Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

Why not use the same menu that has "Always Attack without Moving"?

It's right there, just add another box that people can click on or not.

You have "Molten Shell" on your hotbar? Click on it and toggle "Auto-cast on Cooldown". Simple. Done.

No need to lose a socket. No need to pay more mana. No need to have a longer cooldown.

That's an actual QoL update... this is just a major nerf in disguise. At least be upfront about it.

Damn this forum needs a like button! This guy gets it!

Typical GG - CFCS (change for change's sake). "We came up with an ill-conceived solution, now we just need to find a problem that we can apply it to".

Meanwhile, Last Epoch (while certainly not perfect) shows us what genuine QoL applications are for their players. Want the crafting materials in your vicinity? Just click on one and it will hoover everything up. Inventory getting a bit full? Just click on the crafting materials and it will automatically sort into your stash. It's nice to see a company that cares about its players and doesn't just view them as a slot machine addict to be milked.

I was hopeful that with PoE 2 so close that GG would stop trying to force PoE 1 into the same mould and leave it well enough alone. Alas, it wasn't to be.
h_marvin wrote:
Ivanovv83 wrote:
Farming bosses is annoying AF.
The hype for this league just fell from a cliff..

So you used to "farm" your boss drop uniques by pulling their respective div cards from stacked decks? Come on .. :D

At 13 challenges completed in affliction, he didn't do much of anything in PoE.
So now my left mouse button can only be used as an ornament?
You forgot that it was able to put it in the skill slot
I can't understand trying to optimize the joystick side while ignoring the direction of operation on the PC side
This is really inappropriate
Please no LMB change!
>delete lmb
>this is a buff qol good change
ayy lmao
Добавьте это в ублок, чтобы сайт выглядел по человечески.
Some very long overdue changes here... but the dramatic LMB change this far into PoE feels a bit aggressive and targeted at a lot of popular styles of gameplay... that many people enjoy... amid ever increasing competition in the ARPG space by companies who 'do' value player enjoyment of a *game*... makes me really worried about the decision making happening at GGG...

I didn't really enjoy last league / didn't last much more than a week... I get a bad feeling this league may feel even worse.

I truly hope you've got something great up your sleeve to engage and retain players that's yet to be announced... otherwise I'm confident people will pass on the league and keep playing otherwise far more enjoyable games where they're being rewarded rather than punished for playing.

Edit: fixed typo
Last edited by NinjaPancake on Mar 18, 2024, 10:21:49 PM
LMB change is not QoL, it's a nerf.
Omfg, more Automation, as a gem, not as "Attack without moving" option...

How about actually fixing a problems instead of introducing this "solutions" ?

I am having less and less hope for 2.24... This is funny, because I did not have it to begin with!
I can FLY!
Last edited by WhiteDragonRU on Mar 18, 2024, 10:39:08 PM
LMB change is not QoL, it's a nerf.
I'll always believe in you GGG, but i'm not a fan of this delivery of "teasers" Looking forward to live stream.

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