so, about that 3.25 melee rework - how to not kill melee entirely in few steps:

exsea wrote:
suriuken wrote:

ty for the responsed, yeah, base strike range is very bad, as someone who play mostly unnarmed builds or when i use weapons claws builds as you said, have very poor range

during affliction i used a tincture that gave me 0.6 m weapon range.

with no other flasks, that went up to 2.1 m

it felt like cheating but i finally had crazy range. but as strike skills go, it was feeling more like a whip rather than doing huge ass cleaves.

it still felt bad. GGG's old rework let us hit multiple enemies with strikes but its virtually non existant.

i didnt use the tinctures ascedancy so i dont know how good having that much strike range was, what i used was the primalist, to get "free" fortify and not have to spend 5/4 points to get it, ( i manly use the steadfast node to get the fortify mastery, so i dont know if there is people who use the rampart one and if its better than steadfast) but , it feelt very good not having to waste 5 points just to get the buff, as sidtherat said, fortify should be something almost free for all melee skills

edit also i hope if ggg let all melee skill naturally gain fortify, they dont forget that there are skills that can be used both by melee, and bows, like elemental hit and frenzy, and allow the fortify for them to work for melee but not bows
Last edited by suriuken on Apr 11, 2024, 1:09:45 PM
If we're going for low hanging fruit that minimizes dev/coding time:


1) Ancestral totems last 30 seconds each, are immune to incoming damage, and their buff range is doubled.
2) All attack skills with "melee" tag have their attack damage multiplier scaled up by some percentage subject to testing. For example, "infernal blow" has its level 20 multiplier scaled from "166% of base" to "230% of base".
3) All attack skills with "melee" and "strike" tags that do NOT have built-in AOE effects (e.g. exclude lightning strike and frost strike) now have built-in "melee splash" gem support. This makes the "tribal fury" notable passive redundant, which can be changed into something with further brainstorming.
4) Physical damage modifiers at the crafting bench (and base drops) are buffed IF the item is a one or two handed melee weapon, so bow builds cannot benefit. For example, the +129% physical damage modifier at the crafting bench is buffed to +180%. This makes finding or crafting "decent" rare weapons less impossible
for someone who doesn't play 10 hours a day.
5) All warcries are now instant if cast at or near melee range, so call to arms support is not necessary for melee.
6) All accuracy bonuses are doubled when applied to attacks performed with "melee" tag gems, so that bow builds will not benefit.


1) All attack skills with "melee" tag now get built-in fortify support that is buffed to give (at melee gem level 20):

+30% reduction to hits AND dots/degens
+30% chance to suppress spell damage
+30% chance to avoid ailments (not just elemental)
+30% reduction to ailment duration.

These values are subject to tuning, and as usual will likely be significantly HIGHER because damage intake at or near melee range is absurd in endgame POE. To those who say "those bonuses are insane", I say "so is damage intake at or near melee range." Most of the POE community is disconnected with how bad the defensive melee situation is currently. The fortify support gem can then be deleted since non melee gems will never interact with fortify again.

2) Ranged/caster monster maximum range is reduced across the board. Therefore, monsters must be on your screen before they can attack you or cast a spell. This assumes a standard (NOT widescreen) display. This means no more barrage from goatmen casters or vaal sentries or skeleton mages or cannibal fireballers offscreen before you know what killed you.

If we're talking about more complicated solutions, but ones that I'm sure the development staff AND dollars ARE available RIGHT NOW:

1) A death log similar to that present in World of Warcraft in which a list of recent hits or dot ticks are given, including the damage type and enemy source.

2) Ancestral totems are removed and the melee physical damage + attack speed buffs (at gem level 20) are applied baseline to all "melee" gem attack skills at level 20.
exsea wrote:
suriuken wrote:

ty for the responsed, yeah, base strike range is very bad, as someone who play mostly unnarmed builds or when i use weapons claws builds as you said, have very poor range

during affliction i used a tincture that gave me 0.6 m weapon range.

with no other flasks, that went up to 2.1 m

it felt like cheating but i finally had crazy range. but as strike skills go, it was feeling more like a whip rather than doing huge ass cleaves.

it still felt bad. GGG's old rework let us hit multiple enemies with strikes but its virtually non existant.
Melee range is one of the reasons why I have stuck with 2h swords. No block is painful for a face tank but the super close weapons just don't feel right.

The targeting even feels wonky with multistrike sometimes. If I do not have a target on target lock, I lose most of my dps. If a mouse is over the target that should at the absolute very least give you full dps.
Maybe make a better melee build.

Just getting phys melee weapon and getting some inc damage on tree get's you so far.
It's same with bows, but like 2x worse.
it's same with spells but 2x worse.

Melee actually has it quite good, all nodes are 50% stronger damage vise, Weapon bases have higher base damage to scale off, and better attack rates.
melee gems have 50%-100% better added damage scaling then bows/wands.

There are still warcry builds that 1 tap uber bosses with earthquake.
Generals cry(insert any melee skill) is BUSTED AF
New conc path of endurance hits like 2 screens big AoE, and does FAR better damage then mirror tornado shot builds, and costs few hundred chaos orbs to assemble.
Cleave of rage... again it's busted

Melee is fine, it's beyond fine, it needs nerfing. And GGG nerfed it. Maybe, it's not THEM that are out of touch... maybe it's you!
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
suriuken wrote:
fortify should be something almost free for all melee skills

edit also i hope if ggg let all melee skill naturally gain fortify, they dont forget that there are skills that can be used both by melee, and bows, like elemental hit and frenzy, and allow the fortify for them to work for melee but not bows

actually the easiest way ggg can implement this is by having any melee skill grant fortify only if the enemy hit is nearby.

i would also add that the accuracy mastery (50% more accuracy against nearby enemies) should be activated by default for all melee skills.
[Removed by Support]
tw3tye wrote:
Maybe make a better melee build.

Best advice I've ever seen!

tw3tye wrote:
Just getting phys melee weapon and getting some inc damage on tree get's you so far.
It's same with bows, but like 2x worse.
it's same with spells but 2x worse.

What does this even mean? Are you missing words in these sentences, or are you missing braincells?

tw3tye wrote:
Melee actually has it quite good, all nodes are 50% stronger damage vise, Weapon bases have higher base damage to scale off, and better attack rates.
melee gems have 50%-100% better added damage scaling then bows/wands.

All of this is complete nonsense. Ignorant nonsense.

tw3tye wrote:
There are still warcry builds that 1 tap uber bosses with earthquake.
Generals cry(insert any melee skill) is BUSTED AF
New conc path of endurance hits like 2 screens big AoE, and does FAR better damage then mirror tornado shot builds, and costs few hundred chaos orbs to assemble.
Cleave of rage... again it's busted

- I'd love to see an earthquake build that 1 taps uber bosses in 3.24.
- General's cry took a 40% damage output nerf and is extremely squishy.
- Why do you need to lie in every single paragraph? What melee skill is doing 2 screens of aoe? How is that melee skill doing more damage than a mirror tier tornado shot build? What's the TS build? are you just saying complete and utter drivel for attention?
- Cleave of rage had its AOE gutted in 3.24. It had decent range when combined with aoe charms and TWWT for 4 months, now it's dead.

tw3tye wrote:
Melee is fine, it's beyond fine, it needs nerfing. And GGG nerfed it. Maybe, it's not THEM that are out of touch... maybe it's you!

This must be a troll post. I have never encountered this level of ignorance in any post, on any thread, in any forum in any game. Ever.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
tw3tye wrote:
Maybe make a better melee build.

Just getting phys melee weapon and getting some inc damage on tree get's you so far.
It's same with bows, but like 2x worse.
it's same with spells but 2x worse.

Melee actually has it quite good, all nodes are 50% stronger damage vise, Weapon bases have higher base damage to scale off, and better attack rates.
melee gems have 50%-100% better added damage scaling then bows/wands.

There are still warcry builds that 1 tap uber bosses with earthquake.
Generals cry(insert any melee skill) is BUSTED AF
New conc path of endurance hits like 2 screens big AoE, and does FAR better damage then mirror tornado shot builds, and costs few hundred chaos orbs to assemble.
Cleave of rage... again it's busted

Melee is fine, it's beyond fine, it needs nerfing. And GGG nerfed it. Maybe, it's not THEM that are out of touch... maybe it's you!

and thats why your most recent melee build is like 5 years old and you play non-melee exclusively? just to avoid playing OP?

when was the last time youve tried getting 'a phys weapon + some %increased' and got to endgame on a melee build?

the rest of this post is actual and factual nonsense - 50% better nodes? like what game we are talking about here?
tw3tye wrote:
Maybe make a better melee build.

Just getting phys melee weapon and getting some inc damage on tree get's you so far.
It's same with bows, but like 2x worse.
it's same with spells but 2x worse.

Melee actually has it quite good, all nodes are 50% stronger damage vise, Weapon bases have higher base damage to scale off, and better attack rates.
melee gems have 50%-100% better added damage scaling then bows/wands.

There are still warcry builds that 1 tap uber bosses with earthquake.
Generals cry(insert any melee skill) is BUSTED AF
New conc path of endurance hits like 2 screens big AoE, and does FAR better damage then mirror tornado shot builds, and costs few hundred chaos orbs to assemble.
Cleave of rage... again it's busted

Melee is fine, it's beyond fine, it needs nerfing. And GGG nerfed it. Maybe, it's not THEM that are out of touch... maybe it's you!

Unhelpful imo.
tw3tye wrote:
Maybe make a better melee build.

Just getting phys melee weapon and getting some inc damage on tree get's you so far.
It's same with bows, but like 2x worse.
it's same with spells but 2x worse.

Melee actually has it quite good, all nodes are 50% stronger damage vise, Weapon bases have higher base damage to scale off, and better attack rates.
melee gems have 50%-100% better added damage scaling then bows/wands.

There are still warcry builds that 1 tap uber bosses with earthquake.
Generals cry(insert any melee skill) is BUSTED AF
New conc path of endurance hits like 2 screens big AoE, and does FAR better damage then mirror tornado shot builds, and costs few hundred chaos orbs to assemble.
Cleave of rage... again it's busted

Melee is fine, it's beyond fine, it needs nerfing. And GGG nerfed it. Maybe, it's not THEM that are out of touch... maybe it's you!


Good suggestions.

But nice of you to assume they actually care about melee.

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