Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Anngrat wrote:
Egyrt07 wrote:
kamisamax wrote:
Ok, I hope that this will be taken/commented and for the love of god ggg reads and listens to this. Imagine someone staring at you with a death stare while saying-

Make it 50 or 100 before next league, you still have time, its a simple fix so you DON'T SCREW THIS ONE AGAIN!

We are trading literary more than thousands of chaos in one trade when it comes to high end items/large bulks/ or divine-chaos trades. A stack of 20 is not enough, so please increase this more before next season!

This change literally goes against monetization model, and you asking for more xD

Also very curious how and for what reason you traded "more than thousands of chaos in one trade"

Tujen/Exarch shrines/blight maps/whatever

It aint a rare thing that after farming/trading session you have like 4000+ chaos to convert into divines...

Well maximum is 600 for one trade, can't imagine why would you trade thousands in one trade, and converting is only reason why would you want it in a first place. So you can just convert them when you got enough for 1 trade. It's not like you getting thousands chaos in 1 map so it is not that hard. (i mean it's annoying but understandable)
All i'm saying is it is qol improvement which goes against monetization model of f2p game which is very nice
20? lol when people actually play the game they get 1000's...qol would be 50... rather everything should be the same stack of 50... because again people who actually play the game are going to get 100's and 1000's of all different types of orbs so just make everything in stacks of 50
BNightwolf wrote:
For anyone complaining: This directly opposes their monetization scheme of encouraging free to play players to buy stash tabs. In other words they are making a sacrifice to change a thing for the better.

What I like about 20 is a vertical row = 100
What I dislike is chaos' apparent worth went down

Chaos rarity and recipe will assist in keeping chaos at the same value, but we will see how effective that will be.

I would like to hear from GGG why they made this change, and potentially other quality of life changes they said they are implementing. Like a dev blog.

you connect dots that are no where near each other... buying stash tabs have nothing to do with the stack size... if you like the game when your new you will buy at least a currency tab garrenteed you can't actively play without one, same goes for fragment tab and so on
finally, less than 100 years later :)
LBGxValor wrote:
BNightwolf wrote:
For anyone complaining: This directly opposes their monetization scheme of encouraging free to play players to buy stash tabs. In other words they are making a sacrifice to change a thing for the better.

What I like about 20 is a vertical row = 100
What I dislike is chaos' apparent worth went down

Chaos rarity and recipe will assist in keeping chaos at the same value, but we will see how effective that will be.

I would like to hear from GGG why they made this change, and potentially other quality of life changes they said they are implementing. Like a dev blog.

you connect dots that are no where near each other... buying stash tabs have nothing to do with the stack size... if you like the game when your new you will buy at least a currency tab garrenteed you can't actively play without one, same goes for fragment tab and so on

Well you don't really need to connect dots here bigger stack size lesser place you need. If it wasn't the reason they would change it a long time ago
Also i'm playing without any tabs at all, guy gived away 2 magebloods this league plays without any tabs, a lot of ppl play without them.
Funny how a number that could easily be modified to 50 or even 100 without affecting the game balance get people so hyped. lol
this should have been changed long time ago, and not just for 20, game was balanced for 10 10 for when it lauched decade ago

I would really appreciate a brief post about why limt only to 20 amd not more.
This is obviously a conscious choice on your part and i would like to understand the reasoning behind it.
Looking for the next league, sanctum was the most fun I have ever had with PoE.
Last edited by DragonSound on Mar 28, 2023, 8:23:10 AM
20 is no big change. 50 minimum
Something that should have been a quality of life change years and years ago, is suddenly considered "hype" worthy for a new league?.

Yes, if this was 2013, I would have been awed, amazed, flabbergasted OMG OMG OMG, but now?. I don't get why this is considered as a "teaser" for a new league, also why the number is specifically limited to 20/stack.

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