GGG what's the point of having any stats in the game if they don't do anything?

Seriously what's the point of having capped resist, a ton of evasion and energy shield, mana and mind over matter + arcane cloak if you're just getting one shot?

ES: 8586
Life: 2182 -> 218 after reservation
Mana: 9705
Evasion: 21046 (72% evade chance)
4 Endurance charges (always up)
4 power charges (always up)
75% all elemental resistance (fire 80% with flask)
-16% chaos... quite hard to cap with a lot of unique items; however I'm using coruscating elixir so chaos damage doesn't bypass ES. On top wearing The Ivory tower which should first use mana before life for chaos damage taken. (does it though?)

Armor: 1445 (30% Phys reduction -> with endurance charges)
Block chance: 22%
Spell suppression chance: 10% (flask)

WHY doesn't any of the above seem to help prevent one shots or help against obvious things dealing a certain type of damage?

Each league we are introduced to losing a ton of our power either in offense or defense wise or both. At the same time you guys introduce harder more insane content to do. It just doesn't add up.
On top now we're even forced to do the league content which makes the ENTIRE map harder giving monsters extra mods... on top the already over tuned "nemesis" mods rare and magic monsters can have.

T17 maps now even introduced MORE mechanics you can't defend against such as:
- bloodstained sawblades
- marked for death
- meteor
- etc.

On top of modifiers that just delete any defenses you have:

- Cannot recharge ES.
- Players cannot Block
- Players cannot Suppress Spell Damage
- 50% less defenses
- 90% reduced effect of auras
- Remove 10% of life, ES and mana on hit... -> what about low life builds huh?
- minus 20% to all max res

Or modifiers that just prevent entire builds of dealing damage:
- monsters have 100% chance to suppress spell damage
- monsters have 50% chance to block attacks
- Monsters cannot be Stunned -> cast on stun anyone?
- 100% reduced Effect of Curses on Monsters

Older mechanics that don't make sense:
- Burning ground -> still die even though (over) capped fire resistance, yes even at 90% fire res? -> only the pantheon helps... why though?
- Caustic ground -> same thing.
- Caustic Orb on Death -> it's green but not poison, plain chaos dmg and caustic ground...
- any on death effect.
- Damage immunity of monsters (look at expedition)
- Rare monsters that are harder to kill than a unique boss
- EXP LOSS on death
- corrupted blood not counting as bleeding for flask enchant.

Over time the game becomes more and more frustrating rather than enjoyable. The amount of effort vs reward is getting bigger and bigger each league and it's not fun anymore for casual players like myself.

On top of it all trade sucks too!
Yesterday I had to PM like 200+ people to trade some chaos for a divine orb before I got any reaction at all.. wasting an hour of my time that I couldn't spend playing the actual game. So many "price fixers" like we call them is just breaking trade and the economy. These are random account, doing nothing than just having a stash with tons of currency/items to lower the price of certain items for "them" to buy cheap and sell high.
It's for a serious rework of your trade system!!

Last bumped on May 29, 2024, 7:18:41 AM
don't you know you need to farm 6 mirrors either grind/flip/abuse-a-mechanic-interaction-gone-wrong for those 6 mirror tier items for your meta<skill> build and an equal budget aura bot, mana bot, curse bot to make yourself immortal?

if you don't have 6 mirrors yet. no problemo, that's why GGG has given us the player power to print 6t1 items until you get yourself those, follow a recipe, trade & bury some corpses, it has to be tedious you know, otherwise where's the friction? and Arimor has to give an hourlong ritualistic speech you know? otherwise, where is the suspense? it's like you don't get the game at all.
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
iParadoxG wrote:
don't you know you need to farm 6 mirrors either grind/flip/abuse-a-mechanic-interaction-gone-wrong for those 6 mirror tier items for your meta<skill> build and an equal budget aura bot, mana bot, curse bot to make yourself immortal?

if you don't have 6 mirrors yet. no problemo, that's why GGG has given us the player power to print 6t1 items until you get yourself those, follow a recipe, trade & bury some corpses, it has to be tedious you know, otherwise where's the friction? and Arimor has to give an hourlong ritualistic speech you know? otherwise, where is the suspense? it's like you don't get the game at all.


If only I could find the right corpses to burry...

Imagine a person who has played many other ARPGs comes into this game and builds a character with decent armor rating, decent block, and maxed baseline res (75%). They die constantly and inexplicably in mapping to literally anything short of the weakest white monster melee hit or arrow/bullet, even with rolled mobs that have nothing threatening beyond "monsters do 25% more damage" or something.

Then you tell them "nah your current character build really has no defenses, and oh make sure you don't go near the monsters or stand still for more than 0.1 seconds."

Then you tell them "no armor isn't really good against physical damage, you need so and so that grants physical damage reduction %," to which they reply "but isn't that the point of armor?" and you say "not in this game, git gud."

They will probably just laugh and go back to the games they played.

Resistances are irrelevant in this game. You will die near instantly whether they are +75%+ or -200%.

Here guys we'll give you a dot mitigation major pantheon power (soul of arakali) that will delay your demise by 0.1 seconds, assuming you didn't sneeze or scratch your nose in the meantime while mapping.

Hey, poison damage is reduced by chaos resistance. Can we implement a "corrupted poison" debuff in the game that isn't mitigated by chaos resistance? Can we also have it spawn everywhere on the ground in a dark grey color on your dark grey/brown tilesets everywhere? Thanks, that would be great.
Last edited by mnieradko on Apr 8, 2024, 11:41:42 AM
It's not that defensive stats do nothing, you are just completely mistaken on the numbers required.

Physically you have essentially no armor, only 4 endurance charges. That's less than 20% total mitigation there. A rare hitting for 5k phys is on the lower end of things in t16 maps and if that happens twice you are already dead.

Elemental wise you have again your hp pool and 75 res. The game is based around having 75 res. It's designed in a way where you'll still take noticable damage from normal mobs in white t16 maps while having that amount of resistance. You most likely aren't running your maps white though.

Chaos, well again you have your mana pool and every chaos hit dealt to you does extra damage because of your lacking res.

Your EHP is actually "good enough" to not get oneshot by trash mobs but rares and most map bosses in red maps have attacks that can oneshot you at this level of defense, even without map mods. That said, i'd take bets that most of your deaths aren't from actual oneshot i.e 1 attack killing you, but from getting hit by a ton of stuff in quick succession. After all you have really low recovery 160 ES leech and 300 ES regen is as good as nothing.
Even a couple of spiders hitting for like 500 damage each can pick you apart in less than a second if there are enough of them. With "enough" meaning ~10 which again, in this game and with it's mob density is like nothing.

You basically take a leather jacket to a gun fight and complain that it hurts when you get shot. You think you are tanky but frankly, your build is a glass cannon. Your ES pool is nothing to write home about and you have less than what i'd consider even basic mitigation on all fronts.

Last edited by Baharoth15 on Apr 8, 2024, 11:48:25 AM
Baharoth15 wrote:
It's not that defensive stats do nothing, you are just completely mistaken on the numbers required.

Physically you have essentially no armor, only 4 endurance charges. That's less than 20% total mitigation there. A rare hitting for 5k phys is on the lower end of things in t16 maps and if that happens twice you are already dead.

Elemental wise you have again your hp pool and 75 res. The game is based around having 75 res. It's designed in a way where you'll still take noticable damage from normal mobs in white t16 maps while having that amount of resistance. You most likely aren't running your maps white though.

Chaos, well again you have your mana pool and every chaos hit dealt to you does extra damage because of your lacking res.

Your EHP is actually "good enough" to not get oneshot by trash mobs but rares and most map bosses in red maps have attacks that can oneshot you at this level of defense, even without map mods. That said, i'd take bets that most of your deaths aren't from actual oneshot i.e 1 attack killing you, but from getting hit by a ton of stuff in quick succession. After all you have like ZERO recovery. 160 ES leech and 300 ES regen.
Even a couple of spiders hitting for like 500 damage each can pick you apart in less than a second if there are enough of them. With "enough" meaning ~10 which again, in this game and with it's mob density is like nothing.

You basically take a leather jacket to a gun fight and complain that it hurts when you get shot. You think you are tanky but frankly, your build is a glass cannon. Your ES pool is nothing to write home about and you have less than what i'd consider even basic mitigation on all fronts.

I'm sorry that my build isn't up to standards only a little over week into a league... where any upgrade costs me multiple divines which I DON'T HAVE lolz!!

Yes I'm well aware of the state of my build and that it can improve a lot. The point is that 6 years ago when I started playing again this was MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Since then they incrementally increased monster difficulty but also increased the amount of investment a build needs to "beat the endgame" and do all content. While also introducing mechanics you CAN'T defend against at all.

Over time its either "play the meta build" or have a shit build...

In most cases for most builds it's also either go tanky and deal no damage at all... or deal a ton of damage and die if you get hit. Want both, well spend a trillion hours in game and a billion mirrors to make sure you can kill that essence on a T16...

I also happen to have 1395 ES leech, and 343 regen according to POB. Still room for improvement, but not that bad.
Last edited by FutureFear on Apr 8, 2024, 12:09:18 PM
Your build is a leaf and you wonder why it gets blown around in the wind? LMAO
Your build is a leaf and you wonder why it gets blown around in the wind? LMAO

And how does telling me this help improve my build?

The fact that it's still a leaf with those stats is what's wrong lolz.
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this bild.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Baharoth15 wrote:
It's not that defensive stats do nothing, you are just completely mistaken on the numbers required.

Physically you have essentially no armor, only 4 endurance charges. That's less than 20% total mitigation there. A rare hitting for 5k phys is on the lower end of things in t16 maps and if that happens twice you are already dead.

Elemental wise you have again your hp pool and 75 res. The game is based around having 75 res. It's designed in a way where you'll still take noticable damage from normal mobs in white t16 maps while having that amount of resistance. You most likely aren't running your maps white though.

Chaos, well again you have your mana pool and every chaos hit dealt to you does extra damage because of your lacking res.

Your EHP is actually "good enough" to not get oneshot by trash mobs but rares and most map bosses in red maps have attacks that can oneshot you at this level of defense, even without map mods. That said, i'd take bets that most of your deaths aren't from actual oneshot i.e 1 attack killing you, but from getting hit by a ton of stuff in quick succession. After all you have really low recovery 160 ES leech and 300 ES regen is as good as nothing.
Even a couple of spiders hitting for like 500 damage each can pick you apart in less than a second if there are enough of them. With "enough" meaning ~10 which again, in this game and with it's mob density is like nothing.

You basically take a leather jacket to a gun fight and complain that it hurts when you get shot. You think you are tanky but frankly, your build is a glass cannon. Your ES pool is nothing to write home about and you have less than what i'd consider even basic mitigation on all fronts.

I'm sure you're tryna help, and I am also sure that the OP knows ab out this too. But do you see how ridiculous it has to be to survive in this game? res/arm/eva/es/life/ward/regen/recovery/recoup/taken as/%less dmg taken/% less dmg taken from area, proj, dot, hits/spell supp/atk block/spell block/end charge/leech/ailment immunity/bleed,poison,corrupt blood immune/guards/aura, etc

lol, I'm pretty sure I must have missed something. ridiculous.

even with that, there's gonna be a +# additional proj modded white mob will shot gun you on a white map.
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024

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