Curses FAQ

FlammDumbFox wrote:
My brothers [Removed by Support] please fix Oblivion Fire Trap not displaying elemental proliferation effects. Also add Sunprism CA (or Caustic Ground), thanks. attempt 20something btw

most sane poe player btw

Dude... have you lost a bet a while ago?
Asking for a friend.
Reshemin wrote:
roses are red, violets are blue
if i know i'm right, then so should...



mindcontroler wrote:
That doesn't even make sense mate. So the hex tag turns things into hexes whenever it damn well pleases?

No. Whenever it pleases GGG. :)

If this exchange was genuine, than it was not exactly to
specifically kill that interaction.
with Vixen's.

A similar solution is now needed, so people don't keep asking "why doesn't Bane work with Hex Master, it has the Hex tag". If the tag is there, the skill should (will?) be treated as such.

It's comparable to f.e. Crackling Lance - which has the AoE tag. want to go check out what Increased AoE Support does on it?

See that line above under the first quote - nuff said.

Not "nuff said" mate, don't strawman the argument. This just means Crackling Lance needs that tag removed from it.

But keeping in point with my questioning, so Bane ISN'T a Hex? Correct?

Explain to me then why Hex passives (top left of the Witch tree, next to the Cluster, if you need to find them) on the skill tree work with it. Thought it wasn't supposed to be a Hex skill, even though it has the Hex tag.
Love the last answer. Made me :)
mindcontroler wrote:
But keeping in point with my questioning, so Bane ISN'T a Hex? Correct?

Explain to me then why Hex passives (top left of the Witch tree, next to the Cluster, if you need to find them) on the skill tree work with it. Thought it wasn't supposed to be a Hex skill, even though it has the Hex tag.

As far as I'm aware, "Hex Skills" ≠ Hexes.

"Your Hexes have infinite duration"
"50% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills"
"Hex Skills have 100% Increased Skill Effect Duration"

"Skills" is essentially the same as "Skill Gems" in terms of tag grouping. Hexes themselves are not skills; hexes are hexes. Burning damage isn't a skill; burning damage is burning damage.
Last edited by mugenjie on Nov 29, 2022, 1:07:23 PM
Reshemin wrote:
Xystre wrote:
smiley face is what they have been doing to this game for a while now..

Not to the game. Just to it's players. :)

the game gets way less than that

Varana wrote:
Bane has the Hex tag, but Bane is NOT itself a Hex

And that's it, period. There were alreadey discussions around that back in the days of the curse rework etc.

Bane is not a Curse (or a Hex) despite having that tag.

edit: this is also GGG's official reasoning for it not working with Vixen's, btw.

Same goes for it not working with blasphemy support, otherwise we could just run around kill everything without any risk and the fact that GGG hates automation.
mugenjie wrote:
As far as I'm aware, "Hex Skills" ≠ Hexes.

"Your Hexes have infinite duration"
"50% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills"
"Hex Skills have 100% Increased Skill Effect Duration"

"Skills" is essentially the same as "Skill Gems" in terms of tag grouping. Hexes themselves are not skills; hexes are hexes. Burning damage isn't a skill; burning damage is burning damage.


Also, why common lawyers are better suited to understanding PoE rules these days than common players.

edit: 'juristically' speaking, it's totally fine with Bane. It's actually less so with Crackling Lance. But removing that AoE tag there would block scaling it's damage from AoE supports/skills, and that does work.

So, no, it actually boils down to it working exactly like GGG wants it to work - at some given moment.

"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
Last edited by Reshemin on Nov 29, 2022, 1:23:17 PM
RIP BANE ....... ..... ........
Reshemin wrote:
Also, why common lawyers are better suited to understanding PoE rules these days than common players.

It became far clearer to me after reading this from Mark:
mugenjie wrote:
mindcontroler wrote:
But keeping in point with my questioning, so Bane ISN'T a Hex? Correct?

Explain to me then why Hex passives (top left of the Witch tree, next to the Cluster, if you need to find them) on the skill tree work with it. Thought it wasn't supposed to be a Hex skill, even though it has the Hex tag.

As far as I'm aware, "Hex Skills" ≠ Hexes.

"Your Hexes have infinite duration"
"50% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills"
"Hex Skills have 100% Increased Skill Effect Duration"

"Skills" is essentially the same as "Skill Gems" in terms of tag grouping. Hexes themselves are not skills; hexes are hexes. Burning damage isn't a skill; burning damage is burning damage.

So, if I ask you "What is a Hex?" we reach "What is a Woman?" levels of contrivance in this argument?

And in the case of your answer to "what is a hex?" being "a hex is a (has to be) curse", why in the everloving name of fuck did we need that tag in the first place? Should I start breaking this down into logic gate parameters? Are all Bifurs, Bofurs?

Look, I get where you're going, and after reading the post from Mark (who is just as lost as any of us into the whole tag argument) someone linked here, I'm inclined to believe you're applying the GGG logic (which is nowhere close to fucking right, but it's theirs and they can use it in their game) correctly, so I'll just take this at face value and leave it in Schrödinger's Proverbial Grey Area for now.

When the league gets going, I'll try this crap out and come out with definitive answers for it. Worst case scenario, I'm out of a few Regrets. In the meantime, thanks everyone for the argument (no irony and no /s, in case it's necessary), at least it led somewhere. That somewhere being, me deciding to drink. And I'd say most of you should follow suit.

Edit: semantics.
Last edited by mindcontroler on Nov 29, 2022, 2:28:34 PM
So unhappy since 3.15 :-/

Played since .... almost always .. almost every league

Good, that I could buy so many games in steam sale :-D

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