3.20 Balance Manifesto: Eldritch Altars

A few things I would like to see

More streamlined amounts of ichors/embers. I've gone many maps(20+) without getting a "jackpot" amount of those currencies. But on the other hand I have done very few maps and left those maps with at least 50+ from each map.

With the changes to Wrath of the Cosmos keystone, which was a main way I was getting a usable amount of ichors/embers in SSF, Can we expect to see the "Monsters have +X% to drop eldritch currency" more often?

In the middle of last patch you guys briefly mentioned increased drop chance of the eldritch chaos/anul/exalt, Should we still expect that but perhaps in a reward form from the new alters?

Looking forward to these new reward types and I can't wait to play.
So buffs to melee seem unlikely. :(
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Boss Rushing
Players currently have an incentive to skip past all regular map monsters and kill the map boss first. The motivation for doing so is that Altars which offer rewards affecting the map boss are less desirable. By killing the boss first, you eliminate these options from your map altars, which makes them more rewarding.

Uhhhhh sort of.

The points you get are based on the number of kills and their difficulty, right? Monsters that are killed during one altar show up in the next altar.

If you kill the boss first, the rest of the altars will be more challenging and more rewarding, resulting in a greater number of points to spend when you're done, regardless of what rewards are offered.

There is a still a reason to rush the boss first, then backtrack to finish the rest of the altars after.
I tried snorting coke once. The ice cubes got stuck up my nose.
Ashriel wrote:
Robredo wrote:
While I understand and like the reduction in use and difficulty to altars the last thing PoE needs after 3.19 is less loot. Gutting extra packs by up to 2/3 is already a big hit then reducing the loot even further with the rework should be compensated by a overall loot increase as well - unless you want to further nerf loot for no reason.

Those 20 lesser ichors an hour you were getting at max juice were far too profitable. Not allowed.

guess you weren't juicing then. I'd get up to 60 grands sometimes.
The Rich Get Richer, the Po Stay Po.
These changes are amazing !!!
All of these are lowkey SSF buffs and I love it!
Love it!
Maven influence still feels kinda underwheling tbh

Considering how awakened gems like spell echo, multstrik and cast on crit are(understandbly) super rare and takes dozens of maven kills to maybe get one, it stands to reason those gems are gonna be in the realm of "youll find one in a league if you run every map with maven, 30 maps a day", and with the way the most common awakened are already kinda undervalued... idk, i think maven is still laggin far behind eater and searing

Maybe if the regular atlas invitations were buffed somehow, it could make it worth to gun for the gauntlet of bosses, but currently i teel invitations of "the atlas" are super lackluster, even fully specing the maven passives on the atlas tree(maybe add special invitations on the drop pool of "the atlas", and give more special maps from conq/shap/eld to the 10-boss encounter could help?)
This is one of those cases where the most efficient and rewarding gameplay strategy undermines the expected gameplay loop and encourages players to do things that aren't really fun.

Print this, frame it, and put it on every wall in your office.
Boss Rushing
Players currently have an incentive to skip past all regular map monsters and kill the map boss first. The motivation for doing so is that Altars which offer rewards affecting the map boss are less desirable. By killing the boss first, you eliminate these options from your map altars, which makes them more rewarding.

Uhhhhh sort of.

The points you get are based on the number of kills and their difficulty, right? Monsters that are killed during one altar show up in the next altar.

If you kill the boss first, the rest of the altars will be more challenging and more rewarding, resulting in a greater number of points to spend when you're done, regardless of what rewards are offered.

There is a still a reason to rush the boss first, then backtrack to finish the rest of the altars after.

wtf are u talking about. are u talking about ritual?? cause this is not about ritual, its eldritch altars....
Rampage Rank 7 lv 100 BONJWA_TOP_DAWG
Talisman SC Rank 7 Lv 100 LaBonjwa_Neymar
That is a nice QoL idea.

CubeTheThird wrote:
Can you add an X out button to dismiss the alter if you e.g. can't handle the risks it would impose?

I've had it happen a few times where I accidentally select one of the options while moving since the buttons just hover there.
Last edited by YersiniaD on Nov 21, 2022, 4:11:08 PM

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