Eldritch Altars FAQ

Don't kill your game challenge (impossible)

Imagine a mass exodus of people because of a bad league and bad loot and then nerfing loot more??? its ok though because we haven't nerfed expedition and heist or at least we aren't going to put it in the patch notes =)

Please dont forget melee, this is a very important topic for many of us
Generally in favor of what the manifestos have been discussing, but very disappointed in the max stack size of 1 on currency drops. I don't care at all if they want to nerf that reward, but going backwards to only dropping anything in stack sizes of 1 really makes me sad. Carpal tunnel continues to be a problem.
Seems like awakened sextants are gonna be rare
''The goal is that they're common enough that it feels worthwhile running Maven-witnessed maps while not having Awakened Gems feel too common and significantly lowering their value.''

Seems like a challenge to hit that sweet spot, because with eldritch currency (more nerfs after the massive 3.19 nerf; remind me not to play the end of summer league ever again) that can drop every influenced map, you still have a realistic feeling you're engaging with the mechanic and seeing rewards. If awakened gems are too common they will become boring, sure. But if you only see one in, say, every 72 maps (and it's added fire), they will feel so none-existent to everyone playing only a few hours every day that people will skip maven maps once again. Which leaves you with the age old dillema: do we balance around the top 0.000!% or the regular playerbase? And us regular player already know the answer to that...

Still skipping maven influence maps like they're dogshit untill proven otherwise.
"Can you make Altars more readable in the heat of combat?

We've discussed community feedback around this, specifically to consider options around instance-pausing, colour indicators or reward symbols. Each of these options has their own drawbacks so we won't be making any changes on this front for now. The best thing to do is to finish killing the surrounding monsters before reading the Altar."

Matt0214 wrote:
Don't kill your game challenge (impossible)

Imagine a mass exodus of people because of a bad league and bad loot and then nerfing loot more??? its ok though because we haven't nerfed expedition and heist or at least we aren't going to put it in the patch notes =)

The fact that they added this after already nerfing heist several times, including last league is really telling of their ominous vision. Something is either nerfed for balance (which doesnt feel like balance to anyone, just sounds fancy), or left untouched (so it can be nerfed later). Is it really so much to ask for a ''this is buffed; no drawbacks or tricks'' post again? (Answer: yes.)
To echo someone's earlier post and is a great idea with the upcoming imminent t3 ichor/ember scarcity - add a vendor recipe to 3:1 to a higher tier for non-boss ichor/embers. This is in line with the design philosophy of upgrading breachstones and now scarabs.
So after the horrible failure of this league, you are nerfing more? Why won't you give the players what they want? The point of a game is to enjoy it and if you keep taking away what they enjoy about it, it will eventually cease to exist. I'm honestly looking at buying the WOW expansion and playing that and dropping this game. Can't believe I am even saying that out loud.
StasisBC wrote:
So after the horrible failure of this league, you are nerfing more? Why won't you give the players what they want? The point of a game is to enjoy it and if you keep taking away what they enjoy about it, it will eventually cease to exist. I'm honestly looking at buying the WOW expansion and playing that and dropping this game. Can't believe I am even saying that out loud.
It could be worse; I went ahead and did that. Resubscribed after over a year away from it. In fairness, I miss raiding with my friends.

Archnemesis removal changed my hope from zero to some. Optimism, however...still fairly low. Loot was nerfed hard last league. They are still chipping away nerfs, and not reverting anything. Put up or shut up. Make the game feel good, or get no money.

And really, the hypocrisy and dishonesty about loot nerfs still stings. You didn't "rebalance", you nerfed alch-and-go 50% or more, and max juiced mapping 90% or more. Oh, I can't prove those numbers? Then give me all the numbers. You nerfed everyone's loot, hard. I haven't seen loot buffs, just poorly worded promises not to nerf further.

You realized you screwed up, good. Now start reverting and improving, or my plans for other games over the holidays stay the same.

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