it.

I know this because I had 30 people ready to do that lol and the VERY second they moved out of a zone or logged out it takes out the socket.

This is also the case in standard.

The very moment they try to trade the item the sockets blow up.

They can't do anything with them.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on May 8, 2024, 6:32:56 AM
Can we please have a fix for path of exile that you can play with sound on again? I have all sound off now since a month. These tambourine goblins are soo annoying ...
GGG stopped caring about the players now

The only thing deleting these items could achieve was to reward the exploiters who sold them for vast profits

The players playing the game honestly who crafted these items and built their characters around them got screwed over
The players who were struggling and were yet to win the lottery (league mechanic) who spent divines on these items to try and get anywhere also got screwed over

The exploiters who were abusing every combination of things since the league start, the league where you GGG have nerfed multiple things to the ground, these exploiters have done nothing but gain excessive currencies and every nerf youve introduced makes them LAUGH IN YOUR FACE as they pick apart another poorly balanced "strategy" that is easily abusable as long as you have the currency to plow into it which normal players dont but the exploiters do, and they get more wealth out of that until you nerf that, and since WEEK 1 Zizaran mentioned that some people have been getting more sockets than normal from Morrigan craft

Why do you wait weeks do even notice this, then go to the extremes of deleting all the items mid league when you shouldve done that on DAY THREE

The huge delay in doing anything about it means that its absurd to delete items now, you are encouraging exploitative strategies

Whoever is running the dev team that makes the decisions to do this kind of thing mid league is INCOMPETENT and is a liability

The ones that got wealthy from abusing the league are laughing at you because you just punished everyone else but them.

I myself play honestly, crafted two items 6l myself using the beastcraft, made no profit risked no currency (didnt have anything anyway this league is lottery that means 1 div per 2 weeks if you dont win lottery and i didnt win lottery)

I have no reason to be mad at this other than the sheer incompetence and naivety of the devs in handling it, youve made one of the laziest non leagues of all time which is boring , the new content like T17 is far too difficult, the actual league content is nothing more than a fruit machine.


I AM NOT PLAYING THIS BS ANYMORE, SEE YOU NEXT LEAGUE (if there is any actual league content, because this league was standard with a lantern)

I agree 100%, what you outlined are the reasons why most of the player base left early. All the streamers and youtubers did get insane amount of currency this league, and then average player who could invest only small amount of time into the league got screwed over. As soon as they wanted to try a strategy, it was completely gone and so our excitement was gone and all of the sudden the good opinion about the league was gone.

Also, the nerfs were not an attempt to balance things, they just simply EXECUTED all of these strategies, chopped their heads off and perhaps moved onto their POE2 hustle whilst doing what felt like abandoning the league (and players did the same) - I mean, imagine hotfixing things still in May.

Your players are gone, wake up. Hotfixes should take a week, maximum two weeks in extreme cases. I understand that POE2 is taking way more time than expected, but you should not do this at a cost overall well-developed POE1 title that requires just sufficient attention to continue growing.

Hidden Message from GGG: Find exploits, exploit often, be rewarded and if you are an average player with minimum knowledge, watch streamers and youtubers and make sure that you jump on these OP strategies immediately before we'll make them and your excitement disappear.
If you didn't ban anyone for this, I will never buy another supporter pack. So many people have gotten away with exploiting your league and you do nothing.

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