3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

The idea behind Archnemesis was never bad only the execution. In my opinion spawning tons of invincible damaging stuff on top of player or having it follow is not fun. While these changes seem very pleasant I'm eager to see the result. Though Archnemesis so far didn't have that many interesting rewards and I feel like the main problem is simple. 95% of rare items that drop are of no use and waste of time identifying. Just dilute the pool of low ilvl mods with rising ilvl of an item and maybe dilute it even further with rare monster reward system. Or just do something about this rare item problem.
I dont like archenemesis mods, i dont like new drop mechanic, i dont like mf. Hiden loot mods change nothing. Its still broken, its still ruin game experience.
I love it! This is great news!
xCKore wrote:
if drought bringer is removed im happy

lol... im like, wtf is drought bringer..


OHHH... yeh GGG you better listen to this guy. REMOVE DROUGHT BRINGER!!!

haha. man that is a shit mod. holy, ahhhh man it hurts just thinking about those drops... ewwwwww
wallsh1 wrote:
Sad to see it

Finally poe started going back to being a more difficult game and not just "I just insta kill the screen idk what anything is"

it's like D3 with "inferno mode", people couldn't face roll it with their eyes closed so they wanted it gone.

I understand the rage on Reddit and some entitled streamers was a big part of this and that makes me very sad

archnemesis sucked. c'mon man... i liked the difficulty in some cases but just so much spamming hidden stacked bullshit thats unclear... like nah man...

difficulty was good, game design bad.
Changes sound good now lets see them implimented.(most likely way overtuned)
The idea behind Archnemesis was never bad only the execution.
It wasn't even a good IDEA, the idea was so bad that it couldn't be executed well. Turning a LEAGUE MECHANIC, that was about PICKING YOUR MONSTER MODIFIERS to customize the difficulty and reward and were meant to be isolated encounters, into every rare monster in the game was an absolutely horrible idea and should have never have happened -- thus why it took them so many leagues to try to fix it and still never did so now they had to abandon it; and yet people want to talk about Ruthless taking up dev resources when Arch Nemesis most likely did much more damage in that regard.
Last edited by VolcanoElixir on Nov 17, 2022, 5:27:59 AM

hope new system is not the same with just diferent name :D
Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
I liked AN as League Mechanic, but didnt like it as it was implemented later into the game.

PoE is my all time favorite game, never played anything better.

Much love and respect to ggg. Stay sane exiles

GOOD JOB. We Pog hard

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