so, about that 3.25 melee rework - how to not kill melee entirely in few steps:

Baharoth15 wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
is there a reason you pretend that damage values of these skills and archetype as a whole is not a problem?

you see 2300 STR Warpath build with Paradoxica dealing 50m damage - 'ye, melee good'

i see a 600pdps 1h barely scratching 5m with all marks checked in POB

on the same f.. skill. and that 600pdps weapon seems to costs more than ENTIRE stacker's gear (i know there is no limit with synth %attr implicits but that example had just ones coming from ring corruptions)

if your reaction to this is 'just play whats good' then.. ok I guess. in fact people do this - all mathil's innovative, 'nobody believed it possible' builds are XXX stackers when the skill choice is irrelevant, it is the flat damage from stacking that matters. and ofc - attr stacking also provides defenses, in heaps.

once you remove str/int/dex stacking, ES stacking (Ephemeral Edge/Energy Blade), faux melee (Molten Strike aka Nimis doubles my damage for free!) and stick to phys weapons - aka the choice that does not need to be best but it should at least work - you end up with 5m (unless it uses external source of flat damage: Rage, Trauma/Support) and locked out out of content

phys weapons are undertuned as f.. compared to various 'magic' stackers. white weapon with synt implicit + gear with some semi garbage rolls > any mirrored phys weapon that ever existed

this is a problem - content seems to be balanced without taking that into account

why i care? because if I need to do the stacking bs it means that we enter D3 build system when the character is the same, just swap the skill and 1-2 supports. how boring and small

this is not about skills, their mechanic or whatnot. ffs people are wiping the floor with - Boneshatter. vs bosses it is nothing but an autoattack - the epithomy of suck. but it deals damage, 2-3times more than next best option. and people do just fine - because the skill provides that what is missing: flat base damage. stuff that hurts melee players on a fundamental level - to reach big numbers you need scaling vectors and solid base values. scaling vectors are mostly universal - spells/minions share the same stuff - but the base for melee is garbage. it cannot end with parity and it doesnt. unless 'magic' creates good base from pair of stinking boots

For one, i can get more than 5 mio dps out of even a 400 pdps weapon, even disregarding Paradoxica and stuff. I do NOT consider strength stacking when judging melee DPS and frankly if 5 mio is all you can manage using a freaking 600 pdps weapon then that's a "build issue", big time.

That said, if your argument is that stat stacking and it's powerlevel is a problem relative to "normal" scaling methods then that's actually a valid point to make though i am not sure i agree given the large amount of investment needed to get decent dps out of strength stacking. But it's something i can somewhat relate to at least.

However, if that's your alley, then at least realize the fact that this isn't a melee problem. Tornadoshot prenerf, the skill you hailed as the best skill in the game, used stat stacking on the mid/high end in the form of omni.
Most spell builds use ES Stacking with energyblade, or manastacking with indigon/archemage or power/frenzy charge stacking to get the dps they have.

The only skills that get away with "lvl 20 base gem damage and some increase" which would be the equivalent to your "phys weapon + some increase" are corpse life based skills. Your average spell won't do shit like that and bow skills will do even less.

Honestly, the more i read your posts the more i get the feeling you aren't even talking about "melee", you just talk about a very tiny and specific subset of phys based melee that drops dozens of available scaling vectors just because.
Like did you seriously exclude rage as well? And it's got be phys based weapons, so elemental based ones are also "exceptions"? If you reduce it down that much then, yeah i agree with you. That kind of melee build is shit and does no damage but honestly, you reap what you sow. That's not a melee archetype issue anymore, it's an issue with your choices when you make a build.

I also don't agree with that from a variety/design perspective. If gems/base weapons had the amount of base damage where they could do 50+ mio dps without any other scaling vectors then that would limit build variety more than it helped because GGG would have to be super restrictive with additional vectors or damage would get completely ridiculous. Imo melee damage is not and should not be defined solely by the gem you use and the weapon. That would actually be D3 itemization. Scalingoptions aside from the gem/weapon should exist and be usable.

Personally i think GGG should loosen the access to decent midtier weapons by a lot, there are a bunch of affordable options still but the latest patch reduced the number again. If something should change it's the accessibility of good weapons early on, more usable uniques with high drop rates, easier crafting or heck make vendors useful by letting them sell decent magic bases with a tier 3 or so prefix.

We can all agree Phys weapon scaling is in DIRE need of buff, like 300% more damage would be where id aim for, which is terrible balance wise.

But host 50 hours of public party first week of league start. You will see full screen cyclone slayers, you will see generals cry tectonic slam that's 2 screens to side and is covering my WHOLE screen with tectonic slam.

In general i saw far more worse RF chieftain / archmage builds then anything. I assume melee players that play melee don't complain but blast, and get near perfect gear for 1c, cause "nobody" is playing melee.
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
sidtherat wrote:
so, first of all - please, please, do not do a melee REWORK. chance you do it correctly the first time are nil (Call to Arms.. just ponder on it for a moment)

to the point.

what melee needs is numbers not gargantuan reworks. ReplicaAlberonSTRstacker dual strike is a great build. Dual Strike suddenly is fine as a skill but you cannot make it good without some weird gotcha scaling. phys weapons just cannot compete and are absurdly hard to craft at the same time (excluding graveprinting but that insanity will 1000% going to die next patch)

why Boneshatter is good? numbers. trauma support with Frosbreath? numbers. bleed is fine - but on a bow, because it deals tripple damage. numbers


just add flat damage to ALL skills and increase ALL bases (the slow ones and 2handers - more). you had no problems doing that with bows (that didnt need it in the first place) i cannot see a valid reason to not do it here. if Voidforge is a problem - deal with Voidforge. it cannot hold entire archetype hostage.

that alone would do wonders. (less resources spent on damage -> more resources spent on fun stuff)

and then, the 'unf.. this' part (no particular order):

- unf.. the Seismic Cry. this gem is such a meme
- unf.. the Call to Arms. the gem was a net loss to melee and net buff to everyone else. please, take this seriously. you wont 'fix' melee if you pretend it is otherwise.
- unf.. the melee supports. in particular: Fist of War (+make its cooldown modifiable!), Brutality, BloodLust, Damage on Full Life
- unf.. the Fortify. big change: bake it into all melee skills with very short duration + change passives to provide increased duration. cannot be (cheaply) abused by casters/CoCS, solves Fortify problems for melee. it should be ALMOST free to get and use for a melee build. several passives or a garbage support is NOT free!
- unf.. the Gladiator. give him the spell block back. it STILL wont make it compete with Necromancers (they have 75/75 block anyway, lol) but it would at least make it a class you pick for SOMETHING (like Pious Path on Inquisitor)

now the small buffs:

- warcries. the paper stuff they give is already meh but most players do not know that most of the time warcries give them nothing. the duration on them is VERY short and the bonus they give in real scenario is rarely 30% of the potential maximum. also the warcry passives are very, very point inefficient. condense the passives by 1/3, increase base warcry buff duration by 50%

- exerted %damage. way, way too low. maybe make these values scalable with Warcry Buff Effect or something? right now 20% is not enough to build around. %increase in general is a weak stat

- stun. melee's alternative to freeze. but unlike freeze it is expensive to get and fails when most needed. it is one of the very few systems with caps: hard cap on boss stun and soft-cap on stun threshold reduction. freeze has neither. why? perma freezing is cool but stunning is not? why?

- stun. stun should prevent stuff like essences from casting spells. currently it doesnt so it is actually pointless because nobody cares if it moves, it is all about the novas of death. stunned essences are fully operational for some dumb reason

- ancestral totems. if they are mandatory (and I wish they stay as i know any rework will end with net nerf) they should have a fading % damage reduction after spawning - or be outright Mirage Archers, aka untouchable. 50% damage down the drain because boss area is one giant degen puddle? great

- melee reservations. currently baseline melee reservation (herald, b&s, f&s etc) give ~9-12% more damage. and most players try to get all of them (to shore up damage). make it ~15% so we can keep the same damage and have some spare sockets for once

- fix that damn Leap Slam bug!

- warcries. Leap Slam should not use exerts/proc Tawhoa's Chosen. Leap Slam doing so is sole reason why both feel like shit. revert the mastery, if you insist keep if for Trans Leap Slam that actually is made to deal damage.

- nova spells on mobs should NOT shotgun, under no circumstances.

- add 'movement speed' and some form of ailment protection to bottom-left part of the tree. there is nothing. and no, getting +max res is not equivalent (esp when +max res is the WEAKEST of all form of defences nowadays)

- add +LGOH and FLAT regen to bottom-left part of the tree. add them to EXISTING passives. no need to create passive bloat

- fix/remove some terribad clusters: Inexorable, Cauterisation (the notable is 100% garbage), Fending (knocback is good, this cluster isnt), Dance of Blades, Assured Strike and all the block stuff around Versatile Combatant

i sure would like to see an actuall high effort and successful melee rework but after literal string of collateral nerfs melee got i do not believe it is possible

so just fix easy stuff. numbers++ do work. you use numbers-- to nerf stuff, right?

and the big stuff:

- Determination and Grace. are utter disgrace. getting AR/EV on items feel pointless. have no idea what to do with it but it is very wrong that people pick 'phys taken as fire' over T1 AR roll on an AR chest. these two auras are MANDATORY to reach AR/EV values that make an impact. this is very wrong.

- Spell Suppression. cheeze, lazy stat introduced to make certain endgame parts doable. since most end-endgame spells have penetration, +max res is mostly pointless, suppression covers it all. lower the respectable pen AND/OR lower the damage output + reduce suppression base reduction from 50 to 30%. 'if something is mandatory, look at it' - suppression is busted strong and everyone who can - maxes it. it is unhealthy and limits design space

It's pretty insane how bad all these suggestions are lol. I mean, getting flat damage on skills might be a way to add scaling to gem levels, which is about the only thing you said that here that makes sense. You like the quadra dipping str, battlemage, warpath meme. I get it's the only way melee is vialbe right now outside of smite builds, but terrible for the game lol.

You want free 30% dr for melee skills with fort changes... Call to Arms is great and you're just using it wrong. Which is hard to believe cus ur a battlemage str stacking abuser lol.

Truth is, most things that feel pointless in this game are that way because you don't know how to play. There are entire builds around zdps weapons that use aura stacking w/ deter/grace/smite to build their entire characters, and thats much better than you x10 dipping on timeless warcry effect, str stacking, and Iron Will. Go play Call to Arms + General's Cry.
I don't really know if you can call someone out for abusing when its one of the few ways it makes sense to build a melee character.

I think all the people defending the state of melee need to do it with a pob.

If its so great give us the pobs. I want something to play.

My problem is, i want to play phys impale berserker. even if i wanted to saviour is unobtainable in hc. As sadly all of the good unique weapons outside of paradoxica. Everyone is unveiling chaos pen right now too so its really hard to get a phys/impale.

One of the issues is, it doesn't make sense to play melee so all the people that are smart enough to use crazy tech in builds arent wasting their time with melee. If they are playing melee theyre using replica alberons.
OverlyAggro wrote:

Truth is, most things that feel pointless in this game are that way because you don't know how to play. There are entire builds around zdps weapons that use aura stacking w/ deter/grace/smite to build their entire characters, and thats much better than you x10 dipping on timeless warcry effect, str stacking, and Iron Will. Go play Call to Arms + General's Cry.

should i understand that you just found out about (replica) dreamfeather and are making a fuss about it? are you for real?

oh and you imply that using smite (or any other source of significant flat damage) is revolutionary? before call to arms we did that on the LMB :) recent patch just simply took one link from any General's Cry setup and reduced CD in failed attempt to compensate

dont want to be 'that guy' but i have some news: these builds are 2+ years old and unless you get Grasping Mail with correct overcapped res mod - you are not even doing it properly
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
I don't really know if you can call someone out for abusing when its one of the few ways it makes sense to build a melee character.

I think all the people defending the state of melee need to do it with a pob.

If its so great give us the pobs. I want something to play.

My problem is, i want to play phys impale berserker. even if i wanted to saviour is unobtainable in hc. As sadly all of the good unique weapons outside of paradoxica. Everyone is unveiling chaos pen right now too so its really hard to get a phys/impale.

One of the issues is, it doesn't make sense to play melee so all the people that are smart enough to use crazy tech in builds arent wasting their time with melee. If they are playing melee theyre using replica alberons.

Whoa there, writing phys impale berserker and hc in same sentence.

Let me try that:
Two handed mace, Assassin, 300% inc poison damage on non poisoned enemies stacking on clusters/megalomaniacs, Crit.

Whoops, that's busted af build for few div can uber.

Wait let me try again.
Elementalist golemmancer, stacking golems and golem effect on clusters/megalomaniacs can insert ANY melee skill.

This is hard, how did you come up with such a bad build concept, maybe MAKE BETTER BUILD!
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
tw3tye wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
I don't really know if you can call someone out for abusing when its one of the few ways it makes sense to build a melee character.

I think all the people defending the state of melee need to do it with a pob.

If its so great give us the pobs. I want something to play.

My problem is, i want to play phys impale berserker. even if i wanted to saviour is unobtainable in hc. As sadly all of the good unique weapons outside of paradoxica. Everyone is unveiling chaos pen right now too so its really hard to get a phys/impale.

One of the issues is, it doesn't make sense to play melee so all the people that are smart enough to use crazy tech in builds arent wasting their time with melee. If they are playing melee theyre using replica alberons.

Whoa there, writing phys impale berserker and hc in same sentence.

Let me try that:
Two handed mace, Assassin, 300% inc poison damage on non poisoned enemies stacking on clusters/megalomaniacs, Crit.

Whoops, that's busted af build for few div can uber.

Wait let me try again.
Elementalist golemmancer, stacking golems and golem effect on clusters/megalomaniacs can insert ANY melee skill.

This is hard, how did you come up with such a bad build concept, maybe MAKE BETTER BUILD!

I don't understand what you're getting at.
I would just like to enjoy a pure phys melee build that does not require conversion because I really hate how melee has been so strongly linked with elemental and chaos damage in this game.
DreadofExile wrote:
I would just like to enjoy a pure phys melee build that does not require conversion because I really hate how melee has been so strongly linked with elemental and chaos damage in this game.

Doing this without being a glass cannon as well.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
DreadofExile wrote:
I would just like to enjoy a pure phys melee build that does not require conversion because I really hate how melee has been so strongly linked with elemental and chaos damage in this game.

Doing this without being a glass cannon as well.

I might add doing this with additional scaling vectors. Currently its not enough, conversion or flat elemental/flat chaos damage reigns supreme with superior scaling possibilities.

Impale does not cut it.
Last edited by zzang on Jun 16, 2024, 1:24:16 PM
I have thought a lot about physical ailments recently and boy do they suck.

Melee builds can have easy access to bleed, stun, crush, impale. Too bad they all suck.

Let's look.

Bleed is a much much much worse ignite and poison. Can be good but needs a rebalance. Bow build builds aren't strictly better, but just much smoother to play.

Stun. Useless. Investing into stun really lowers your dps. Meanwhile freeze is easy and free comparatively. The opportunity cost is too high. ( a theme here) just compare what it takes to stun the minotaur versus freezing it. We are talking like 2-3 cluster setups versus 2 5 point passive wheels and crit. Maybe an exaggeration but not really.

Crush. Hey its free damage, kind of, but the easiest way to get it is to use maces which is a huge dps nerf. Mace nodes are less good, axes are just better in every eay. At the point where crush is a buff enemy physical resistance is near zero anyway because of the incidental physical damage reduction overwhelm on the tree.

Impale. Hey its also free damage, can be easy to get. It does next to nothing. It scales worse with attack speed. Imagine if impale was just enemy takes 20-30% more phys damage.

It is sad that +1curse and skitterbots are better than all of these things combined. Honestly ggg failed melee here and buffing these would go a long way to "fixing" the problem.

Like imagine a unique jewel that converts stun to impale. Or what of they let enemy physical resistance go below zero. So many ways to make these work.

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