3.24.2 Hotfix 5

iParadoxG wrote:
LaserVonRekyu wrote:
iParadoxG wrote:

hope you guys ban the exploiters while you're at it.

You too should be banned.

Would make exactly as much sense.

As a person with autism, I do not comprehend the difference of available ingame options and exploits. They are all options to me. Your social construct of what is an inexcusable exploit is your own subjective perspective that I am incapable of comprehending.

Should I be banned just because of I have this disability?

Why should I have to play in fear that a normal action could ban me.

Until GGG provides clear and universal guidelines for situations like this, all players that learn of such actions are going to be forced to perform them, or fall behind when GGG chooses not to remove the "exploit"

bro, what?

this was clearly an unintentional interaction to begin with. For example items with mods like "Have No Sockets" or "Have 1 socket" to be able to have 4L or 6L?

and there are people who abused it, (eg. some listed many 6L Squires), and I believe GGG has to make it clear that these abuses have consequences, as this is clearly players abusing a broken mechanic for their benefit.

What is the difference?

To make a 6link squire shield I need to get it unidentified then use the craft that sets the item to maximum possible sockets while it does not have the mod it limiting it to 3 sockets.

To craft a specific mod on an item I need to block other possible mods until the mod I want is the only option.

These both sound like a normal exploit to me. How am I magically supposed to know the difference of which one is bannable and which is normal expected behavior?

I have to ask this question ALL THE TIME while I play. The entire game is a sequence of abusing mechanic combinations to get a stronger result. What makes one more acceptable while another is bannable??? Thats right its not defined so we dont know.

Just because something is clearly an exploit to you does not mean I know this.

What happens when guessed wrong and it turns out the thing was fine? Lost opportunity.
What happens when guessed wrong and it turns out the thing was not fine but the items created are left? You didnt get it, and can never make it again while competing with those that did.
What happens when I guess wrong and it turns out the thing was not fine and the items get reverted? Lost investments and GGG's time.

If I dont attempt I always loose. If I attempt I might win or lose. Its always these questions, regardless of what the interaction is. Players are therefore encouraged and taught to exploit by the game's design. Why should players be banned for playing exactly as they were instructed?

What is the point of having GGG make it clear "these abuses have consequences, as this is clearly players abusing a broken mechanic for their benefit." when the definition of what is abusing broken mechanics is unclear, and historically mix messaged.
All that does is make me scared to play because I dont know what is safe or unsafe.
Oh I just lost the trend :(

Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
I don't use exploits. I don't use bugs. I don't use RMT. I show respect in all my chats. So where are my Mageblood, Fractured Orbs, and Mirror drops? Hmmm...
Nice Job.....people that dont use this bug and only buy items get punished and lose a good amount of currency in this league ,and the guys that exploit this bug and making tons of currency dont get a bann? wtf GGG????
so will you fix the broken items in standard?

Or those get a pass cuz 4head?
kyobusa wrote:
Definitely people who created these items/used them/or even simply bought them should 100% be permanently banned. This game should NOT be a safe haven for nasty dirty cheaters who try to ruin the game for EVERYONE involved that played fairly.

These items were clearly unintentional, no excuses whatsoever for these dirty players.

Hi. I have autism and have no idea how to tell the difference between an exploit that is acceptable and an exploit that is bannable. Should play PoE with zero links and cohesion of passive points because having skills that function together is exploiting game mechanics. Or should I block affixes to 100% a craft? or "add the maximum possible number of sockets" to an item that does not have an affix that limits those sockets?

Tell me oh judge of God how I am to know which actions are safe from your banning wrath?

Unlike you, I cannot comprehend which actions are somehow ruining other player's fun. I can only know what is fun to me.

You are demanding bans for people like me that are playing just like you.
You’re clearly on the forums constantly where everybody was saying that it was an unintended exploit.
They have to ban those people who abused this. Instead of notifying, they used and earned a lot from this.
Last edited by Iggy5150 on May 3, 2024, 9:01:05 PM
ArtfulDabber wrote:
You’re clearly on the forums constantly where everybody was saying that it was an unintended exploit.

Is this intended?


Most broken items in-game literally printing mirrors out of splits.
Last edited by Chirp93 on May 3, 2024, 9:05:55 PM

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