Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

"ruthless was the worst thing that ever happened to this game."
Agree. For god sake: delete ruthless.
Hyped for the league like every league!

Thx for this time Bex
That's ok I guess, still want to play. But I don't know why not buff some underused skills that no one uses...
Stop reading Mathil and LOGIN
I expected way more with the huge lead up to Exilecon... with POE2 over a year away, it was the right time to do an end game expansion and a meta shakeup.. yet again, a skeleton crew just handing out nerfs and working on ruthless (why?)

Constant excuses from Neon and Chris that POE1 development will be minimal until POE2 is out.. well, I think it's clear everyone they are being way too ambitious and as a result all their products will end up very sub par sadly POE is being hit the hardest atm.

I miss the dedicated GGG team that weren't afraid to shake up the meta, and breathe some life into their game. Another league with a stale meta. The next week is going to be awfully boring, content creators are going to be twiddling their thumbs. My hype is at a zero for this league now which is unfortunate. This is going to be a very, very... short league for a lot of people.

Vote with your wallets is all I can say. If you are not happy with the direction the game is going then do not spend another penny on the product. I won't be. It is seemingly apparent they are not reading reddit anymore, or these forums (too busy working on ruthless and POE2, why would they?).

I hope some additional balance changes are put in last minute. Give underused skills a blanket 10-20% buff.. it'll just open up creativity and new content. Which is what POE sorely needs atm.
Ruthless is just a small side project, dont worry about a thing.

Man i really wish the actually game would receive such love.
Even after the huge delays....this is what we get, really? Yikes.
2. Please get rid of cycling buffs. Nobody wants this. Nobody has ever wanted it. It feels bad to play.

Cycling buffs are not the issue.

It having no visuals, no feedback, no sound, no gui notification literally no feedback.

Id have no issue if my character went super sayan, grew up in size by 30%, warcryed, a sound effect played!

But then again why cycle it? it's poor design, just trigger it on condition that player can sensibly PLAY the game.(When you warcry, use movement skill...)
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
Ruthless doesn't deserve such a large page of PN.

garbage. several pages of lolruthless and link skills changes tho!

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