Eldritch Altars FAQ

"We have no plans regarding this." That does not mean they wont or already have.

Also "The best thing to do is to finish killing the surrounding monsters before reading the Altar. ". Now im waiting for mr obvious meme XD. Dead monsters deal zero damage so kill all and (wait for ground degens to disappear) stand 2 min on reading and considering mods altar by altar. Brilliant!
Last edited by fobosollo on Nov 23, 2022, 1:29:32 AM
Fallbringer wrote:
Well as i already said in the last Manifesto update:

With 3.17 GGG established a new good way of farming and killing stuff that was hard but also rewarding and fun, the new Altar System, which many of us relied on.

After introducing Altars 3 leagues ago or 9 MONTHS(!!!) ago GGG now thinks they are "too rewarding"? Since you (GGG) point it out JUST NOW that they are "too rewarding" how "too rewarding" can they really be? IF Altars are really "too rewarding" then why didn't you nerf them into the ground 2 leagues ago with 3.18?

You didn't. Your reasoning that Altars are too rewarding is fallacious and you would have gutted them leagues ago. If it was a big deal you would NOT have done nothing for the last 2 leagues doing nothing.

There aren't many good (whatever this means) and fun systems left in PoE. In short time if you continue your fallacious reasoning you will kill your game (it's already half dead tbh).

I don't know what kind of "Vision" you have GGG but if fallacious reasoning and taking stuff and fun away from your game is part of it then keep it up and see how many players will be left when your so called "Vision" finally kicks in.

Never seen anyone use 'fallacious' that many times in one text...
Well, haven't seen anyone use 'fallacious' ever but still...

I think these are good changes tbh.. Better for casual players, easier to read the rewards and since it's getting harder and nerfing the loot they can buff the loot from other sources... From my perspective everything sounds great...
So what I'm getting from all this is, just play expedition and heist and ignore everything else because you've nerfed it all, don't act like more altars means a buff. Not when you take 33% of the mobs from each altar, and only add 50% more altars (Average altar count is 3) so you've basically added 1 more altar to a map but that comes at a 33% loss of mobs 4 times. Why are you guys doing this? Why are you nerfing stuff... Especially loot. 3.19 was DESTROYED by the loot changes and it made your player base run for the hills. Why are you continuing to do this? If anything you should know to do the opposite. Or at the very least, Buff mechanics that are not up to par with heist and expedition. Instead of creating problems and creating solutions to the problems you've created... I don't understand who is making these choices. But they really need to stop. If I have to play heist and expedition again just to make sextant map currency in order to map later, but also heavily invest in a magic find character that is squishy af but now will have crap altar outcomes that cannot be scaled with MF (No one is mentioning this BTW, You've turned the rewards into specific counts that are not affected by MF stats). I'm going to pull my hair out and I will end up quitting the game entirely, 5k playtime hours and I've seen a complete disregard of the majority of the players, It's really unsavory behavior. Even in 3.19 it was impossible without playing heist to maintain sextants, a currency used solely for mapping. This is terrible game design, Gating a farming method behind another mechanics farming method. Why? Why must I go and get contracts, Then go run them to get sextants, to then go back to mapping and get more contracts. This is a forced interaction and is pigeon holing gameplay.
Can you make Altars more readable in the heat of combat?

We've discussed community feedback around this, specifically to consider options around instance-pausing, colour indicators or reward symbols. Each of these options has their own drawbacks so we won't be making any changes on this front for now. The best thing to do is to finish killing the surrounding monsters before reading the Altar."

this is by far the most important part that should have been addressed before everything else. though i prefer they not even be a thing in the first place or be revamped in a different way entirely.
Everyone crying about the loot. But they already sayd that loot will be less spiky. So you don't need to be lucky for that one "loot goblin" and looting will be Better spread overall. So lets first wait and see. But i guess people onely see what they want to see... stuck in negativity. I kinda understand though :p
3.20 will be the greatest league since Ritual, mark my words Wraeclast


Don't even try to start the hype train without getting into live games, hold the belt till we live witness the actual outcome for a month.
Looking good. Love this transparency, hope it keeps staying like this
Maven Invitation: The Atlas needs to be buffed to make it worthwhile to run. I mean, it requires 10 map bosses for chris sake! Yet it drops nothing of value and a minimal number of boss fragments, even if juiced to 280% quantity.

Maven is already rewarding enough to run on influenced maps (shaper, elder, conquerors) because every 4 maps you are getting a really good invitation that drops entire maven key if properly juiced. It's just four maps too, not ten of them.

Altars aren't just altar rewards. It's also the boss key that's valuable on its own.
Every 28 maps you are guaranteed to get a key that's worth a significant amount of currency. You are not getting this if running Maven-witnessed bosses. Idk what the awakened gem chance will be, if it's about 4% (1/28) then you're still usually not making a profit because most awakened gems are not good. Chances of hitting the jackpot are extremely low. Altars are realible, you're always receiving the same (valuable) item after a specific number of maps ran. Here you can run into 50-map dry streak and get a shitty gem worth 10c. Furthermore, Maven Invitation requires you to run 10 different maps, opposed to 28 any maps (even 28x the same one) to fulfill the condition. It's more micromanagement. Nobody wants to run maps that have act bosses with long invulnerability phases. Kitava as a map boss takes as much time as the whole map itself. Players will avoid this like house fire.

Well, I do not see an actual initial to change back loots.

Keep nerfing while lying to players saying you're "buffing" it will not make u look great.

Keep thinking u are the only ARPG n took things for granted, you will not end well.

Please don't grow arrogant & ignorance like blizzard.

Increasing altar spawning doesn't mean it's more rewarding giving it's current loot drop

More altar activated = more downside effects n risky on players, before 3.19, the altars were already giving crazy downside effect when stacked more than 4, imagine now due to spawn rate n poor rewards, player will have to choose more risk.

I really don't understand why u need to mess with our loot farming???

Do u really need money that badly ?

You guys got multi millions from tencent, your fund should allow you to go on great for 10 years without single support from players, why are u killing the game??

Have you gotten lazy ,Chris? All those great promise u made to us it seems fading away into cosmos.

Hence the beginning of Pain of Exiles.
Last edited by vortex226 on Nov 23, 2022, 3:26:44 AM
Kalebraa wrote:
All we need now is the loot manifesto

Lootmanifesto reads between the lines of the AN manifesto as it was inherently an AN problem to begin with.

They're dropping the number of massive risk spikes and 'smoothing out' the reward curve stressing that the good conversions are no longer tied to specific mods making culling pretty much unviable.

All there's left to see is if by "smoothing out" the loot curve they mean actually smoothing it out, or just chopping off the tops. The difference is the surface area under the curve, e.g. the total loot over a long time, remaining the same in the former. Also still left to interpretation whether they plan to smooth out the curve with or without culling inflation in it. My guess is they will abandon the culling numbers when they say it's equal loot to last league now in which case little compensation for the prior nerfs has remained.

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