Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

Pashid wrote:
Well, Valdo will solve the problem of those "inexistent" boss limited uniques, don't worry.

Just make sure you customize such type of valdo maps.

Not if they make them a rare drop, just how it should be.
Having them drop like candy was a big mistake to begin with and was already a mistake with the void keys during their release league.

But any useful uniques end up with ultra rare drop items. That does make the game sick. There is not any transition or balance, as we can see, trash spread all over the floor and useful item drop less than 1 during the whole league.
on ssf its much more likely that you target farm a boss unique than just being extremely lucky on div cards, most things that get farmed with cards are not boss related
The divination changes means massive middle finger for anyone who isn't a nolifer..

Jesus ...
Ivanovv83 wrote:
The divination changes means massive middle finger for anyone who isn't a nolifer..

Jesus ...

not really, you can take down the bosses on pretty average chars. you just have to know the mechanics. but this should be obvious. you dont need any boss drop to beat them. I mean, people farming bosses on day 3 are no wizards. they just play well. so why shouldn´t you be able to fight them on day 8 and making a buck off their loot.

this is even better because now map fragments for such bosses rise in prices as well because all the items are boss exclusive. the demand is the same, depending on the meta changes maybe even higher. good change.
if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
Great changes
This is a good change. I really dislike loot homoegenization where you get league mechanic A stuff in league mechanic B. This dumbs down the endgame to simply choosing the most div per h and farming that and makes some mechanics being overfarmed to death whilst others are never engaged with.

While you're at it, please remove boss-specific loot from Voidborn and Valdo boxes.
We arrived at a weird point where there's more foiled valdo variants of progenesis, voidforge or nimis than normal ones lol.

I'm fine with these giving us cheap magebloods. I'm not fine with it printing more uber boss uniques than actual boss kills.
Not against change at all, but would like to point out that the summary of the divination card change is literally: Loot nerfed, this is a buff!

Divination card change is super meh. On one hand, boss cards from stacked decks were already feeling unimportant, so this change feels worthless. While it will be a few sets less in the stacked deck table, farming bosses already feels horrible. TBH, I didn't even know that aside from a couple, bosses COULD drop divination cards. I know that Shavronne and the like do, but the drop chance is so low and most of the cards are trash, so it's a 'nothing' change anyway.

Unless bosses' chance to drop divination cards is increased by a good amount, WITHOUT impacting the chance for other things to drop, it will be a medium-sized nerf impacting some mostly-niche items.
Honestly find this kind of change (divination cards and boss uniques) pointless on a Trade league.
It's a nerf for SSF I suppose to make sure you actually play different kinds of content, but for trade league it's just an increase in the price of these drops.

It's still always going to be better to just farm chaos/divs/currency and buy whatever you want, no requirement to actually beating the bosses.
Unless they make the item untradable or require the beating the bosses to equip I really don't see the point (on trade league).

Does make the SSF journey more interesting though, I guess that's positive.
Overall I like the changes. A few of them require more information to paint a clear picture, but I'm not totally against them.
The div card change doesn't seem to apply to div cards dropped by normal monsters in maps like the double implicit watcher's eye card, right?
But I do like the idea, that certain uniques can only be acquired by killing the relevant boss -> this feels more natural and also incentivises you to do the bosses, which also results in at least somewhat more excitement upon a unique item drop (at least I hope so).

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