Path of Exile 2: Aggorat Teaser

There are significant aspects of POE one that should have been updated in the first installment. Notably, inconsistencies such as the use of different voice actors for each character's death screams are noticeable. The Templar's running animation seems outdated, akin to something from Virtua Fighter. We could all produce such a list dozens of entries long.

A troubling trend in POE is the neglect of numerous elements in favor of introducing additions that increasingly exploit Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).

I'm particularly interested in understanding the extent to which anti-player cash-grabbing tactics will be incorporated into POE 2.

It's disheartening to see consumers not questioning the practices employed or not seeking representation, despite their significant financial investments, often reaching hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

While participation in these games is a choice, it doesn't mean that we should be lenient or forgiving towards overtly exploitative tactics. Just like we wouldn't overlook questionable practices in any other product or service. We shouldn't give a pass to these games simply because they're 'free'. After all, the entrance to Walmart is free as well, but we still demand legitimate respect as consumers from the place.

Why am I the bad guy for asking the same here? Do you guys not want a better more player friendly experience?
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Blown away! Let's goooo!
What skills are those?

Lightning strike?


Glacial cascade but with a weapon?

Some kinda dash attack?

A cleave kinda attack?

They look like cool skills that I would want to use. I really miss looking forward to playing a skill.
Innomen wrote:
A troubling trend in POE is the neglect of numerous elements in favor of introducing additions that increasingly exploit Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).

I'm particularly interested in understanding the extent to which anti-player cash-grabbing tactics will be incorporated into POE 2.

It's disheartening to see consumers not questioning the practices employed or not seeking representation, despite their significant financial investments, often reaching hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

While participation in these games is a choice, it doesn't mean that we should be lenient or forgiving towards overtly exploitative tactics. Just like we wouldn't overlook questionable practices in any other product or service. We shouldn't give a pass to these games simply because they're 'free'. After all, the entrance to Walmart is free as well, but we still demand legitimate respect as consumers from the place.

Why am I the bad guy for asking the same here? Do you guys not want a better more player friendly experience?

You are the bad guy because you are stating, not asking.
GGG have addressed, time and time again, most of your statements (maybe that's why you present your "question"in a form of statement). As a member of the community, long time PoE player and as customer (i refuse to refer to my self as a consumer) of GGG, i have all my questions answered in a clear manner. I do not feel in any way financially exploited.

The truth is, that some people cant help them selves and scream to high heavens that they need protection from themselves.

Linking Josh's video here only proves the amount ignorance in which quoted post has been written.

Career as (insert cause here) activist is something, i assume, you are subjectively remarkable at.
very nice but the colors are blending into each other way too much (too similar)
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
Innomen wrote:

Why am I the bad guy for asking the same here? Do you guys not want a better more player friendly experience?

No, you are not the bad guy. And thanks for the excellent video.
that thunder slam looks cool.

As much as I long for a lightning slam skill that's not stuck to a unique, I'm fairly certain that's lightning strike. >.< One day, I believe the lightning slam dream will come true, one day...

Also, I'm not the only one that feels like skipping the addition of character customization is a bit of a miss for pulling in a broader audience, right? It's such a drastic update, it kind of feels like they'd have a huge win adding even a little bit.
Last edited by Zikah on Jun 11, 2023, 9:36:30 PM

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