3.24.2 Hotfix 5

What a shitshow has been so far. I m so glad that Bex no longer need to deal with all this
Looking forward to the next league i guess

Hopefully it will get better QA and balancing

With the insane T17 map allflame combinations resulting in getting as many divs per map as ive gotten all league and now 6l onehanders i think its time to put this league to sleep
IGN = Morlinus
You must ban everyone who has sold or used these items.

Some individuals have made a significant amount of currency by exploiting this bug. And you not planning to ban them? How ironic.
Why would you ban the exploiters when you can just let them be, let them gain an advantage using exploits for days/weeks if it gets fixed, and encourage people to exploit more and just keep it quiet so fixes take longer.

How far this this game has fallen. Chris always preaching that players have an equal playing field.

Looks really equal doesn't it.

See why I have 0 supporter packs, and held of buying even more tabs for corpses this league? Fixing this crap AFTER the economy is ruined is pointless. We might as well go play standard. While your at it 5 weeks too late, Maybe look into how awakener orbs are also being exploited. Thats been going on since day 3.
Last edited by waiora on May 4, 2024, 9:20:30 AM
I am going to abuse the shit out of the next bug next league, IF no one gets a ban for THIS abuse.

I was there when there was map device rolling going on. I didn't abuse for nameless seer or the divines. You can go through my in-game chat logs 4 weeks back. To me it was degenerate and disgusting.

Now for this socket bug, I knew before the fix, I had ample time and knowledge to bug abuse the shit out of it, you can go through today's in-game chat but I didn't because of the following line.

If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you.
Posted by Chris
on Apr 20, 2021, 5:43:37 AM Grinding Gear Games

But if you are not following your own principles and rules, then don't expect community to be following them either. Then we all follow, ABUSE EARLY, ABUSE OFTEN.

Wow, youre are such a good boy, you deserve a pat on the head! What a gooood booooy.

It seems to me like youre angry that you did not participate in any of these circumstances am i right?

Also, calling for action and being an agry child on the forum while not even having supported the game ONCE is wild. What an entitled crybaby, people had fun and youre mad that you didnt, cause youre such a goood boooy.

Well he has his point, I share the same approach as him, I know all the exploits this league myself very early on but did none of them as well. I even showed my discord members (I have a small youtube channel) with the 6 socket shields very very early on, it's super easy to show the discord screenshot as prove if someone who's brain dead and bias choose to not believe :)) maybe even record a video to show it to prevent photoshop shit too.
My opinion is simple, Empy's group got banned for less than this, so this should be banned. This is the first thing in this league that I actually considered to be an obvious bug. The div reroll stuffs or exile shits was simply not balanced, but not bugged
Need a purpose in life...
GGG need to make a decision about this

I dont want to keep waiting to see if they will delete tons of items mid league (please dont it would be incredibly irresponsible)

Id quite like to use my Mjolner 6 socket that I crafted myself, I have no interest in profiteering, I just made one 6l each for both of my characters so I would suffer this league a bit less.

Was already thinking of not playing til next league because of the constant nerfs, as soon as you decide to play one strategy its gone etc

Ive had the worst return of loot and it hasnt been fun so far, especially with the new T17 maps that I try to run and get one shotted by the first mob

Exploiting is not playing the game and encountering bugs.

Exploiting is stuff like crashing servers so that items can be duped like in D2.

Nobody is exploiting the game in POE.

People exploit the "unintended" effects (if they are unintended why didnt you test them) because they sometimes and in the case of extra sockets offer something a bit interesting that gives me the incentive to keep playing

Maybe a 6l Mjolner will allow my armour stacker build (not meta so I dont abuse chief/grasping mail for 5M armour I have 400k which is enough to tank a hit from a pinnacle boss, thats good enough for me) to actually do some damage that might allow me to enjoy the new T17 maps without having to change my build to a copy paste meta build

This league is so bad for people that didnt farm and buy/sell the hell out of unintended effects, these 6l items are pretty much the only thing saving the league

everyone else profited massively from it already

if you delete the 6l items mid league (do it at league end) then you have to also delete the profits gained from them which means deleting the league.

This threads opening post is really quite an unprofessional angle, you are telling people these items will be deleted and gems in them. All that does is reward the ones who profitted and punishes the struggling players who dont want to struggle as much from having a better item they will actually use to play the game.

Do you want people to play the game? Or delete them. End of league deletion is the only solution, it worked in Delirium league for the herald cluster jewels, you let people have fun they had a lot of fun there was ZERO problems with that.

Please update this thread and inform people that you are NOT deleting items until league end, warn them that these items wont hit standard next league and enjoy them while they can and then APOLOGIZE for not testing the game properly before release which is the entire cause of this happening.

Be professional, do not tarnish your companies reputation because that is what you are risking. I hope theres someone dealing with this that has the capacity to understand what they are dealing with, many dont.

The longer this sits on the fence the more arguments and unhealthy polarization occurs (people calling for bans and justifying it in the most blown out of proportion way possible, help these people out and clarify what an exploit is and how it isnt an exploit by using two beasts to craft an item that the game instructs you to do because some people are getting warped over this and its the responsibility of the devs to sort it out as its 100% ggg that occured this.

Make a decision today. Delete items at end of league = correct decision.
Delete items now = delete league and your player base and good luck next league because you might have 5% of people that trust you for that one, I wouldnt

Please common sense now.
evgeny_ wrote:
Why should I pay for mistakes made by developers and testers?.. I'm here to relax, and now the developers are taking away in-game items from me - I invested a lot of time and was able to buy an item through a service provided by the developers, and now they want to take something away from me? What is my fault? And why is something being taken away from me?

That is clearly uninteded, despite if GGG tells you this or not. You are not allowed to take advantage of bugs, as stated in the agreement. They can do whatever they like to their game, and in this case, its 100% justified to fix the issue by completely removing said items. You should have known that a six socket one hander will be removed by them, or some action would be taken.
Luna08000 wrote:
GGG already ruinned the league with all necropolis stuff, T17 and scarab rework and folks conplain about a bug 1 month into the league, WAKE UP league is already DEAD go next.

Ultimatum group ban case has been brought often in multiple threads recently, I just wish to point out that one of the reasons for such harsh GGG response back then could have been technical implications of infinite ultimatum bug. More and more mobs spawning, leaving corpses, dropping more and more loot on the same tiny space would increase instance replication load far beyond usual levels, multiply that by 6 clients too.

So 1 party going brrr with that ultimatum abuse could cause other instances in same physical server to have performance issues. Many parties doing that could jeopardize whole backend stability.

With 6-links-everywhere bug, only collateral damage is economic (which is already a mess with how many holes this league had) and GGG trust bank/reputation of upholding their own rules (some could say this trust evaporated long time ago anyway:).

So while I never doubted items will get converted, doubt the bans will take place, the bug became too widespread before hotfix, a lot of people participated in it one way or another.
Those that were crafting the items should be banned till end of the league. Those who bought the craft wasted their currency which is punishmeent enough.

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