Path of Exile 2: Aggorat Teaser

The videos looks a bit noisy to me and the movements are blurred. But it could also simply have been caused by the compression of the video. At least I hope so :D
tuonghoangO2 wrote:
Please give us some wallpapers for POE 2 . Thanks

So far I've been using some of the PoE2 concept art as wallpapers, you can check it out here:
its so cool! good job GGG
vacii wrote:

You are the bad guy because you are stating, not asking.
GGG have addressed, time and time again, most of your statements (maybe that's why you present your "question"in a form of statement). As a member of the community, long time PoE player and as customer (i refuse to refer to my self as a consumer) of GGG, i have all my questions answered in a clear manner. I do not feel in any way financially exploited.

The truth is, that some people cant help them selves and scream to high heavens that they need protection from themselves.

Linking Josh's video here only proves the amount ignorance in which quoted post has been written.

Career as (insert cause here) activist is something, i assume, you are subjectively remarkable at.

Your objections to my points are intriguing. I'm uncertain as to what question you believe I should have asked. Does presenting a statement, as opposed to posing a question, come across as discourteous?

Does the introduction of loot crates, battle passes, and intrusive on-screen HUD notifications indicate my lack of resilience? For the record, when do you think was the last time I financially supported them?

By law, we are considered consumers. Did you take the time to watch the video? Considering the current status of trades and drops, the points made in the video remain relevant.

Your term 'career activist' seems to carry negative connotations. Do you believe that advocacy is inherently disgraceful? I assert that standing up for what one believes in is anything but shameful.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen on Jun 12, 2023, 3:13:40 AM
Pangaearocks wrote:
Innomen wrote:

Why am I the bad guy for asking the same here? Do you guys not want a better more player friendly experience?

No, you are not the bad guy. And thanks for the excellent video.

Thank you, and I agree, it's really a wonderful link to share with anyone interested in the strange state of gaming today.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Now do proper optimization.
We dont want fps dropped to 20 on 3k $ machine.
please add Lootgoblins back in the game like 3.19
sick fuck shit omfg wtf just woooow i cant wait to play poe 2 damn 😱😥😓
The logo is still the best about the video. really amazing work. i mean .. im speechless. and the release time just exactly after d4 has been released.. amazing work there.
Yoooooo. Man I love it, can't wait to play the best rpg of all time!

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