Path of Exile 2: Ngamakanui Teaser

looks so sick, you guys must be really proud. much love to everyone at ggg.

i remember playing d3 on release in 2012, and i remember what happened in 2013. feels like history repeating hu?

heres to another 10 years, you lot deserve it. <3
Thanks for adding one of the worst D2 system, the stamina.
Why am I still here
but when do we get guns?

think outlaw star, stuff costs mana :)
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jun 9, 2023, 6:48:08 PM
diazepam777 wrote:
I think we're seeing character customization for the first time.

I really hope this is the case, or I'm going to be really sad if they just cut the witches hair. :( The lack of customization means I've just played the witch for years (melee or ranged character, didn't matter) as it's the closest thing to how I usually make my characters look in games, and if that's simply gone, no amount of MTX can give her hair back. :(

I have hope, since they've shown the updated long haired witch in the past, but I have a sneaky suspicion that you can only play that witch if you run the original campaign, whereas this witch is going to be the witch of the new campaign. It's going to feel really scummy to be stuck doing the old campaign for the sake of keeping her original look if that's the case, but I guess the silver lining is that she'd still be around.

Even if they don't add the customization in, I'd be surprised from just a business standpoint if they don't at least add the options in as MTX. Like, not giving the option or selling the option despite the fact you've already created the updated model seems asinine, right?

Not that I just want to sound like a downer though, the trailer is way more sick than I thought it'd be. New spark looks incredible. Heard there will be animation breakpoints for cast and attack speed, so I don't think people should be too worried about animation locking or the game necessarily slowing down; if anything, power progression should feel more impactful as your animations change. Honestly having unique animations for different kinds of spells is something you don't realize you want until you see it.
Last edited by Zikah on Jun 9, 2023, 7:10:40 PM
Warvald wrote:
Thanks for adding one of the worst D2 system, the stamina.

Stop doing drugs my guy,think of your family or\and friends!
Last edited by ERROR502 on Jun 9, 2023, 7:12:18 PM
I thought PoE2 was just going to be an extension of PoE1. Not a separate game? Sure hope so.
Jøhnathan wrote:
I thought PoE2 was just going to be an extension of PoE1. Not a separate game? Sure hope so.

i'm almost sure poe 2 is like a big dlc for poe 1, it will add a whole new campaing while you can still play the normal one, change some system like the skll gem link system as shown for a bit in the 1 exile con trailer of 2019 if i'm not mistaken, and the endgame will be the same (but i don't remember where i saw this), so its not a separate game(again if i'm not mistaken) but just a big big expasion.
POE 2 destroys graphically speaking, Diablo 4.
I can't believe my eyes.
D4 looks in a blink, so old.
Oh my fucking god!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan

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