3.22.1 Patch Preview

These patch notes are very disappointing to read after the long wait. Some things we were wanting fixed got addressed, but still missed the mark by a large portion.

Of course, I expected something like this from GGG.

So when people complain about how they keep getting one-shot by enemies in trials you just give them the middle-finger and increase the damage chieftains deal? Are you serious? Literally nobody that plays this game was asking for them to deal MORE damage than they already do.

Also completely failing to address the "titanic shell can protect its own totem" thing.

And no mention of giving people a way to adjust their ranking without sinking coins in and losing on purpose?

Barely anything to address the large one-shot issue. Making it worse, if anything.

Thanks for almost nothing, I guess.
Buffing chieftains is a choice I cannot understand. Everything they do is a oneshot, the only saving grace here has been the fact they leave you the fuck alone when they are on the other side of the arena.
"Loading screens no longer wait to finish loading the visual effects of other characters before you load into the area."

I think you forgot to not also load in everyone elses stash tab!

OH OH, you dont do that?

Titanic shell only -20%.... just ad a duration to the damn protection. They rather add a forfeit button rather than gut it.
After I quit the league, no ty, I'm fine.

best league ever
IGN TylordRampage
so the turtle defending its own totem is intended?


No nerf to Death's Guide's totem aura? It can brick a whole team ffs, why is it untouched?
Fixed a bug where being revived by the Death's Guide Warrior in a Trial of the Ancestors Match was not reactivating your Auras or respawning your Animated Guardian.

i mean thanx but you cant bring an animate guardian in to this lol its just gonna get asolutely deleted and not kill anything.
overall performance? shaders?

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