Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

The last several reveals have all been nerfs.
I really liked the changes so far, but the LMB change on top of the mandatory auto use gem is honestly one of the most out of touch change i've seen in a while.
It virtually kills miners and bone armour, and will most likely just push people to going back to heavy scripting.

Plz reconsider GGG!
This is a qol nerf and a nerf to most builds. This makes the games worse not better. You can add the gems if you want but leave the longstanding controls alone rather than removing a button. Please undo this.
Removal of instant skills on left click??

This is just a nerf to melee and summoner builds disguised as QoL.
Melee builds usually have big socket pressure and often take Call to Arms keystone to get some use out of a warcry on left click or you would left click to automate something like molten shell.

Same with summoners, you might have convocation or a guard skill on left click.

All you've done is asked me to remove those skills from half the builds I play because I will never manually press them while zooming through maps on softcore.
I don't understand why you can't implement these new skill gems without hurting many left click instant skill builds.

If there are technical reasons why you can't implement the gems without changing the left click button instant skills then you should say so, cause otherwise it doesn't look good for the overall game to do this. Unless you are purposefully taking power and/or destroying certain left click instant builds, there is no reason outside of game limitations, to take away instant left click skills.
This would look interesting for PoE 2. But for PoE 1... it’s too early to draw conclusions, of course. Maybe instead of ascension affliction classes we'll have a new 6-socket PANTS slot! COPIUM

No, no, another 6 socket would be way too strong.
Instead, you have two 3-sockets - one for each leg!
(I joke, but I would love this lol)
I love this game and the devs, but I always hated socket pressure.

This change really is uncalled for.

Vote with our wallet, shall we?
Since starting to really play the game since Harbinger and have enjoyed almost all of the decisions but I have to say this LMB change is the worst and most atrocious decision I have seen - worst than loot pinata Archnemesis monsters. Like... holy moly is this a terrible decision.

I honestly cant believe this made it into QoL section... Im flabbergasted.

Gjob GGG - it genuinely takes a lot to get me to feel some sort of emotion so I guess thats a plus.
Youtube - PartTimeExile 80 in 30.
Terrible and poorly thought out change, I love losing a socket for something to be weakened that I was using before :)
i use spacebar to move and loosing left click is just -1 usable button now. i dont want to totally automate a guard skill. i want it to go off when i need it and left click was great for that

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