3.24.2 Hotfix 5

D34M0NF0X wrote:

I'd like to see a quote im missing from tos "https://www.pathofexile.com/legal/terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy"

Read section §17 and realize that you accept that GGG can cancel your "Member Account" at any time for ANY reason. Full stop.
Last edited by Deridjian on May 4, 2024, 7:37:37 AM
natural183 wrote:
I am going to abuse the shit out of the next bug next league, IF no one gets a ban for THIS abuse.

I was there when there was map device rolling going on. I didn't abuse for nameless seer or the divines.

FOMO is strong with this one. Nameless seer and divine map device mods were both intended mechanics at first. Ruined the economy for sure, and nerfed soon.
It is not a virtue to stay away from things like this. I didn't get on any of 3.24 abuse trains either, but since I don't suffer from FOMO, I find this mildly dissapointing at most, and obviously don't take pride in it. Cumulative effect of this many untested things kills the league for sure, so it's good to have people furious and complaining in case GGG actually read and listen. But being this bloodthirsty is ridiculous.

FOMO? Do you have comprehension issues? "You didn't GET TO ABUSE". Don't bother projecting. I DIDN'T ABUSE. I was there, I knew, there is no FOMO. There is being principled and following the rules. Why? Because of the consequences. If there are no consequences, why bother following the rules. Don't bother quoting me with your ____ takes.
let people have their six link squire - its for the ages.

I bought an 1 mirror 6 links shield today, luckily I've read this and sold it back to someone else... for same 1 mirror.

Got my mirror back.

GGG should fix the 25k base body too, ppl are likely to spend all their currency to buy these chase "secret cow level" items, which is in human nature and understandable too. It is not about greed, it's about curiosity.

It's same as buying 1000 ice-creams to see what happens if one eats all of them at once, just for memeing.
Or making a pure gold pizza.

If people get banned for being curious, then... idk...

I have no intent to exploit the game in any way, the normal 3 socket squire is more than enough to make me feel comfy and especially safe.
It is pretty simple, when someone make a video about it with the clear message it is a bug, you should stay far away from it.

Anything else is just conjecture.
Simple ban to exploiters , buyers and sellers izi pizi... we know the squire link its 3 if u are a tard boy and buy this its your fault
Yo, ggg, i have a good advice, just ban promoters of exploit (idk who it was, quin chatters says its some sushi guy) and unban PoM. DONE. League saved!
Hello. Will you make 3 socket only Square shield or all items?

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