Curses FAQ

Varana wrote:
There was a discussion on the FAQs thread. I think I'm correct in this take:

Bane has the Hex tag, but Bane is NOT itself a Hex. It applies a debuff, and also applies linked Hexes.
So if you have this node, I read that the Hexes will last "indefinitely" (unclear if this includes leaving the instance etc), but the Bane debuff will expire just as it does now.

Note the text on the Bane gem:

Applies a debuff to enemies in an area, which deals chaos damage over Time. Linked hex curses are also applied to those enemies. The debuff deals more damage and lasts longer for each hex applied this way.

As for the tag, so do curses. Even in the description, it says "curses" instead of "hexes". If curses have the "hex" tag and are therefore hexes, the same could be said of Bane.

Same as curses, Bane has it's duration in the description. If curses, which have the "hex" tag, will last indefinitely, so should Bane, for also having the "hex" tag, and therefore, so should it's damage last forever.

I think the solution here for them will be removing the "hex" tag from Bane, which in all honesty, makes zero sense being there (the only purpose of it being there is to imply it works in tandem with hexes, which the description already tells you). Nothing in game buffs hexes, they buff curses, which is Bane didn't get TGAT tag in the first place. Otherwise, this will confuse a lot of people. Or it will (should) truly make Bane's damage debuff last forever.
mindcontroler wrote:
Varana wrote:
There was a discussion on the FAQs thread. I think I'm correct in this take:

Bane has the Hex tag, but Bane is NOT itself a Hex. It applies a debuff, and also applies linked Hexes.
So if you have this node, I read that the Hexes will last "indefinitely" (unclear if this includes leaving the instance etc), but the Bane debuff will expire just as it does now.

Note the text on the Bane gem:

Applies a debuff to enemies in an area, which deals chaos damage over Time. Linked hex curses are also applied to those enemies. The debuff deals more damage and lasts longer for each hex applied this way.

As for the tag, so do curses. Even in the description, it says "curses" instead of "hexes". If curses have the "hex" tag and are therefore hexes, the same could be said of Bane.

Same as curses, Bane has it's duration in the description. If curses, which have the "hex" tag, will last indefinitely, so should Bane, for also having the "hex" tag, and therefore, so should it's damage last forever.

I think the solution here for them will be removing the "hex" tag from Bane, which in all honesty, makes zero sense being there (the only purpose of it being there is to imply it works in tandem with hexes, which the description already tells you). Nothing in game buffs hexes, they buff curses, which is Bane didn't get TGAT tag in the first place. Otherwise, this will confuse a lot of people. Or it will (should) truly make Bane's damage debuff last forever.

Bane would lose an insane amount of AoE from passives and items if it lost the hex tag.
Last edited by gladiatorpie on Nov 29, 2022, 10:35:28 AM
Xystre wrote:
smiley face is what they have been doing to this game for a while now..

Not to the game. Just to it's players. :)

the game gets way less than that

Varana wrote:
Bane has the Hex tag, but Bane is NOT itself a Hex

And that's it, period. There were alreadey discussions around that back in the days of the curse rework etc.

Bane is not a Curse (or a Hex) despite having that tag.

edit: this is also GGG's official reasoning for it not working with Vixen's, btw.
"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
Last edited by Reshemin on Nov 29, 2022, 10:48:54 AM
asicminer wrote:


You're weird if you don't think streamers/youtubers aren't scared to actually voice their opinions, They don't want to lose access. Subtractem just released a video apologizing for slapping a nun with a biscuit level of commentary on twitter because he was featured this month by GGG and he wants to keep access. Sadly this trick doesn't work for long if you end up pissing off the playerbase too and they stop watching you.

Can you point me to that apology video? Can't seem to find it anywhere. (Not shilling, I'm legit curious what he had to apologize for.)


Keeping to the topic, what about Bane being a Hex and the Keystone making Hexes be infinite, GGG? Should I assume I bane will also last forever? Or is Bane losing the Hex tag? Can't believe this question didn't pop-up on the FAQ.

It's literally his first half of the video on Curses FAQ
No more Bane enjoyers.
Buff Death' Oath.
Reshemin wrote:
Varana wrote:
Bane has the Hex tag, but Bane is NOT itself a Hex

And that's it, period. There were alreadey discussions around that back in the days of the curse rework etc.

Bane is not a Curse (or a Hex) despite having that tag.

edit: this is also GGG's official reasoning for it not working with Vixen's, btw.

That doesn't even make sense mate. So the hex tag turns things into hexes whenever it damn well pleases?

Also, the reasoning for Vixen to not work with Bane is that Bane ISN'T A CURSE. When it had the tag, it worked, and obviously it was busted. It can't be that hard to read an item. They even removed the Curse tag from Bane who knows how long ago, specifically kill that interaction.

A similar solution is now needed, so people don't keep asking "why doesn't Bane work with Hex Master, it has the Hex tag". If the tag is there, the skill should (will?) be treated as such.
I do like the fact that increased curse effect on rings is removed purely for the fact its 1 less stat to aim for a higher value in to make rings perfect.
Cassia supremacy
roses are red, violets are blue
if i know i'm right, then so should...



mindcontroler wrote:
That doesn't even make sense mate. So the hex tag turns things into hexes whenever it damn well pleases?

No. Whenever it pleases GGG. :)

If this exchange was genuine, than it was not exactly to
specifically kill that interaction.
with Vixen's.

A similar solution is now needed, so people don't keep asking "why doesn't Bane work with Hex Master, it has the Hex tag". If the tag is there, the skill should (will?) be treated as such.

It's comparable to f.e. Crackling Lance - which has the AoE tag. want to go check out what Increased AoE Support does on it?

See that line above under the first quote - nuff said.
"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
FlammDumbFox wrote:
My brothers [Removed by Support] please fix Oblivion Fire Trap not displaying elemental proliferation effects. Also add Sunprism CA (or Caustic Ground), thanks. attempt 20something btw

most sane poe player btw

Dude... have you lost a bet a while ago?
Asking for a friend.
Reshemin wrote:
roses are red, violets are blue
if i know i'm right, then so should...



mindcontroler wrote:
That doesn't even make sense mate. So the hex tag turns things into hexes whenever it damn well pleases?

No. Whenever it pleases GGG. :)

If this exchange was genuine, than it was not exactly to
specifically kill that interaction.
with Vixen's.

A similar solution is now needed, so people don't keep asking "why doesn't Bane work with Hex Master, it has the Hex tag". If the tag is there, the skill should (will?) be treated as such.

It's comparable to f.e. Crackling Lance - which has the AoE tag. want to go check out what Increased AoE Support does on it?

See that line above under the first quote - nuff said.

Not "nuff said" mate, don't strawman the argument. This just means Crackling Lance needs that tag removed from it.

But keeping in point with my questioning, so Bane ISN'T a Hex? Correct?

Explain to me then why Hex passives (top left of the Witch tree, next to the Cluster, if you need to find them) on the skill tree work with it. Thought it wasn't supposed to be a Hex skill, even though it has the Hex tag.

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