Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

GGG do you realize you've just utterly thrashed the majority of mine builds?

no one is going to auto cast detonate mines on a 0.6s CD with automation.
and no one wants to hit an extra button to detonate. removing the option for something like this on left click shows whoever made this choice does NOT play this game.
Please revert the LMB decision. It is not player friendly. If you feel you need to nerf things, certainly there are more important thing you can nerf other than our wrist/hand/ finger health...
Hype for new league just died.
Raeyzej wrote:
GGG do you realize you've just utterly thrashed the majority of mine builds?

no one is going to auto cast detonate mines on a 0.6s CD with automation.
and no one wants to hit an extra button to detonate. removing the option for something like this on left click shows whoever made this choice does NOT play this game.

Oh no.. Didn't notice the 0.6s CD. Daang.

As is tradition, GGG wanted to nerf a single skill (hexblast mines) so they do this to ALL mine builds.
Is it possible that this change came from a blizzard spy at GGG headquarters? This bodes well for Diablo.
Just adding another voice for keeping Left Mouse Button casting.
LMB change bad
Just adding another voice for keeping Left Mouse Button casting.
please revert the lmb change

we lose a button and a socket, man

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