3.24.2 Hotfix 5

Funny how ppl still think bug user get ban. Do something with 25k fire res chest on std first.
Hey guys,
Don't ruin the fun!

That is a game after all and not Olympic competition!

Ok, mistakes happen, somebody found it. Let us enjoy your failures.
Why ruining 6link kaoms? It deserves to stay as historical memory.

That is fun only looking at it.
Last edited by poe_overmind on May 4, 2024, 6:34:17 AM
I am going to abuse the shit out of the next bug next league, IF no one gets a ban for THIS abuse.

I was there when there was map device rolling going on. I didn't abuse for nameless seer or the divines. You can go through my in-game chat logs 4 weeks back. To me it was degenerate and disgusting.

Now for this socket bug, I knew before the fix, I had ample time and knowledge to bug abuse the shit out of it, you can go through today's in-game chat but I didn't because of the following line.

If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you.
Posted by Chris
on Apr 20, 2021, 5:43:37 AM Grinding Gear Games

But if you are not following your own principles and rules, then don't expect community to be following them either. Then we all follow, ABUSE EARLY, ABUSE OFTEN.
Just reset this shitshow of a league.
Dillinger00 wrote:

It would be fair not to ban anyone,

Sure, so the fact that the items was abused for weeks to gain a vastly unfair advantage is just to be ignored ? and you call that fair ? I am sure that will teach them an hard lesson: abuse all you can, you will never be punished for it.
Whats fair is ban everyone in possession of such an item, since there are just two categories: abusers, and wanna be abusers. And none of them needs to be incentivated.

I'm currently playing on standard, the fact that these broken items are not in the game is important to me. Abuse for a week is one thing, constant abuse is another.
In the league, of course, the situation is different; punishment by removing items is not enough, because someone has already earned a lot of money from this. On the other hand, identifying who abused the bug and deserves a ban will take a lot of time, and those who raised a lot of currency from this is hardly possible at all. Justice cannot be completely restored, but at least it is possible to remove all such items. Next time those who want to buy broken items will think twice.
It's fixed? it's funny that there are STILL 35 shield's up for trade for 4-19 div's lmfao yea ok fixed!!!
I am going to abuse the shit out of the next bug next league, IF no one gets a ban for THIS abuse.

I was there when there was map device rolling going on. I didn't abuse for nameless seer or the divines.

FOMO is strong with this one. Nameless seer and divine map device mods were both intended mechanics at first. Ruined the economy for sure, and nerfed soon.
It is not a virtue to stay away from things like this. I didn't get on any of 3.24 abuse trains either, but since I don't suffer from FOMO, I find this mildly dissapointing at most, and obviously don't take pride in it. Cumulative effect of this many untested things kills the league for sure, so it's good to have people furious and complaining in case GGG actually read and listen. But being this bloodthirsty is ridiculous.
Last edited by natural183 on May 4, 2024, 6:52:41 AM
dragnmith1 wrote:
It's fixed? it's funny that there are STILL 35 shield's up for trade for 4-19 div's lmfao yea ok fixed!!!

It is a good idea to whisper this people and offer them 4 div now and promise to give them 200 div more a couple days after if 6 sockets will still remain on the item
link88 wrote:
rolling back an item is unethical. for the players that spent hard earned money on something they didnt expect to have taken away should be compensated at least by the average divine cost that they spent buying the item. i bought one. i didnt know that it was an exploit when i did and im kinda new to the game. so i spent the 200 div on the shield. do i get my currency back? or is spending my entire seasons earnings on an item void? i think the people complaining are those without the funds that didnt spend the hours upon hours of farming to be able to afford such an item. im dumbfounded that a game company can make a mistake and then take it out on its contributors. if someone acquired one in the very small window that was created that's on GGG it is not on the community. it is expected that if an exploit was made available to every player that players will use that exploit. i just found out about this being an exploit as i just thought i was buying an end game unique shield. if ggg is going to take it away they are responsible for reimbursement to those that didnt use the exploit but simply purchased the item. I cant imagine supporting a company that would wipe out my entire seasons earnings over ignorance.

Read the Terms again, exploiting game bugs for profit is a violation. It's clear that offhands always have only 3 sockets, you knew that but still bought it, so you deserve to have your account locked. Greedy!

the tos says abuseing something for profit, they mean real world profit , not ingame. i just checked tos and CTRL+F for "bug" or "exploit" and the page pings nothing found? and that kinda lines up with a streamer getting banned for it but players not? ide like to see a quote im missing from tos "https://www.pathofexile.com/legal/terms-of-use-and-privacy-policy"
Shietstorm from abusers in 3... 2... 1...
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