Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

alex_disp wrote:
Egyrt98 wrote:
Yukiomi wrote:
Hope these crying newbies will sell Matryoshka for 1c.
It looks extremely OP.

I guess it will be extremely rare to get something good, but still very cool card

I'd say this card is pretty valuable. 4 random anoints already has a value of a good amulet or more and you have amulet explicits on top of them. Even more - it's influenced item, meaning you can get Shaper or Hunter mods on them, that you can't get when corrupting Stranglegasp.
Also, think deeper - you can use mystic orbs on them and turn them into a 4-anoint unique onyx amulet like Astramentis or Yoke of Suffering.
You can also reroll corrupted rare items with tainted chaos orbs.

This is some reckless optimism right here.

Someone else mentioned talismans and yeah, these are so much worse. 4 random anoints does not have the value of of a 'good amulet'. Even if one of the anoints requires golden oils to craft this still has little value. The influence aspect on its own is another major RNG and even if you landed 1 great mod the rest of the item is still likely useless.

Tainted Mythic orbs? Unless your name is slippery jim, nobody is doing that gamble. How many amulets is it going to take before your amulet A)doesn't get destroyed and B)isn't a carnage heart? You're probably looking at 30-40 GOOD amulets just to land that and are the anoints going to add value equal to the cost? You can get 1 ideal anoint on a regular amulet and two good anoints probably isn't worth the cost so ~35ish amulets with 3-4 ideal anoints? Yikes.

I could see someone putting in the effort if these cards were a stack of 3. 8 is A LOT of work.
Egyrt98 wrote:
AlanLeoPio wrote:
Why Matryoshka?

Because amulet in amulet, just like ... matryoshka

Thanks gentleman
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
muzein wrote:
alex_disp wrote:

I'd say this card is pretty valuable. 4 random anoints already has a value of a good amulet or more and you have amulet explicits on top of them. Even more - it's influenced item, meaning you can get Shaper or Hunter mods on them, that you can't get when corrupting Stranglegasp.
Also, think deeper - you can use mystic orbs on them and turn them into a 4-anoint unique onyx amulet like Astramentis or Yoke of Suffering.
You can also reroll corrupted rare items with tainted chaos orbs.

This is some reckless optimism right here.

Someone else mentioned talismans and yeah, these are so much worse. 4 random anoints does not have the value of of a 'good amulet'. Even if one of the anoints requires golden oils to craft this still has little value. The influence aspect on its own is another major RNG and even if you landed 1 great mod the rest of the item is still likely useless.

Tainted Mythic orbs? Unless your name is slippery jim, nobody is doing that gamble. How many amulets is it going to take before your amulet A)doesn't get destroyed and B)isn't a carnage heart? You're probably looking at 30-40 GOOD amulets just to land that and are the anoints going to add value equal to the cost? You can get 1 ideal anoint on a regular amulet and two good anoints probably isn't worth the cost so ~35ish amulets with 3-4 ideal anoints? Yikes.

I could see someone putting in the effort if these cards were a stack of 3. 8 is A LOT of work.

Think about endgame creep. What other way is there to get 4 anoints on an item?

A crappy watcher's eye costs 10c cause it still has some ok life/es/mana stats, but good ones go for 10div or even 100div to multiple mirrors. Are extremely rare though.

Now think that you get 3 good anoints and craft with tainted chaos to reroll into useful stats. Now think 4 useful anoints for the build. Sure we are looking at very low chances, but so is hitting a good triple pride watcher's eye.

Most of the Amulets will suck and be vendor trash (just like megalomaniac) but some of these Amulets will be mirror tier because it can't be recreated in any other way than this div card.

So think again and reevaluate your response.

Just for the gamble thrill this card will be exciting to get.

Not saying a card will cost 10 div, but we might look at 5c per card which is pretty nice and not totally useless like so many other cards.
Arian Synthesis of G3
I will thus be farming Matryoshkat cards like a madman (if target farmable).
"Matryoshkat" - cause Russians also have feelings...
shacopewdz wrote:
we said we like AMULETS not ******* useless talismans, do you even care at this point?

Talismans, basically, ARE amulets, so "they" care more than you.
this passive on the pledge looks crazy
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
That is cool and all but how do I look at the other nodes not just the one highlighted?
Themasterofw wrote:
That is cool and all but how do I look at the other nodes not just the one highlighted?

you open your eyes and look at it later ingame.
here we are shown a possible mod.

on the subject: this is going to be absolutely amazing, i can't wait to unlock the whole skill trees.

Thank you for your great work GGG.

Matryoshka amulets + tainted mythic orb. Stonks.

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